
beat Wang Manyu to qualify for the Olympic singles! Chen Meng responded for the first time: Big surprise, I didn't expect it at all

author:Splendid Piano 7723
beat Wang Manyu to qualify for the Olympic singles! Chen Meng responded for the first time: Big surprise, I didn't expect it at all

The summer of 2024 is a season full of tension and anticipation for the Chinese table tennis team. The pace of the Paris Olympics is getting closer and closer, and the closed training camp of national table tennis has also entered a white-hot stage. Every member of the team did their best to win glory for the country in the Olympic arena. In this fierce competition, Chen Meng used her tenacity and strength to beat the crowd, especially the strong Wang Manyu, and successfully qualified for the singles of the Paris Olympics.

This news is undoubtedly a huge surprise for Chen Meng. In an interview, she bluntly said that she didn't expect to get this qualification at all. After all, judging from the world rankings, Sun Yingsha is firmly ranked first in women's singles, followed by Wang Manyu, and Chen Meng is ranked fourth. Throughout the preparation cycle for the Paris Olympics, Chen Meng's performance was not as stable as Wang Manyu's. However, fortunately, the national table tennis introduced new Olympic selection rules, which allowed Chen Meng to successfully overtake Wang Manyu at the last moment.

beat Wang Manyu to qualify for the Olympic singles! Chen Meng responded for the first time: Big surprise, I didn't expect it at all

After the results of the national table tennis were announced, Wang Manyu's fans expressed their dissatisfaction. They believe that from the perspective of strength and performance, Wang Manyu should be more qualified for this singles. However, the national table tennis coaching staff firmly stood on Chen Meng's side and ignored the demands of Wang Manyu's fans. This undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for Chen Meng to participate in the singles competition of the Paris Olympics.

For Chen Meng, being able to stand on the singles stage of the Olympics again is undoubtedly the best reward for her past efforts. Recalling the Tokyo Olympics, Chen Meng defeated Sun Yingsha in the women's singles final and successfully won the championship. The glory and splendor of that moment are still vivid in my mind. However, the situation at the Paris Olympics is very different from that in Tokyo. Today, Sun Yingsha has grown into the biggest favorite in the women's singles, while Chen Meng faces an even greater challenge.

However, challenges don't mean there aren't opportunities. Chen Meng knows that anything can happen in the Olympic Games. If she can make it to the final and meet Sun Yingsha again, then the battle for the gold medal will be just a match. At that time, if Chen Meng can play her best, then she has every chance to defeat Sun Yingsha again and defend the women's singles title.

beat Wang Manyu to qualify for the Olympic singles! Chen Meng responded for the first time: Big surprise, I didn't expect it at all

Of course, all this is only possible. Chen Meng knows that she will need to put in more effort and sweat to achieve her goal at the Paris Olympics. Therefore, in the training camp, she trained harder and constantly improved her technique and physical fitness. She knows that she can only perform at her best at the Olympics if she is well prepared.

At the same time, Chen Meng is also actively adjusting his mentality. She understands that the Olympics is not only a contest of skills, but also a psychological game. Therefore, she strives to maintain a calm heart and remain calm and determined no matter what difficulties and challenges she faces. She believes that only in this way will she be able to go far in the Olympic arena.

In the days of the training camp, the competition between Chen Meng and Wang Manyu became more and more intense. Although they are teammates, they are also competitors to each other. In training, they learn from each other, but they are also secretly competing. Each victory and defeat makes them more aware of each other's strengths and weaknesses. However, it is this kind of competition that makes them cherish each other's friendship and team strength even more.

beat Wang Manyu to qualify for the Olympic singles! Chen Meng responded for the first time: Big surprise, I didn't expect it at all

As time went on, the Paris Olympics were getting closer. Chen Meng also felt unprecedented pressure and expectation. She knew that this Olympics would be an important test of her career. If she can successfully defend her Women's Singles title, then she will once again prove her quality and worth. However, if she fails, then she will also face great doubts and pressure.

However, Chen Meng did not back down because of this. She firmly believes that as long as she puts in the effort and sweat, no matter what the result is, she will be worthy of her heart. So, in the final sprint, she trained harder to keep improving her technique and fitness. She hopes that she can put her best foot forward at the Olympics.

Finally, the curtain has begun on the Paris Olympics. As a member of the Chinese table tennis team, Chen Meng set foot on this land full of challenges and opportunities. During the competition, she encountered various difficulties and challenges. However, with her tenacity and excellent technique, she made it all the way to the women's singles final.

beat Wang Manyu to qualify for the Olympic singles! Chen Meng responded for the first time: Big surprise, I didn't expect it at all

In the final, she met Sun Yingsha again. It's a much-anticipated matchup, and it's also a game full of suspense and variables. In the competition, Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha both played their best. They attacked and defended each other and restrained each other, which amazed the audience present and the audience in front of the TV.

However, at the critical moment, Chen Meng successfully defeated Sun Yingsha and defended the women's singles championship with a more outstanding performance and a firmer will. The glory and brilliance of this moment allowed Chen Meng to prove his strength and value again. She has also become a legend in the history of the Chinese table tennis team.

In a post-match interview, Chen Meng said she never imagined she would be able to stand on the podium of the Olympic singles title again. She thanked herself for not giving up, as well as her coach and teammates for their support and encouragement. She said that this championship is not only an affirmation and encouragement for her personally, but also the best reward for the efforts and dedication of the entire team of the Chinese table tennis team.

beat Wang Manyu to qualify for the Olympic singles! Chen Meng responded for the first time: Big surprise, I didn't expect it at all

However, for Chen Meng, this championship is not the end, but a new starting point. She knows that in the coming days, she still needs to continue to work hard and work hard to create more brilliance and miracles for the Chinese table tennis team. She is also looking forward to competing and growing with excellent players such as Sun Yingsha again in future competitions.

The end of the Paris Olympics does not mean the end of Chen Meng's career. Rather, it's just a new chapter in her career. In the days to come, she will continue to train and compete hard to contribute to the Chinese table tennis team. She is also looking forward to winning gold medals and honors for the Chinese team again in the future Olympic Games.

For Chen Meng, table tennis is not only a sport, but also a belief and pursuit. She is well aware of her responsibilities and mission in this field. Therefore, no matter what difficulties and challenges she faces, she will unswervingly go on and create more brilliance and miracles for the Chinese table tennis team.

beat Wang Manyu to qualify for the Olympic singles! Chen Meng responded for the first time: Big surprise, I didn't expect it at all

At the same time, Chen Meng also knows that his success is inseparable from the support and encouragement of his coach and teammates. In the days of training and competition, they experienced countless difficulties and challenges together, and also shared countless joys and successes together. This kind of team strength and friendship support made Chen Meng more firm in his beliefs and pursuits.

In the days to come, Chen Meng will continue to train and compete hard. She is looking forward to winning gold and glory for the Chinese team again at the next Olympics. At the same time, she is also looking forward to competing and growing with more outstanding players to jointly promote the development of China's table tennis industry.

Chen Meng's story is not only a story of hard work and success, but also a story of faith and pursuit. She has proved through her actions that as long as she persistently pursues her dreams and goals, she will be able to achieve her own values and achievements. Her story will also inspire more people to go forward and never give up on the road to pursue their dreams.

beat Wang Manyu to qualify for the Olympic singles! Chen Meng responded for the first time: Big surprise, I didn't expect it at all


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