
2024 Co-branded Marketing Trends Insights Report

author:Industry Report Think Tank

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Abstract: The report shows that in the first half of 2024, the volume of voice and interaction of co-branded marketing increased significantly year-on-year, with the number of works reaching 11.696 million and the number of interactions reaching 410 million. Brand co-branding has become a popular means to seize consumer resources, and the blessing of celebrity IP has doubled the marketing exposure.

On social media platforms such as Weibo, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu, brand co-branded marketing campaigns are in full swing. Weibo has become the main source of co-branded content with 61% of the volume, while Douyin is far ahead with 55% of the interaction, becoming the main source of interaction.

The number of notes on the co-branded activity on Xiaohongshu increased by 130.47% year-on-year, and the number of interactions increased by 88.38% year-on-year. Food and beverage and makeup and skincare brands have been particularly active in co-branding on Xiaohongshu, becoming the new favorite of young users.

The co-branding marketing of brands and IPs, brands and brands, and brands and celebrities has emerged in an endless stream, and cross-border co-branding has become a representative of the whole life.

Young female users have become the main audience of co-branded marketing, they pay attention to fashion and food on a daily basis, and have a high pursuit of personalized experience and emotional satisfaction. Brand co-branding marketing deeply analyzes the characteristics of target consumers through refined crowd portraits, and creates a people-centered marketing strategy.

Consumers' emotional value focus on co-branded marketing mainly focuses on emotional satisfaction, social and sharing, and personalized experience. Through co-branded marketing, the brand not only provides cost-effective products, but also strengthens consumers' sense of identity through design innovation and limited editions.

Excerpts from the report are set out below

2024 Co-branded Marketing Trends Insights Report
2024 Co-branded Marketing Trends Insights Report
2024 Co-branded Marketing Trends Insights Report
2024 Co-branded Marketing Trends Insights Report
2024 Co-branded Marketing Trends Insights Report

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