
We will work together to promote the prosperity and development of the world economy

author:Wah Seng Online

People's Daily reporters Qi Zhiming, Hu Jingyi, Zhang Bolan

On 27 June, the World Economic Forum's 15th Annual Meeting of the New Champions (Summer Davos) came to an end in the beautiful coastal city of Dalian.

Political and business leaders, academic experts and media representatives from around the world spent three days discussing hot topics such as economic globalization, artificial intelligence, industrial upgrading, climate change, and energy transition. Many participants said that China's high-quality development and high-level opening-up have injected more certainty into the stable development of the global economy and injected lasting impetus into the world economy.

China's economy is resilient

Since the beginning of this year, China's economy has maintained a positive upward trend, with GDP increasing by 5.3% year-on-year in the first quarter, achieving a good start, and continuing to improve steadily in the second quarter.

During the forum, sub-forums on China's economic issues were hotly discussed. The guests at the meeting said that the fundamentals of China's long-term economic growth will not change, and China's development still has many advantages and conditions.

"In the second half of the year, China's economy will maintain steady growth, and structural adjustment will continue to deepen." Zhu Min, vice chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, believes that China is constantly improving consumption policies and improving consumption conditions, which will further release the vitality of consumption and smooth the circulation of the national economy.

"In recent years, the company's sales in China have increased significantly, which shows that China's economy is very resilient and sustainable." Pang Anze, the relevant person in charge of IKEA, said.

"We are optimistic about the Chinese economy." Alex Zavoronkov, founder and CEO of Insilico Medicine, said that China attaches great importance to scientific and technological innovation, which will inject inexhaustible impetus into economic development.

"The Chinese government has given very strong and efficient support in all aspects of project approval and plant construction, which makes us firmly believe that investing in China is the right choice." In April this year, the BMW Group decided to increase its capital by 20 billion yuan for large-scale upgrades and technological innovation at BMW Brilliance's Dadong plant, according to Miller, Vice President of R&D of BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd.

"The protection of intellectual property rights in mainland China continues to increase, effectively curbing infringements, escorting enterprise innovation, and giving us more confidence to participate in international cooperation." Fang Jianru, general manager of Dalian Yaming Auto Parts Co., Ltd., said.

Deepen scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation

Walking into the exhibition area of the hall on the first floor of the Dalian International Conference Center, high-tech products such as electrochemical bionic eyes, bionic olfactory chips, and ranging motion sensors were all displayed, and many Chinese and foreign guests stopped to watch.

The sculpture works implying environmental protection and harmonious coexistence were displayed, and 100% of the "green electricity" supply was realized at the main venue, and 80% of the service guarantee vehicles were new energy vehicles...... Shuttling inside and outside the venue, the green breath came to the face.

At this forum, elements such as artificial intelligence, digital economy, and green transformation can be seen everywhere, fully pulsing the strong pulse of China's high-quality economic development.

It is the world's second largest R&D investment country, with about 400,000 high-tech enterprises, and the number of the world's top 100 scientific and technological innovation clusters ranks first in the world...... The innovative power of China's economy has not only promoted the transformation and upgrading of domestic industries, but also provided confidence and momentum for world economic growth.

"The bancassurance industry is an indispensable force for cultivating and developing new quality productive forces." Guo Xiaotao, Co-CEO of Ping An, introduced that Ping An has built a characteristic technology financial service system to provide in-depth services to scientific and technological innovation micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, specialized and special new enterprises, and help build a modern industrial system.

Zhang Xiaoyun, senior vice president of the Asia-Pacific region of the American automatic data processing company, said that China is developing new quality productivity according to local conditions, and accelerating the layout in emerging industries and future industries, which will breed huge cooperation opportunities and stimulate companies to increase investment in emerging fields.

China's installed renewable energy capacity has accounted for more than 50%, more than half of the world's new energy vehicles are driven in China, and one-quarter of the world's new green area comes from China...... In terms of green development, China has not only laid a solid foundation for high-quality development for itself, but also provided a broad market for global enterprises.

"Over the years, the mainland has accelerated the development of new industries such as power batteries, promoted the establishment of a large-scale new energy industry system with a full chain, and made important contributions to building a beautiful and clean world." Lu Fang, CEO of VOYAH Automotive Technology Co., Ltd., said.

Lang Zhiwen, President of Johnson Controls Asia Pacific, said that the company will comply with the development trend of high-end, intelligent and green manufacturing in China, deepen the Chinese market, and work with industry partners to promote green and low-carbon development.

The middle-income group, with more than 400 million people, will play an important role in boosting global aggregate demand; major trading partners of more than 140 countries and regions; In the past five years, the rate of return on foreign direct investment in China has been about 9%, which is at a relatively high level in the world...... Today's China has become a big market shared by the world.

Jennifer Merio, a graphic designer at the Davos Forum from France, came to Dalian again after five years and was pleasantly surprised to find that she could use WeChat Pay. Under the guidance of the People's Bank of China and other departments, WeChat Pay continues to optimize the card activation process for foreign visitors to China to improve their payment experience.

Yu Feng, the relevant person in charge of Honeywell, said that China has an efficient supply chain system, which has laid the foundation for Chinese and foreign enterprises to carry out collaborative innovation. The company is full of confidence in the continuous growth of the Chinese market and is looking for development opportunities in China's intelligent manufacturing, green manufacturing and other fields.

China's new development provides new opportunities for the world

From the main venue to the sub-forums, from the New Champions Village to the various interactive spaces, many participants said that China firmly pursues a mutually beneficial and win-win strategy of opening-up, continues to provide new opportunities for the world with China's new development, and promotes the construction of an open world economy, which will better benefit the people of all countries and inject lasting impetus into the sustained and healthy development of the world economy.

At the sub-forum, many guests were deeply impressed by the "going out" of China's new energy products. Data show that in the first five months of this year, mechanical and electrical products with high technical content and added value accounted for nearly 60% of exports.

Deloitte Principal Liu Minghua said that China has made significant progress in solar, wind and other renewable energy technologies, and by investing more in R&D and application of technologies, China can not only reduce its own carbon emissions, but also help other countries achieve energy transition.

GE Healthcare invested an additional CNY 380 million in the construction of its Shanghai base, Sam's Club in Zhongshan, Guangdong, and BASF expanded its production base in Nanjing... In the first half of this year, multinational companies continued to accelerate their investment in China. At this year's forum, more foreign companies showed strong confidence in increasing investment in China.

"China is deeply implementing the strategy of upgrading the pilot free trade zone, taking the initiative to connect with high-standard international economic and trade rules, and creating a new highland for opening up." Wu Chun, the relevant person in charge of the Boston Consulting Group, believes that China's huge market size and diversified application scenarios will provide a broad stage for global scientific and technological innovation, attract more multinational high-tech companies to deepen their cultivation in China, and jointly expand the global economic cake.

"China's industrial and supply chains are complete, and it continues to grow and develop through its deep participation in the global industrial division of labor, and continues to benefit partner countries and regions with its own development achievements, making great contributions to promoting global inclusive and inclusive development." Murat Kokolu, a member of the executive committee of the Turkish company Koksan Packaging Industries, said.

Taking this forum as an opportunity, China will continue to work with other countries to jointly promote the prosperity and development of the world economy and create a better future for human society.

Source: People's Daily

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