
This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area

author:Know Guiyang
This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area

On June 17, 2023, on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection of Gui'an New Area, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government held a conference on the high-quality development of Gui'an New Area, and issued a series of supporting policies such as the "New Gui'an Eight Measures" to fully promote the high-quality development of Gui'an New Area, and strive to achieve "one thing a year, three years of great changes".

Over the past year, Gui'an New Area has accelerated the construction of a modern international new city with prosperous industries, strong popularity, rich people, and ecological beauty, and strived to achieve "one thing a year and three years of great changes" in Gui'an New Area, and promoted high-quality development in great strides. The "Zhizhi Guiyang" all-media platform launched the "Gui'an This Year - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews, inviting the main leaders of some units in Gui'an New Area to summarize the practices, experiences and highlights of Gui'an New Area in terms of "economic development, big data scientific and technological innovation, ecological environment, administrative examination and approval, social undertaking management, and overall urban and rural development" and look forward to the next development plan.

Today, the ninth issue of "This Year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" Series of Interviews" is launched to interview Yao Jinxian, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Social Undertaking Administration of Gui'an New Area.

This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area


Han Bo, host of Guiyang Radio and Television Station: Hello Director Yao, the management field of the Social Undertaking Administration of Gui'an New Area is very rich and closely related to the lives of ordinary people. First of all, please introduce to us what are the situations of the Social Undertakings Administration of Gui'an New Area in terms of education and what high-quality educational resources have been introduced into Gui'an Education?

Yao Jinxian, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Social Undertaking Administration of Gui'an New Area

The Gui'an New Area Social Undertaking Administration is a newly established bureau after the Gui'an High-quality Development Conference was held on June 17 last year, and is responsible for the management and coordination of social affairs covering 17 sectors, each of which is closely related to people's livelihood. For the development of Gui'an education and the implementation of high-quality educational resources that citizens and friends are concerned about, I would like to introduce four "further".

This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area

First, the management system has been further straightened out. The Social Undertaking Administration of Gui'an New Area has innovated the regional management model in the field of education, and adopted a group school management model led by high-quality schools in the compulsory education stage. In the early childhood education stage, the responsibility area management model is adopted. It has standardized the safety supervision of student meals, steadily promoted the "5+1+X" meal standard, and included students' meal fees in the scope of "school finance bureau management" for unified management and use. It has standardized the management of teaching and research in schools, formulated a daily routine of education and teaching, and relied on provincial and municipal teaching and research talents to guide teaching and research activities, so as to steadily improve the quality of teaching.

This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area

Second, the teaching staff has been further optimized. 3 outstanding principals were selected and 36 outstanding teachers who won professional skills awards were selected and sent to Shanghai to carry out half-year on-the-job training. At present, 153 teachers are being recruited through open recruitment. Teacher training has been comprehensively strengthened, and 9,100 teachers have participated in the training in the past year.

This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area

Third, the guarantee of education has been further strengthened. With the support and help of the Provincial Department of Education, a new primary school, a junior high school and a high school were built in the new district, and 5,000 places were added. Five new kindergartens were built, and 1,080 children were enrolled. Under the circumstance that the financial resources of the new district are extremely tight, priority is given to ensuring education funds, and the education budget has been increased year by year.

This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area

Fourth, high-quality resources are further gathered. We actively introduce high-quality educational resources from outside the province, Beijing Normal University has established a 12-year affiliated school in the new district, and Peiwen Education Group has led a primary school, a junior high school and a high school in the new district. In September this year, Gui'an Experimental School affiliated to Shanghai Normal University, a nine-year school jointly organized by Shanghai Normal University and the New District, will officially enroll students. It has reached a preliminary intention to cooperate with Hunan Normal University and is expected to set up a school next year. We have made full use of provincial and municipal high-quality educational resources, and have successively introduced high-quality resources in the province such as the Affiliated School of Guizhou Normal University, Guizhou Experimental Middle School, Guiyang Experimental Primary School, and Shangyi Road Primary School to run schools in the new district. At the same time, 18 high-quality resource schools in the city were introduced by the "Education Group" alliance pairing, and the full coverage of urban and rural high-quality educational resources was initially realized.

Han Bo, host of Guiyang Radio and Television Station: In addition to education, the medical industry is also of great concern to everyone. Isn't it more convenient for citizens to seek medical treatment?

Yao Jinxian, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Social Undertaking Administration of Gui'an New Area

The development of medical services in Gui'an New Area is reflected in the construction of three systems.

The first is the first aid system. With the municipal emergency center as the "center", we have established a pre-hospital medical emergency system covering the whole region by relying on Guizhou Hospital of Zhongshan First Hospital and University Town Hospital of Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Green channels have been opened for key groups such as the elderly, critically ill pregnant women, and college students.

This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area

The second is the disease prevention system. Relying on the Guiyang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, establish a grassroots emergency response team for infectious diseases. Promote the direct exchange of information on infectious diseases between medical institutions at or above the second level and disease control institutions in the new area, promote cross-departmental monitoring data and information sharing, gradually improve the long-term mechanism for the prevention and control of infectious diseases, and effectively improve the monitoring, early warning and emergency response capabilities of key infectious diseases.

This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area

The third is the medical system. The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University and the provincial government, Guizhou Hospital, jointly built by the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University and the provincial government, settled in Gui'an, and was rated as a national regional medical center last year and approved as a comprehensive tertiary hospital, so that the people of Gui'an can enjoy the country's top medical services at their doorstep. Guizhou Medical University and Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine were established in Gui'an, and the two colleges and their affiliated hospitals have provided diagnosis and treatment technology and professional talent support for Gui'an Medical. Guiyang Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Stomatological Hospital, Municipal No. 1, No. 3 and No. 4 Doctors and Gui'an's Township Health Centers have carried out paired assistance and sent experts to the townships for consultation. The county-level medical sub-center of the Machang Town Central Health Center passed the acceptance, and the township health centers focused on traditional Chinese medicine, stomatology and other fields, highlighting the key points and strengthening the construction of specialties. Village (community) clinics have been set up in 95 villages, and 68 village clinics have completed environmental upgrading and renovation within one year, effectively improving the village-level service capacity. The continuous improvement of the medical system at all levels has made it more convenient and high-quality for the people of Gui'an to seek medical treatment.

Han Bo, host of Guiyang Radio and Television Station: Gui'an's annual cherry blossom season attracts a large number of tourists to enjoy the flowers. In terms of cultural tourism, what kind of plan does Gui'an New Area have? Will there be more new ways to play next year's cherry blossom season to enrich the travel experience?

Yao Jinxian, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Social Undertaking Administration of Gui'an New Area

Gui'an's cultural tourism will polish the brand of "Shuangshuang Guiyang", make good use of the resources of "Shanshui Gui'an", and do a good job in four articles.

This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area

The first is to do a good job of "flower appreciation" articles. The 10,000-acre cherry blossom garden has gone from Gui'an to the world and has become the most beautiful business card of Gui'an tourism. We will make full use of the resources of 10,000 acres of cherry blossom garden, Guizhou plum garden, etc., make a fuss around "flower appreciation", and unlock a variety of new ways to play, such as "flower appreciation + camping", "flower appreciation + food", "flower appreciation + tide play", "flower appreciation + culture", etc., to build a diversified industrial system of "flower appreciation +", and build Gui'an into a "flower appreciation" theme tourist destination.

This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area

The second is to do a good job of "activity" articles. Coordinate and plan cultural, commercial, educational, sports and tourism activities, make good use of the resources of college students in the university town and Qingzhen Vocational Education City, iterate roadside concerts, and create a good scenery of university cultural tourism. Make good use of Gui'an's "six degrees" advantages to undertake national, provincial and municipal events, such as the cherry blossom women's marathon, finswimming competition, triathlon, etc. held this year.

This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area

The third is to do a good job of "sojourn" articles. The sojourn life point will be deeply integrated with leisure and health care, sports, cultural research, etc., and in accordance with the construction standards and service standards of "Shuangshuang Guiyang, Sojourn Life", we will refine the renovation of farmhouses, supporting construction, management services, etc., and create a number of sojourn gathering areas with reasonable layout, distinctive characteristics and rich business forms.

This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area

Fourth, do a good job in "cultural relics" articles. Do a good job in the declaration of the ninth batch of national key cultural relics protection units at the Zhaoguo Cave and Dasongshan archaeological sites, vigorously excavate the connotation of the cultural sites of the tomb group, and promote the construction of the national archaeological site park. Develop agricultural and cultural tourism projects that integrate sightseeing, experience, research, and health care, connect the dots into a line, and create a high-quality historical and cultural tourism line in Gui'an.


This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area

Poster/Peng Siyu Editor/Liu Ting

Editor-in-charge/Chen Meng Review/Hu Yujun Final Review/Cao Qinyong

This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area
This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area
This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area
This year in Gui'an - "Strugglers Say" series of interviews | Yao Jinxian: Guided by high-quality development, we will continue to promote the comprehensive development of various social undertakings in Gui'an New Area

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