
Hanrong and the two places jointly held poetry couplet exchange activities

author:Hanjiang News
Hanrong and the two places jointly held poetry couplet exchange activities
Hanrong and the two places jointly held poetry couplet exchange activities

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On June 30, under the guidance of the Hanjiang District Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Hanjiang District Poetry Couplet Society and the Fuqing Old Cadres Poetry Society jointly held an exchange activity of poetry couplets between Hanjiang and Rongrong in Hanjiang. There are more than 10 poets in Fuqing City who were invited to Han.

Hanrong and the two places jointly held poetry couplet exchange activities

During the event, the poets of Hanrong and the two places gathered together to conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges on the themes of celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and learning and implementing Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts. Everyone said that they would use the pen in their hands to express their sincere feelings for the party, the motherland, and the people.

At the meeting, the Hanjiang District Poetry Association presented relevant books to the Fuqing Old Cadres Poetry Society, and recommended the newly published book "Puyue Mountain Sound" by the members of the Society.

This friendship activity not only promoted and promoted the excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also promoted the cultural and artistic exchanges between the two places. (Contributed by Hanjiang District Federation of Literary and Art Circles)

Editor|Chen Yuqing Editor|Lin Yixia

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