
There are four people who understand the war criminals management center: Shen is drunk and smart, Wang Yaowu is wise, who are the other two?

author:Half a pot of old wine and half a cigarette

#头条首发大赛#老蒋在得知自己手下数百将领战败后都举手投降, he was so angry that he slapped the table and hit the bench, and the captured generals entered the war criminals management center and teased each other: "You are here too?" At the beginning of the meeting at the Ministry of National Defense in Nanjing, everyone did not get together so much! ”

Lao Jiang has been defeated repeatedly, and when he convenes military meetings, in addition to scolding, he is throwing the pot, so many officers can hide, for fear that they will follow in the footsteps of Han Fuyu. At the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center in Beijing, Wang Yaowu still told Shen Zui with palpitations: "As soon as I saw him standing there with a snort, my legs trembled all the time, and I was afraid that he would shoot me or take me back to Nanjing for punishment." As a result, he only widened his eyes and scolded me fiercely. I'm a little scared when I think about it now. As long as he says two more words, 'shoot', I'll die." ”

There are four people who understand the war criminals management center: Shen is drunk and smart, Wang Yaowu is wise, who are the other two?

Wang Yaowu said "that time", referring to Li Xianzhou's defeat at Laiwu, and after the 56,000 people were captured by the People's Liberation Army within three days, Lao Jiang personally went to Jinan to "investigate responsibility" and gave Wang Yaowu a dismount at the airport.

In fact, the defeat of Li Xianzhou Laiwu has little to do with Wang Yaowu, although Li Xianzhou is nominally under the command of Wang Yaowu, but it is Lao Jiang's descendant and godson-in-law Chen Cheng who really has the final say.

Wang Yaowu was evaluated by many leaders of our side as a "person who understands", and naturally understood Lao Jiang's true intentions, he promised Lao Jiang to "stick to Jinan" on the one hand, and prepared escape routes and civilian clothes on the other hand, and also released the imprisoned underground party and progressives - he knew that Jinan would definitely not be able to hold it, and if he resisted to the end, or killed frantically in the end, there would definitely be no good fruit to eat in the end.

Wang Yaowu's conduct in the world is somewhat similar to the "Wu Jingzhong" we are familiar with, and his analysis of the battle situation is also very accurate, knowing that Lao Jiang's broken ship will inevitably sink, although he can't go ashore cleanly, but there is less blood on his hands, which is equivalent to leaving a way for himself to live.

There are four people who understand the war criminals management center: Shen is drunk and smart, Wang Yaowu is wise, who are the other two?

Wang Yaowu performed well in the Anti-Japanese War, and the passive slacking off during the civil war happened to be a manifestation of his great wisdom, which even Shen Zui could not but admire, especially the treatment enjoyed by Wang Yaowu after the amnesty, Shen Zui was also a little blushing: "Since 1962, Pu Yi, Du Yuming, Song Xilian, Fan Hanjie, Wang Yaowu and others have participated in the state banquet on the night before every 'May Day' and 'Eleventh', and the rest of the commissioners take turns to participate, and several of them are fixed. ”

Wang Yaowu's great wisdom, Shen Zui can't learn, many times, Shen Zui just has some cleverness, such as after he signed the telegram of the Yunnan uprising and asked his spies to hand over their weapons and stop their activities, "They praised me for this approach and advised me to come up with all the 'capital'. I handed over Xu Yuanju, Zhou Yanghao, Guo Xu, and Cheng Xichao. ”

Shen Zui explained his decision: "Lu Han controls the airport, they can no longer escape from Taiwan, and they are not familiar with the situation in Kunming at all, if they run out randomly, they will be caught and killed by the security team, it is better to join us in the uprising." ”

Shen Zui said as if he was thinking about his friends, but Xu Yuanju, Zhou Yanghao and others did not appreciate it, because they knew that after Shen Zui "handed over" these people, he quietly notified a few people who were good with him to run away, and Shen Zui also admitted in his memoirs: Ding Zhongjiang, the director of the "Civilian Daily" at the time, had helped the military commander do dirty work many times, and often wrote articles to praise the military commander's spies, so Shen Zui pretended to ask someone to ask Ding Zhongjiang for money, and deliberately wrote the "bundle" in the word "speed" in "Please hand over 200 silver dollars quickly" very small, and put "go" The writing on the side was very large and long, and Ding Zhongjiang fled immediately after reading the note.

There are four people who understand the war criminals management center: Shen is drunk and smart, Wang Yaowu is wise, who are the other two?

Shen Zui was able to use this way to ventilate the news, but he did not let Xu Yuanju and the others escape, and he also felt that he had been wronged: "The day after the money was retrieved, I heard that Ding Zhongjiang was gone. I believe he will be able to escape, because he is familiar with the terrain of Kunming, and he also has a journalist ID card. Only for Xu Yuanju and others, I don't dare to let them go easily, because they have killed too many people and the people are too angry. So this thing has been tormenting me. I feel sorry friend. In order to eliminate the anger of Xu Yuanju and others towards me, I often transferred clothes and money given to me by others to them, hoping to ask for understanding, but they did not understand my feelings, and they still sarcastically mocked me when we met. ”

It is said that Shen Zui later "reconciled" with Xu Yuanju, Cheng Xichao, Guo Xu and others, Zhou Yanghao and him did not seem to have recovered to the past, Zhou Yanghao refused to stay in the office of the CPPCC Commissioner of Culture and History after the amnesty, and he also did not want to be a colleague with Shen Zui again.

Xu Yuanju and Zhou Yanghao are extremely evil, and it is not at fault that Shen Zui does not let them go, but Shen Zui = tries his best to "repair the relationship", which is a bit of a snake - although Shen Zui can be regarded as one of the four people who understand the war criminals management center, but compared with Wang Yaowu, he seems to be missing something. While boasting, Shen also admitted that he was just clever: "During that period, I could only say that I was insidious, cunning, and brutal, so I could gain Dai Li's trust." If I had been wise during that time, I would have turned away from darkness to light. At that time, I had to be smart, and when I dealt with the underground, I would not destroy it, but protect it. ”

There are four people who understand the war criminals management center: Shen is drunk and smart, Wang Yaowu is wise, who are the other two?

In addition to Wang Yaowu and Shen Zui, there are two "people who understand" in the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center, but compared with Wang and Shen, they seem to understand a little later, among them, Chen Changjie, who has been aggrieved, finally figured out and learned, and also became the "student" who understands Marxist-Leninist works the most (at that time, war criminals have been renamed students, and call each other classmates)", which even Liu Anguo's historical prototype Wen Qiang is also amazed: "Capital is not easy to understand, and Chen Changjie can write down his personal views densely. When he learned that this general of the Jin Army, who deliberately studied Marxism-Leninism, was the first graduate of the sixth phase of the Baoding Military Academy, he couldn't help but respect Chen Changjie more and more. He studied Chen Changjie's psychology and found that he was good at learning lessons on the battlefield, and in order to become a general who always exercised the left coupon on the battlefield of life, Chen Changjie started from "knowing himself and knowing his opponent". This is a great inspiration for Wen Qiang. ”

Chen Changjie made a mistake in Tianjin, and only became an understanding person when he entered the Gongdelin, he, like Wang Yaowu, was the first batch of amnesty in 1959, and Shen was drunk until the end of the second year, when Wang Yaowu had already eaten several state banquets.

When Wang Yaowu and Du Yuming had a state banquet, they would definitely think of another person who understood the war criminals management center - Wen Qiang.

Some people say that Huang Wei is also an understanding person, but compared with Wen Qiang, it is far inferior, although both of them were the last batch of amnesties in 1975, and they both chose to stay instead of going to Lao Jiang like Zhou Yanghao and eating a closed door, but Huang Wei obviously has some things that he hasn't figured out yet, and Wen Qiang has seen everything.

There are four people who understand the war criminals management center: Shen is drunk and smart, Wang Yaowu is wise, who are the other two?

Wen Qiang recalled in "Oral Autobiography": "After I came out of the pardon, Liao Yunzhou also attended our banquet, and when Huang Wei saw him, he puffed out his eyes and did not talk to him. I said, 'Now it looks like we're wrong.' The past is over, everyone's life is a piece of the day, don't scold others at this time, don't ignore others, they have their reasons, don't always keep grievances and grievances in mind, just laugh. Huang Wei said: "If you laugh, I can't laugh." 'How many things in the world are in the blink of an eye, like having a big dream. Huang Wei is three years older than me, he has been dead for more than ten years, and I am still here. ”

In the author's opinion, Wen Qiang can be regarded as really alive and understood, Wang Yaowu, Chen Changjie, and Shen Zui are indeed far behind Wen Qiang.

The editor-in-chief of a newspaper once asked Wen Qiang: "What makes sense to be a human being?" ”

Wen Qiang's answer can be regarded as a motto: "I have two sentences: the first word is: I have a clear conscience when I am born." When I write in my diary, I have to think about it, how was this day? Is it detrimental to others? Is it a clear conscience? The second sentence is: When you die, no one will point to my head and scold me. If someone scolds me at the mention of my name after I die, then my children and grandchildren will be very uncomfortable listening to it. In the future, when someone mentions Wen Qiang, I hope they will say that Wen Qiang is a kind person. ”

When you are alive, you have a clear conscience, and you will not be scolded after death, there are really not many people in a high position who can do these two things, but Wen Qiang seems to have done it, he crossed the old age and went straight to his old age, and he felt like a young man, he didn't know what fatigue was all day long, and he didn't smoke or drink: "This happiness is not only reflected in me personally, but also in my children and grandchildren." I'm optimistic, and hope inspires me. ”

There are four people who understand the war criminals management center: Shen is drunk and smart, Wang Yaowu is wise, who are the other two?

Wen Qiang is a real optimist, he is in the war criminals management center, not like Liu Anguo in the TV series "Amnesty 1959" with a gloomy face all day long, but also lives a colorful "spare time".

Wen Qiang recalled in "Oral Autobiography" that when he was first captured, he was sent to Shandong to live with Wang Yaowu, and everyone ran their own meals, Wen Qiang was responsible for cooking Hunan cuisine, and Wang Yaowu was responsible for washing pots and dishes: "I am very busy every day, as the leader of the study group, and in charge of the wall newspaper, in charge of literature and art, we also set up a library ourselves, and I am in charge of it here, and I am responsible for the New Year's holidays, and also write some commemorative articles." ”

In the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center, Wen Qiang also made friends with Yao Lun, the historical prototype of Wang Yingguang: "We studied half a day, worked half a day, and had a good relationship with the guards. ”

The movie that Wen Qiang and Yao Lun later made was called "After the Decisive Battle", and the one who played Wen Qiang was Ge You - we know that Wen Qiang is a slender and handsome guy when we look at historical photos, he has no objection to Ge You playing himself, is it a kind of free and easy in details, in your opinion, in the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center, who else really understands people besides these four? Who is the wisest?

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