
Trade Union News | The trade union's digital intelligence "gift package" serves you! In addition to convenience, there are also these affordable →

author:Chuzhou Federation of Trade Unions
Trade Union News | The trade union's digital intelligence "gift package" serves you! In addition to convenience, there are also these affordable →

It's so convenient!

Just move your fingers

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Convenient services provided by the "mother's family".


Recently, trade unions in various localities have carried out in-depth implementation

Trade union digital intelligence construction project

Launched a series

Adhere to the perspective of employees and meet the needs of employees

Trade Union Digital Intelligence Project

"Increase" the happiness of employees

Check this out together

Trade union digital intelligence "gift package".

Anhui: Carry out online inclusive activities

Distribute exclusive red envelopes and customize cultural meals

Since May, the Anhui Provincial Federation of Trade Unions has combined the "Workers Enjoy Anhui Spring" online inclusive activity to provide employees with a series of services such as "model worker courtesy", "joining the union courtesy", "job search courtesy", "travel courtesy" and "answering questions courtesy", so that workers can enjoy the holiday courtesy and intimate services brought by the smart trade union in cyberspace.

This kind of courtesy also radiates to more workers. In May, trade unions at all levels in Anhui cooperated with the cultural and tourism departments to carry out the "Spring Outing Jianghuai Invites You" activity, relying on the real-name database of the province's trade unions, allowing model workers to take public transportation for free, and providing bus subsidies and refueling discounts for trade union members. It is understood that such green travel activities have been carried out for 6 consecutive years, benefiting more than 1 million employees every year.

Trade Union News | The trade union's digital intelligence "gift package" serves you! In addition to convenience, there are also these affordable →
Trade Union News | The trade union's digital intelligence "gift package" serves you! In addition to convenience, there are also these affordable →
Trade Union News | The trade union's digital intelligence "gift package" serves you! In addition to convenience, there are also these affordable →
Trade Union News | The trade union's digital intelligence "gift package" serves you! In addition to convenience, there are also these affordable →

In addition, trade unions at all levels in Anhui rely on the online inclusive platform to issue catering coupons, movie coupons, park annual passes, WeChat instant discounts and other forms of inclusive activities to meet the personalized needs of employees while expanding the online inclusive "service circle" of trade unions.

In addition to the full membership benefits, the Anhui Provincial General Assembly also prepared a rich spiritual feast for the employees. Trade unions at all levels jointly launched an online knowledge contest of "Walking with the Law and Answering Questions with Courtesy"; Around the celebration of "May Day", various localities have carried out activities such as "Joyful Reading and Building Ingenuity", "Member Movie Day", "Online Puzzle for Laborers", and "Prize Quiz on Labor Movement Knowledge".

During the concentrated employment assistance action of "Trade Unions Send Jobs and Work Happily in Jianghuai", Anhui Province always distributed welfare red envelopes to job seekers participating in online recruitment to attract job seekers to participate in online live activities. Employees who signed labor contracts with employers during the concentrated employment assistance campaign not only received a free offline mutual insurance for accidental injuries, but also had the opportunity to receive online "start-up benefits".

Guangdong: The "Guangdong Gonghui" platform points group purchase to help farmers solves the problem of agricultural products "going out of the countryside and into the city".

In order to help Guangdong Province's "High-quality Development Project of 100 Counties, Thousands of Towns and Thousands of Villages", the Guangdong Provincial Federation of Trade Unions gave full play to the advantages of the "Guangdong Gonghui" platform to directly reach 11 million real-name trade union members, launched a new model of digital consumption assistance - points group purchase to help farmers, issued points subsidies to attract members to participate in limited-time group buying, and created a trade union version of "Pinduoduo", transforming traffic into an "accelerator" to help farmers increase income and rural revitalization.

Trade Union News | The trade union's digital intelligence "gift package" serves you! In addition to convenience, there are also these affordable →
Trade Union News | The trade union's digital intelligence "gift package" serves you! In addition to convenience, there are also these affordable →
Trade Union News | The trade union's digital intelligence "gift package" serves you! In addition to convenience, there are also these affordable →

The first is to trace the source and carefully select products. In accordance with the procedures of local recommendation and traceability review of the "Guangdong Gonghui" team, we will focus on selecting high-quality agricultural products that are difficult to go out of the countryside and difficult to sell on a large scale, and build a channel for agricultural products to reach the table of employees and members directly from the field through direct procurement from the production area, one-piece distribution and integral subsidies, so as to leave the profits to the farmers and bring the benefits to the workers.

Identify the QR code to enter the Mini Program

The second is digital empowerment and in-depth assistance. Guide and help local farmers to familiarize themselves with e-commerce sales, build brands from publicity planning, packaging design, media marketing, etc., fully tap and realize the maximum value of agricultural products, and at the same time publicize local customs and enhance the visibility of regional agricultural and sideline industries. The products that have received a good response to group buying will be included in the "Guangdong Gonghui" consumption assistance area, attracting trade unions at all levels to collect benefits and long-term repurchase by employee members, so as to improve the confidence of farmers in expanding production and increasing income.

The third is to demonstrate and form a scale. The function of supporting the trade unions at the city and county levels to carry out similar activities independently has been developed on the platform, and the trade unions of each county (district) issue the points of the "global smart trade union" as a guide, and the upper and lower linkages form a scale effect, becoming a new brand of trade union consumption assistance in the province.

Gansu: 3 million members have joined the "one network" and "cloud services" are delivered to their side

Since the trial operation of the platform in February this year, more than 40 online and offline five-level trade union "one network" communication training has been carried out here, covering more than 1,800 people.

At present, 14 cities and prefectures in Gansu Province, Lanzhou New District, 86 districts and counties, 14 provincial-level industrial (system) trade unions, and 13 grass-roots trade unions directly under the provincial general administration have realized "one network" connection, and the information of more than 50,000 trade union organizations and 3 million trade union members has been entered. According to reports, while relying on the Gansu provincial government cloud resources to build an online "smart trade union" platform, the Gansu Provincial Federation of Trade Unions has comprehensively promoted the construction of the data resource system, built a three-in-one smart trade union data base of basic database, subject database and tool database, completed the construction of 10 basic databases and 21 theme databases, and developed and completed 28 platform modules such as trade union organizations, trade union members, service positions, legal aid, skill competitions, difficulty assistance, knowledge competitions, etc. There are 23 service modules such as online association, e-book house, inclusive mall, and health AI detection.

Since April, with the completion of the synchronous transformation of the offline @Longgonghui and 12351 hotline call centers, as well as the online work platform, the "Longgonghui" APP and WeChat applet, and the online trial operation of the 12351 Gansu Provincial Federation of Trade Unions service employee hotline platform, Wuwei Federation of Trade Unions and other units have also moved offline activities such as blind date dating, fitness dance competitions, and skill competitions to online synchronous promotion.

It is reported that the Gansu Provincial Federation will further explore the construction of two key scenarios of "AI + service" and "AI + office", and accelerate the formation of a new ecology of online trade unions that is interconnected, information sharing, and blooming.

At the same time, the trade unions of cities, counties, districts and enterprises have also developed their own digital and intelligent platforms to serve the masses of workers in a targeted manner

At the beginning of this year, at the home of workers in the Industrial Investment Park of Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, the first batch of trade union digital people were unveiled, opening a 24-hour zero-distance all-weather service mode for employees. At the same time, it will be stationed in 10 industrial parks and service stations in Haizhu District

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