
Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun

author:Shanghai Library

This article was first published on the WeChat public account: Shanghai Library.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The people's yearning for a better life is our goal. "Only by adhering to the people-centered development philosophy, insisting that development is for the people, development depends on the people, and the fruits of development are shared by the people, can we have a correct outlook on development and modernization."

Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun

A new themed reading table has been set up in the Manuscript Theme Pavilion

Since its opening in 2022, the East Branch of Shanghai Library has provided readers with a "knowledge exchange community" that inspires wisdom, exchanges and innovations, and shared inclusiveness, a "study, living room, and studio" for citizens to enjoy, and a public space that cultivates and improves readers' humanistic literacy, artistic accomplishment, information literacy, scientific spirit, and innovation awareness.

Our readers also enthusiastically participated in the construction of the East Pavilion Theme Pavilion and gave many valuable comments and suggestions. Recently, we have also received enthusiastic donations. We would like to express our sincere gratitude.

Listen to your readers and collect your opinions

Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun

Readers visited the exhibition and experienced the reading space, leaving valuable testimonials to help us improve and improve the exhibition and service level.

Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun

My favorite is Gu Tinglong's calligraphy screen. "Read 10,000 books, travel 10,000 miles", I like the big seal calligraphy, made into a screen, atmospheric, and revealing the atmosphere of cultural tradition.

Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun

I love the lounge sofa because of the kittens that I like.

Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun

I prefer book-shaped installations + old Tibetan tables and chairs of cultural celebrities. First of all, I like the book-shaped device because it fits the setting of the library very well, and secondly, the table and chair feel antique.

Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun

(Favorite) book-shaped fixtures and old tables and chairs. Because sitting with celebrities gives you a sense of history, and it's a rare opportunity. And stuffed cats!

Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun

(Favorite) calligraphy experience area. Hands-on experience of Chinese calligraphy, children also have a strong interest.

Improve the exquisite service and insist on the supremacy of the reader

In the course of a day of enjoyable reading, there may be some temporary situations and needs that we have been paying attention to and documenting, and looking for ways to help. Let's make your reading journey more enjoyable, smoother, and more reassuring.

"The East Pavilion is really a summer resort for reading, but my children are wearing less clothes when they go out today, and they may catch a cold if they stay for a day, is there a blanket for emergencies?"

"Very embarrassing, are there any feminine hygiene products? It's too late to go to the convenience store now. ”

"I'm old, I forgot to wear a magnifying glass when I went out today, and my plan to read a book and read a newspaper for a day is about to come to naught, can you help me?"

"Today, I deliberately wore a skirt to read and take pictures in Yueyue Forest, but I forgot to bring mosquito prevention supplies, so I can't be beautiful......"

"There's an exam tomorrow, and it's too brain-burning to do the questions in self-study, and I urgently need to be refreshed, is there any artifact?"

Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun

Convenience supplies are for emergency use, if you really need it at this moment, please contact the librarian. If you don't need it urgently, please go to the convenience store on the B1 floor. Let's leave the convenience to more people in need, thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun

Adjust the layout of the space, reading everywhere

Based on the existing objective conditions, the manuscript theme pavilion continuously optimizes the spatial layout of seating, lighting and other facilities, makes full use of the existing space and exhibition environment such as the atrium landscape, the space around the bookshelf, and the printmaking exhibition area, and considers the relationship between the comfort, lighting, reading posture and environment of the reading seat more carefully, and further provides readers with diversified reading conditions on the basis of sound partition, and strives to achieve the goal of reading everywhere.

Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun
Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun
Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun
Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun

Readers' event memorabilia is constantly being updated

Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun
Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun
Exquisite service is further enhanced to share the summer reading fun

The souvenirs of the exhibition and answer the lottery have added calligraphy bookmarks and calligraphy paper fans, and readers are welcome to participate, and the rules are detailed in the on-site signs.

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