
Chengbo Community: Carry out volunteer service activities of "Welcoming July 1st".

author:Zhaozhou release
Chengbo Community: Carry out volunteer service activities of "Welcoming July 1st".

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and carry forward the great spirit of party building, on the evening of June 27, Chengbo Community of Zhaozhou Town and Linglong Opera Club carried out a volunteer service activity to welcome the "July 1st" I add color to the party flag in Chengbo Park to celebrate the party's birthday.

Chengbo Community: Carry out volunteer service activities of "Welcoming July 1st".

At the beginning of the event, the staff of Chengbo community presided over the opening ceremony and sent birthday wishes to the Communist Party of China with full enthusiasm and firm faith. Subsequently, the performance kicked off in the suona solo "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party", and classic excerpts such as "Since the Communist Party" appeared in turn, and the outstanding drama teachers of the Linglong Drama Club sang, with sonorous tones and mellow charm, fully demonstrating the unique charm of opera art. At the end of the performance, the classic "Embroidered Red Flag" ended, praising countless party members and cadres who fought bravely in the trend of the times and overcame obstacles on the road to revitalization, winning applause from the audience.

Chengbo Community: Carry out volunteer service activities of "Welcoming July 1st".

The event conveyed blessings to the party in laughter, and the majority of party members and cadres also absorbed nutrients and cohesion from the glorious history of the party. Looking back on the glorious history of the party and looking forward to a better future, in the future work, Chengbo community will continue to carry forward the party's fine traditions and style, continue to promote a series of activities, and warm thousands of lights.

Source: Zhaozhou Town

Editor: Zhu Lina

Review: Meng Yi

Producer: Nie Congchao

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