
Please bookmark! The July expert outpatient tables of the community health service centers are →

author:Shanghai Changning

Nowadays in Changning, when you walk into the community health service center at your doorstep, you can enjoy the high-quality medical resources of secondary and tertiary hospitals. "Ningning" has compiled the list of expert outpatient clinics of 10 community health service centers in the district in July, which is convenient for residents to → their medical needs

Xinhua Street Community Health Service Center

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Jiangsu Sub-district Community Health Service Center

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Reminder: Appointments with GPs are required in advance

Appointment Tel: 4008202012

Huayang Street Community Health Service Center

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Reminder: If there is any adjustment to the time of the expert clinic, please pay attention to the notice of the center in time.

Zhoujiaqiao Street Community Health Service Center

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Reminder: The above specialist outpatient clinics can be booked through the center to connect with the doctor, or through the family doctor.

Tianshan Road Community Health Service Center

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Specialist outpatient registration time

Monday to Friday 8:00-11:00 a.m

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 13:30-15:30 p.m

Tuesday and Friday 14:00-15:30 p.m

Telephone: 62749135

Xianxia Street Community Health Service Center

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Hongqiao Street Community Health Service Center

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Chengjiaqiao Street Community Health Service Center

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Beixinjing Street Community Health Service Center

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Xinjing Town Community Health Service Center

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Please bookmark! The July expert outpatient tables of the community health service centers are →
Please bookmark! The July expert outpatient tables of the community health service centers are →

Source: Community Health Service Centers

Written by: Zhao Li

Editor: Li Bingqian

Editor-in-charge: Wang Bo

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

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