
The Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism carried out warning education and theme party day activities

author:Hanzhong Tourism

In order to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building and promote the study and education of party discipline to be deeper and more practical, on June 27, the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism carried out warning education and theme party day activities. Xu Hongju, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, gave special party class guidance. All party members and cadres of the municipal cultural tourism system participated.

The Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism carried out warning education and theme party day activities

The participants visited the exhibition of calligraphy and painting of clean government, collectively studied the important exposition of General Secretary Xi Jinping on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, watched the warning education film, Xu Hongju around the theme of "strictly abiding by discipline and rules, working hard, and always maintaining the political nature of "loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility", and gave a disciplinary party lesson for party members and cadres in the whole system.

The Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism carried out warning education and theme party day activities

Xu Hongju pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has issued a series of important expositions on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, scientifically answering major questions such as what is discipline rules, why we should strengthen discipline construction, and how to strengthen discipline construction, and build a scientific system for comprehensively strengthening discipline construction. These important expositions are an integral part of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the party's self-revolution, pointing out the direction of progress and providing fundamental guidance for strengthening the construction of discipline and promoting the comprehensive and strict governance of the party. Party members and cadres throughout the system should consciously enhance their political, ideological, and operational consciousness in strictly abiding by party discipline, and promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party to develop in depth with strict discipline.

Xu Hongju emphasized that it is necessary to deeply study General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, deeply understand that strengthening discipline construction is a valuable experience for our party to continue to move from victory to victory, and deeply understand that strengthening discipline construction is the fundamental policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, and deeply understand that strengthening discipline construction is an important guarantee for promoting the high-quality development of cultural tourism. We will make unremitting efforts to build a clear direction, establish rules and a positive atmosphere with discipline, consolidate and develop a good environment for people to work together, make progress and work hard, and gather a strong joint force to promote the high-quality development of cultural tourism.

The Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism carried out warning education and theme party day activities

Xu Hongju demanded that the party members and cadres of the whole system should thoroughly study the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", unremittingly use party rules and party discipline to correct their thoughts and actions, always be vigilant, compare everything, strictly self-discipline, be cautious and cautious, respect party discipline, respect the organization, and revere the cause, and always be loyal, clean and responsible. It is necessary to pay attention to discipline, strictly abide by the "six major disciplines", internalize the party's discipline rules in our hearts and externalize them in our actions, and ensure that we do not cross the thunder pond by half a step. It is necessary to be loyal to the organization, appreciate the cultivation, education and trust of the organization, resolutely implement the "four obediences", consciously accept the supervision of the organization, and transform the awe into a conscientious and loyal work feeling. It is necessary to be attentive to the work, adhere to the word "real", the word "dry" first, and the word "fine", focus on the deployment requirements of "four leading battles and four new" and building a 100-billion-level cultural and tourism industry cluster, and contribute more to the construction of an ecological city with a beautiful environment, green and low-carbon, livable and travel-friendly, and strive to write a new chapter in the construction of Chinese-style modernization in Hanzhong with high morale, pragmatic style, and solid motivation.

The Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism carried out warning education and theme party day activities
The Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism carried out warning education and theme party day activities

Subsequently, a theme party day activity was held to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with the theme of "Tracing the Footprints of Learning Thoughts, Forging Ahead and Opening a New Chapter", commending outstanding Communist Party members and outstanding party workers, and showing the spirit of Party members and cadres in the cultural and tourism system listening to the party, following the party, forging ahead, and striving for first-class through singing, recitation and other forms, which further stimulated the work enthusiasm of all cadres and workers to take on the mission and forge ahead.


Source: Hanzhong Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism

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