
Volunteer Yimeng | Welcome the "July 1st" to feel the party's kindness and volunteer service to practice the original intention

author:Volunteer Yimeng
Volunteer Yimeng | Welcome the "July 1st" to feel the party's kindness and volunteer service to practice the original intention

Welcome the "July 1st" volunteer service activities into Banquan Town, Junan County

Volunteer Yimeng | Welcome the "July 1st" to feel the party's kindness and volunteer service to practice the original intention

Recently, the Social Work Department of Junan County Party Committee, Junan County Civil Affairs Bureau, Junan County Charity Federation, and Junan County Volunteer Association carried out "July 1st" charity volunteer service activities in Shangyuchi Village, Banquan Town.

Volunteer Yimeng | Welcome the "July 1st" to feel the party's kindness and volunteer service to practice the original intention

During the event, Shang Minglian, captain of the volunteer service corps of Junan County Charity Federation, introduced the activities of the association and the main content of this activity to the participants, and Zhang Junchun, former chairman of the Junan County CPPCC and president of Junan County Charity Federation, delivered a speech and wore saffron with the leaders participating in the event for the old party members before the founding of New China.

Volunteer Yimeng | Welcome the "July 1st" to feel the party's kindness and volunteer service to practice the original intention

Subsequently, the volunteer service team carried out theatrical performances, free clinics, haircuts and other activities for the elderly for the old party members before the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the volunteers distributed straw hats, watermelons and other heat-relieving items to the old party members before the founding of the People's Republic of China, and made dumplings in the canteen.

Volunteer Yimeng | Welcome the "July 1st" to feel the party's kindness and volunteer service to practice the original intention

In the future, the Social Work Department of the county party committee will continue to optimize resources, coordinate volunteer team activities, and promote the development of volunteer service activities in the county with high quality. We will continue to deepen and expand the "Five For" volunteer service brand, and better play the role of volunteer service in building the development of New Junan.

Volunteer Yimeng | Welcome the "July 1st" to feel the party's kindness and volunteer service to practice the original intention

Source: Social Work Department of Junan County Party Committee

2024 No. 465 | Total Issue 4715544

Editor: Wu Yangchen

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