
The Provincial Department of Transportation held the opening ceremony of the "July 1st" staff sports competition to celebrate the "July 1st" staff sports competition

author:Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Transportation
The Provincial Department of Transportation held the opening ceremony of the "July 1st" staff sports competition to celebrate the "July 1st" staff sports competition
The Provincial Department of Transportation held the opening ceremony of the "July 1st" staff sports competition to celebrate the "July 1st" staff sports competition

"Improving ability, changing style, and building new achievements"

Celebrate the "July 1st" sports competition

In order to solemnly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, eulogize the great achievements of the party, and carry forward the party's fine traditions, on June 29, the Provincial Department of Transportation held a "Improving Ability, Changing Style, and Building New Achievements" in the Harbin International Convention and Exhibition Sports Center to celebrate the "July 1st" staff sports competition. The leaders of the department, the second-level inspector of the department, and the third chief engineer attended the opening ceremony, and Wu Qiong, vice chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and Ba Yi, chairman of the Provincial Transportation Trade Union, came to the event. Sun Yu, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Department, and Wu Qiong, Vice Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, delivered speeches respectively, and representatives of athletes and referees took the oath respectively.

The Provincial Department of Transportation held the opening ceremony of the "July 1st" staff sports competition to celebrate the "July 1st" staff sports competition
The Provincial Department of Transportation held the opening ceremony of the "July 1st" staff sports competition to celebrate the "July 1st" staff sports competition

The party group of Sun Yu's representative hall welcomed all the guests and comrades attending the opening ceremony, and extended greetings to the referees, athletes and staff who participated in the event. Sun Yu pointed out in his speech that since the beginning of this year, the party organizations at all levels of the Provincial Department of Transportation and the majority of cadres and workers have unremittingly used the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection of Heilongjiang, insisted on taking party building as the greatest political achievement, and taking political ecological construction as the "No. 1 project", consolidating and expanding the achievements of theme education, comprehensively promoting party discipline learning and education, and solidly carrying out key tasks such as deepening the construction of ability and work style, such as "grasping the grassroots, laying the foundation, strengthening implementation, and achieving practical results", and achieved positive results. In particular, under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the whole transportation system has been firmly anchored to the goal of building a strong "three bases, one barrier, and one highland" around the service, keeping in mind the entrustment, being grateful and forging ahead, forging ahead, overcoming difficulties, and implementing the major strategy of opening up to the outside world firmly and effectively. In the comprehensive revitalization of Longjiang, it has demonstrated its responsibility for transportation and contributed to the strength of transportation.

The Provincial Department of Transportation held the opening ceremony of the "July 1st" staff sports competition to celebrate the "July 1st" staff sports competition

Sun Yu stressed that this sports competition is an important measure to implement the national fitness strategy, is a vivid carrier to deepen the construction of ability and style, and hopes that the majority of cadres and workers of the whole department will take this sports competition as an opportunity to vigorously practice the core values of "pragmatism, for the people, load-bearing, and striving for the first" of the province's transportation, temper the fine style of "down-to-earth, down-to-earth, truth-seeking and pragmatic", and always rest assured of a sense of responsibility and urgency, comprehensive service guarantee construction of "six Longjiang", and promote "eight revitalization". Strive to be a pioneer of high-quality development and sustainable revitalization in the province.

The Provincial Department of Transportation held the opening ceremony of the "July 1st" staff sports competition to celebrate the "July 1st" staff sports competition

Source: Department of Political Research Office Department Party Committee of the Department

Editor: Yang Fan

Editor in charge: Liu Kai

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