
Shun cultural and moral education base - Dashun Garden

author:Zhucheng Cultural Tourism


In ancient times, there were three emperors and five emperors in the mainland, "three emperors" refers to Fuxi, Suiren, and Shennong, and "five emperors" refers to the Yellow Emperor, Zhuan Xu, Emperor Yu, Tang Yao, and Yu Shun. Local legends and many historians believe that Yu Shun, one of the "Five Emperors", was born in Zhufeng Village in Zhucheng.

Shun cultural and moral education base - Dashun Garden

According to Sima Qian's "Historical Records", "the virtue of the world is from the beginning of Emperor Yu", "Shun's virtue can be said to be the best", Shun Chengyao Chanyu, the originator of Chinese moral culture, its first advocacy of virtue, filial piety, benevolence, and sincerity for 4,000 years for the Chinese sons and daughters to respect and admire. In order to carry forward the Yushun culture, inherit the historical civilization, and promote the development of a harmonious society, the Dashun Garden was built.

Shun cultural and moral education base - Dashun Garden

The scenic spots in the garden are divided into three road layouts: middle, left and right, the middle is the Great Shun Palace, Shundi Square, Lishan, and the side is the Shun Ancestral Hall, the ancient Zhufeng Village (the hometown of Emperor Shun), the Shun Temple, the Hall of Fame, the water park and other scenery. Shun Temple is located in the ruins of the ancient temple, imitating the architectural style of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the temple has: Zhide Palace, Ruifei Palace, Qixian Palace, Bell and Drum Tower, Da Shun Dehua Tablet, Filial Piety Tablet, Matter Strategy Tablet and rebuild Shun Temple Tablet.

Shun cultural and moral education base - Dashun Garden
Shun cultural and moral education base - Dashun Garden

Da Shun Yuan renovated the road, restored the historical features of Shun Gengli Mountain, and rebuilt the Shun Temple at the site of the original Shundi Temple. Since 2005, Dashun Yuan has successfully held two public sacrifices to Emperor Shun, attracting many visitors and worshippers.

Shun cultural and moral education base - Dashun Garden
Shun cultural and moral education base - Dashun Garden

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