
In less than a month, the rhetoric of various countries on China's reunification has changed, and this signal is unprecedented

author:History in the West

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Taking 20 May, the day Lai Qingde delivered his "Taiwan independence" confession, Chinese mainland frequently exerted pressure on the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island of Taiwan for more than a month.

In less than a month, the rhetoric of various countries on China's reunification has changed, and this signal is unprecedented

At the same time, the Taiwan Strait issue has also become a "touchstone" for testing China's diplomatic relations with other countries. On the "Taiwan Strait issue," many countries have adopted an attitude of resolutely supporting China in safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity, but some countries continue to insist on going their own way on the Taiwan Strait issue, colluding with the "Taiwan independence" forces, and endangering China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Who are these countries?

Many countries have expressed their support for China's reunification

Since Lai Qingde published his 520 "Taiwan independence" confession, Chinese mainland has taken practical actions to resolutely safeguard national reunification.

In less than a month, the rhetoric of various countries on China's reunification has changed, and this signal is unprecedented

On May 23 and May 24, the Eastern Theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army launched a 48-hour "Joint Sword-2024A" military exercise around Taiwan Province and its affiliated islands.

In addition, we have also adopted measures such as "economically impoverishing Taiwan" to further exert pressure on the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island and demonstrate our determination to resolutely safeguard national reunification.

Our determination is not only seen by the "people" on the island of Taiwan, but also by other countries around the world.

In less than a month, the rhetoric of various countries on China's reunification has changed, and this signal is unprecedented

UN Secretary-General's spokesman António Guterres has publicly stated: "As far as our (UN) position is concerned, Taiwan is a province of China. ”

The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy is equivalent to the EU Foreign Minister, and before Lai Ching-te officially took office as the leader of the Taiwan region, the current EU "Foreign Minister" gave an exclusive interview to the reporter of "Foreign Policy." When asked about the Taiwan issue, he said: "Our consistent position is that we do not recognize Taiwan's 'statehood,' and we will not do so in the future." ”

Russia, as a major country in the world with the rapid development of diplomatic relations with China recently, has also shown a firmer stance on the Taiwan issue in support of China's reunification.

In less than a month, the rhetoric of various countries on China's reunification has changed, and this signal is unprecedented

In the statement, Russia reaffirmed its basic position that it abides by the one-China principle and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China, firmly supports China in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, realizing national reunification, and opposing any form of "Taiwan independence".

In this passage, "Taiwan is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China" is the expression that best shows Russia's sincerity and firm stand on the Taiwan Strait issue; don't look at it, it just changed from "China" to "People's Republic of China", but such a change in expression has eliminated any ambiguous position of Russia on the Taiwan Strait issue and expressed its resolute support for the mainland's attitude of recovering Taiwan.

In less than a month, the rhetoric of various countries on China's reunification has changed, and this signal is unprecedented

In fact, Russia is not the only country in the international community today that has adopted a more resolute attitude of supporting China on the Taiwan Strait issue; in less than a month after 20 May, Egypt, Bahrain, Tunisia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and other countries have already taken a step forward in expressing their support for China's reunification of the country.

The United States and Japan should no longer give unrealistic illusions to the "Taiwan independence" forces

The statements of the United Nations, the European Union, Russia, Egypt and other countries and international organizations represent that the "one-China" principle has become an international consensus, and China's actions to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity have been widely supported by the international community.

In less than a month, the rhetoric of various countries on China's reunification has changed, and this signal is unprecedented

However, there are still a few countries, such as the United States and Japan, who, for the sake of their own selfish interests, make a big fuss about the Taiwan issue and obstruct China's realization of complete national reunification.

The United States has the firmest stand in supporting "Taiwan independence" on the Taiwan issue.

The reason why the "Taiwan independence" forces dare to openly seek Taiwan's "independence" when the cross-strait strength gap is already incomparably wide is because the United States is behind it.

In less than a month, the rhetoric of various countries on China's reunification has changed, and this signal is unprecedented

Less than a month after the Lai Ching-te government took office, the United States stepped up the pace of arms sales to Taiwan and approved a $2.5 billion arms sales plan to Taiwan, hoping to further arm the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island and let the Taiwan issue continue to slow down the pace and pace of China's development.

In order to cope with the growing possibility of "military reunification," the US military has also put forward a "hellscape" plan, saying that once the mainland begins the process of settling the Taiwan issue by force, the United States will dispatch thousands of unmanned aerial vehicles and thousands of unmanned submarines to turn the Taiwan Strait into a "no man's hell," thus blocking the PLA in the Taiwan Strait for a month.

Such a plan may seem scary, but how much can it really be implemented? How much effect can it have? I'm afraid that even the U.S. military itself has no bottom in their hearts.

In less than a month, the rhetoric of various countries on China's reunification has changed, and this signal is unprecedented

As a loyal ally of the United States, Japan is second only to the United States in its activity on the Taiwan issue.

During the session of the World Health Organization General Assembly this year, at the instigation of the United States, Japan submitted a proposal to the General Assembly to seek the status of a "observer state" of the World Health Organization for Taiwan, but this proposal was rejected by the WHO General Assembly without hesitation.

In his subsequent speech, the representative of the Chinese side expressed strong opposition and indignation at the misconduct of the Japanese side, reminded Japan not to forget its historical responsibility to Taiwan, and warned them not to dance too happily.

In less than a month, the rhetoric of various countries on China's reunification has changed, and this signal is unprecedented

Although the actions of the United States and Japan cannot reverse the historical trend that the motherland will inevitably achieve complete reunification, their actions still give the "Taiwan independence" forces unrealistic illusions and make them think that the illusions of "seeking independence by force" and "seeking independence from other countries" can come true.

In fact, the hegemony of the United States has long declined, looking at the world, Ukraine has been beaten to the point of precariousness by Russia, Israel is now embattled, left and right, both countries have always regarded the United States as their most reliable ally and the most solid backer, but now when they need the United States help the most, where is the US military now?

In less than a month, the rhetoric of various countries on China's reunification has changed, and this signal is unprecedented

Therefore, the United States and Japan should now have a clear understanding of the situation as soon as possible, change their erroneous stance at an early date, and stop giving the "Taiwan independence" elements some unrealistic illusions, because this will not only be detrimental to Sino-US and Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations, but will also be a huge loss to their own long-term national interests.


On 25 June, the central authorities jointly issued the "Opinions on Punishing According to Law the Crimes of Separatism and Inciting Separatism by 'Taiwan Independence' Diehards." The important significance of this document lies in enabling the relevant organs on the mainland to have a law to follow when punishing "Taiwan independence" elements, and this also means that we are now forming a clear strategy for recovering Taiwan, and the motherland is marching toward the process of complete reunification with a firm, forceful, orderly, and unshakable attitude.

In less than a month, the rhetoric of various countries on China's reunification has changed, and this signal is unprecedented


Transcript of the Ministry of National Defense's Regular Press Conference in January 2024 (

Wang Yi clarifies China's solemn position on the Taiwan situation — Beijing News (

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Comprehensive News: The International Community Stresses Firm Support for China's Reunification and Resolutely Opposes Any External Interference in China's Internal Affairs__Chinese Government Network (

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Many Countries Support China's Reunification (

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