
There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

author:Home Queen

As life gradually gets better, people always like to add various household items to their homes. As the days go by, as the number of items in the home increases, the home environment becomes more crowded. And some things that are bought for a moment of love or are not practical are also idle in the corner.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

We don't need things like this, we don't want to throw them away, and now it seems that it's really a waste of money. For example, the following 8 things are among the best on the list of idle Chinese families, and 3 of our families have been hit, let's see if you have one? I would like to advise you here, no matter how rich you are, don't move to your home!

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

1. Large coffee table

Before, my husband was a more hospitable person, and there were no children at home, and sometimes some friends would come to the house, so I chose a relatively large coffee table, thinking that friends would come to drink tea and chat.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

Later, after having a child, I found that this big coffee table was really too much of an eyesore. On the coffee table, there are endless clutter at any time, remote controls, snacks, and messy books.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

It was cleaned up every day, and it was full again on the second day. And it is very inconvenient for children to walk around, and sometimes they will bump into children. The drawer of the coffee table is also piled up with all kinds of miscellaneous items.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

After leaving the large coffee table, the living room is much more spacious, and children can also use the living room as a leisure and entertainment area, and there is no restraint when playing.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

2. Large bathtub

I thought that I could take a hot bath every day after work, but the ideal was very plump, but the reality was very skinny. It was still fresh at the beginning, and I did soak it a few times. But as soon as the freshness passed, the shortcomings were also exposed.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

In order to take a bath, the water release time is too long, sometimes in order to wait for the water to be released, I have to wait for the water to fall asleep, and after taking a bath, I have to brush the bathtub in the middle of the night. I felt that with this bathtub, there was more trouble than enjoyment, so it was idle.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

3. A second bedroom for a relative

When I first renovated it, I thought that my relatives would often come to my family, so I kept a guest room. I never thought that this room would be empty for years,

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

Mom and Dad came to stay for a long time and then left, and people didn't like to live in our house. Now this room is idle, it is better to transform the child into a study or a family video room.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

4. All kinds of fitness equipment

When I bought fitness equipment, I wanted to exercise anytime and anywhere, but I didn't know that after losing the atmosphere of the gym, I didn't want to move at all when I went home.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

So all the fitness equipment I bought back is idle, how much treadmill can not arouse my interest in sports, idle treadmill, this behemoth occupies a lot of space at home, and how much is second-hand. The money was really unjustly spent.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

5. Large and small storage boxes

Seeing other people's storage, I bought a lot of storage boxes and went home, and I also want to learn from others to store their homes very neatly. When I bought it back, I realized that it wasn't for me. I'm already very tired after work every day, and I have to pack up the vegetables, fruits and seafood I bought before I can put them in the refrigerator storage box.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

After a while, the storage box should be cleaned. The clothes taken out of the clothes storage box were crumpled and had to be ironed before wearing.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

6. Large fish tank

I spent thousands of dollars to buy a fish tank, and I spent a lot of money to buy a bunch of equipment and fish, but I didn't raise it for a few months and found that I couldn't really raise fish without some technology.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

Later, I lost my patience, and gradually the frequency of cleaning in the fish bath decreased, and finally it became an idle item, and a pile of debris was placed in it.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

7. All kinds of kitchen appliances

Air fryers, small ovens, knife and chopstick sterilizers, and breakfast machines are all impulsive purchases on a whim. After I bought it back, the usage rate was super low, and now it has been put in the cupboard to eat ashes.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

I usually use ordinary stir-fry pans and rice cookers. So don't move this kind of small kitchen to your home, it's really hard to clean.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

8. Festive decorations

The family likes to decorate the festive atmosphere, although it looks very atmospheric for a while, but it is really troublesome to clean up later, like Christmas trees, Christmas hats and Christmas stickers

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home

A lot of costs, usually put at home and accumulate dust to occupy space, and every year there are new styles, you want fresh, you have to buy every year, sometimes the New Year's zodiac ornaments, you have to change every year, so this kind of thing or don't buy.

There are 3 of the "8 idle" in Chinese families, listen to the persuasion, no matter how rich you are, don't move home


Do you have these 8 idle in your home, although Chinese are very thrifty and are reluctant to throw anything, but if these items are placed at home, they will only take up space and accumulate dust, and also affect the experience of life. Therefore, we must consume rationally, don't move home impulsively, and we can't waste money if we have it, and practicality is king.

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