
Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

author:Shushan History Road
Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia


Wanyan Aguta, the founding king of the Jin Kingdom, has not tasted defeat in the ten-year campaign. He was not only an outstanding military strategist, but also an excellent commander, and under his leadership, the Jin State rapidly rose to become one of the most powerful empires in East Asia.

Joining forces with his brothers, Wanyan Aguda defeated a strong enemy with iron cavalry and strategy, and laid the foundation of the Jin Kingdom.

What is it that makes him win so many battles in the shadow of swords and swords? What is the force that supports him to be invincible on the ever-changing battlefield?

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

The undercurrent on the head fish banquet is surging: the decisive choice of the end of the face and the bones

In the spring of the second year of Liao Tianqing (1112), the capital of Liao State ushered in the annual "head fish feast" on the bank of the Tongtong River. This banquet is not only a grand event for the Liao Emperor Tianzuo to reward his ministers, but also an important occasion for the affiliated tribes to show their loyalty to the Liao State.

However, no one expected that this banquet would become a turning point in history. On that day, the atmosphere of the banquet was warm, and Emperor Tianzuo had a whimsical idea to ask the leaders of various tribes to dance to cheer up.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

This seems to be an unintentional move, but in fact it is a hidden mystery. For the Liao state, it was a means of knocking the subjugating tribes; And for the various tribal leaders, this is undoubtedly a humiliation.

However, when it was the turn of Wanyan Aguta, the leader of the Wanyan Clan, the situation took an unexpected turn. The burly and extraordinary-looking leader of the Wanyan Sect did not hesitate to refuse Emperor Tianzuo's request.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

He admits that he can't dance, and his attitude is resolute. This move not only surprised everyone present, but also angered Emperor Tianzuo. Aguta's refusal, on the surface, is just a small disobedience, but in fact it contains far-reaching significance.

It not only reflects the backbone and dignity of Aguta, but also hints at Wanyanbu's dissatisfaction with the rule of Liao. At this moment, the fire of resistance in Ah Guta's heart has been quietly ignited.

After the banquet, Emperor Tianzuo was furious and wanted to kill Ah Gu to set an example. However, under the persuasion of the minister Xiao Fengxian, Emperor Tianzuo finally gave up. Xiao Fengxian believes that Wanyan is just a small tribe and there is nothing to worry about.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

This judgment will later prove to be one of the biggest misjudgments of the Liao State. For Aguta, this incident was a turning point.

He knew very well that his actions had aroused the vigilance of the Liao State, and he would definitely be doomed in the future. Instead of sitting back and waiting, it is better to take the initiative. From this moment on, Aguta began to secretly plan a plan to raise troops against Liao.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

From a weak tribe to the road to rise: the strategic layout of Wanyan Aguta

Wanyan Aguta, a Jurchen born in 1068, has shown extraordinary talents since he was a child. He was eight feet long, with a majestic appearance and a calm personality, and rarely smiled, but his eyes revealed great ambition.

Ah Guda is not only extremely powerful, but also proficient in bows and arrows, once shot three birds in a row in front of the Liao envoys, none of them missed, showing excellent martial arts.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

However, in the era when Aguta grew up, the Wanyan Department was inconspicuous among many Jurchen tribes. Although Aguta's grandfather, Wanyan Ugunai, was ambitious, he was constrained by the complex relationship between the Jurchen tribes, and could only carefully maneuver between the Liao and other tribes.

The turning point came in 1074. Ba Yimen, the leader of the Five Kingdoms in the north, declared a rebellion against the Liao State, cutting off the important "Eagle Road" of the Liao State. Wanyan Wugunai seized this opportunity and pretended to form an alliance with Bayimen, but in fact secretly planned betrayal.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

He successfully captured Bayimen and dedicated it to the Liao State, thus winning the trust of the Liao State and obtaining the title of "Giving Birth to a Daughter and Directly Tribes". This title gave the Wanyan tribe a reason to legitimately conquer other tribes.

In the ensuing campaign, the young Aguda followed his grandfather and father on his expeditions and gradually grew into an excellent general. By 1113, when Aguda took over as tribal leader, the Wanyan tribe had already controlled more than thirty Jurchen tribes.

However, the Liao State was increasingly oppressing the Jurchens, and the dissatisfaction of the various tribes against the Liao State was also increasing. Aguda realizes that the time is ripe and it is time to unleash his big plans.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

Victory in the first battle: The battle of Ningjiang Prefecture and the military talent of Wanyan Agu

In the fourth year of Tianqing (1114), Aguda decided to raise an army against Liao. This decision may seem reckless, but it is actually well thought out. Aguta sent people to probe the reality inside the Liao State, and learned that the Liao State was in turmoil, thinking that the time had come.

However, the number of troops in the hands of the Agu thugs is really limited. He had only 4,000 soldiers, of whom only 500 could be directly controlled. But Ah Guta firmly believes that soldiers are not much more expensive. He believes that although the Liao State is powerful, it is internally unstable, and the two sides are in a battle, and the outcome is undecided.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

Aguta chose Ningjiang Prefecture as the first target for attack. Located between the Jurchen tribe and the Liao state, this place was an important trading center that gathered a lot of resources but was relatively weakly defended.

Aguta personally led 2,500 elites to the expedition, and at the same time arranged for his younger brother Wu Qimai to stay in the rear to prevent other tribes from taking advantage of the situation.

Although the Liao State learned the news of Agu's army, it did not pay enough attention. The Liao soldiers of Ningjiang Prefecture lightly attacked the enemy and went out of the city, but they were defeated and defeated.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

Subsequently, the reinforcements sent by the Liao State were also completely annihilated by Aguta's design. Aguta took advantage of the victory to pursue, conquered Ningjiang Prefecture, and captured a large number of strategic materials, laying the foundation for the subsequent war.

This victory not only demonstrated the outstanding military talent of Aguta, but also greatly boosted the morale of the Jurchen army. Aguta showed a keen strategic vision and flexible tactical use, laying a solid foundation for future battles.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

The birth of the Jin country: the great cause of the founding of the country

With successive victories, Aguta's prestige grew. More and more tribes came to take refuge, and his army quickly grew to 30,000. In addition, he captured 150,000 strong men and provided sufficient labor for rear production.

Under the persuasion of many followers, Aguta decided to establish his own regime. On the first day of the first month of the fifth year of Tianqing (1115), Aguta officially proclaimed himself emperor, established the Jin State, and changed the Yuan to "collect the country". This marked the birth of a new regime capable of competing with the Liao State.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

The establishment of the Jin State was not only a manifestation of Aguta's personal prestige, but also the result of the unity of the Jurchen tribes. Aguta knows that in order to survive and grow in the cracks, it is necessary to unite all the forces that can be united.

He took a series of measures to consolidate the nascent regime: First, Akuta established strict military discipline and forbade the army from disturbing the people, winning the support of the people.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

Second, he adopted a liberal ethnic policy, adopting a soft policy towards the surrendered Liao officials and other ethnic groups, reducing the resistance to rule. Thirdly, he paid attention to the development of production and encouraged farming, which provided material support for the protracted war.

These measures enabled the rapid development of the Jin country in a short period of time, laying a solid foundation for subsequent expansion. Aguta's foresight and outstanding leadership skills have enabled the Kingdom of Jin to show strong vitality at the beginning of its birth.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

Brothers join forces, and Jin dominates: the strategic cooperation between Wanyan Aguda and Wanyan Wu begging

With the continuous growth of the Jin State, the end of the Liao State is gradually approaching. However, just when the Jin State was about to completely defeat the Liao State, Aguta was overwhelmed and terminally ill because of years of fighting.

At the end of his life, Aguta made a crucial decision: he passed the throne to his younger brother Wanyan Wu Qimai. This decision is not only in line with the Jurchen tradition, but also reflects the foresight of Aguta.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

He knew that Wu Qimai was not only his right-hand man, but also the best person to inherit his legacy. After Wu Qimai succeeded to the throne, he continued to implement the strategy of Aguta.

He first completed the conquest of the Liao State, captured the Tianzuo Emperor who had been in exile for many years, and completely ended the rule of the Liao State. Subsequently, he set his sights on the Northern Song Dynasty in the south.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

In October of the third year of Tianhui (1125), Wu Qimai ordered the Song Dynasty. In just two years, the Jin army conquered Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, and forced the Song Dynasty to move south to establish the Southern Song Dynasty. This series of victories made Jin the most powerful empire in Asia at that time.

The cooperation between the two brothers, Aguda and Wu Qimai, can be called perfect. Ah Gu opened the foundation of the Jin Kingdom, and Wu Qimai pushed this foundation to the top. Their success lies not only in their individual talents, but also in their understanding and strategic alignment.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia

From the 1114 Agu army to the conquest of the Northern Song Dynasty by Wu Qimai in 1127, the Jurchens developed from a weak tribe to a powerful empire across the north in just thirteen years.

This history fully demonstrates the extraordinary talent and strategic vision of the Wanyan brothers, and also demonstrates the strong cohesion and combat effectiveness of the Jin State.

Wanyan Aguta: Ten years of undefeated battles, brothers joined forces to create the strongest empire in East Asia


The rise of the Jin Kingdom not only changed the pattern of Asia at that time, but also left a valuable historical enlightenment for future generations.

The legendary experiences of the two brothers, Wanyan Aguta and Wanyan Wu Qimai, demonstrate the importance of leadership and strategic vision.

Their stories reflect the complex relationship between individuals and the times in the midst of historical changes, which is worthy of our deep thought.