
2024LCK夏季赛GEN 2-0 DRX


GEN 1-0 DRX: The Wild Huntress is full of rhythm, and GEN is the first to take the lead throughout the game

06/28 [GAME1] GEN blue side, DRX red side

2024LCK夏季赛GEN 2-0 DRX

GEN banned: Pig Girl, Little Cannon, Scorpion, Crocodile, Vio


DRX banned: Rambo, Zyra, Calista, Yon, Lucian

DRX Selection: Rascal Stone Man, Sponge Rock Sparrow, Kyeahoo Plane, Teddy Casa, Pleata Leona

【Brief Introduction】

In 6 minutes, the two sides started a team battle around the nest worm, Kiin Kenan Electric two, GEN0 for 2

2024LCK夏季赛GEN 2-0 DRX

9 minutes later, the plane had no way to escape and was killed, and GEN took advantage of the situation to get the first dragon

2024LCK夏季赛GEN 2-0 DRX

In 11 minutes, 2v2 broke out between the two sides in the field, and the Canyon leopard girl got a double kill and then won the nest worm

2024LCK夏季赛GEN 2-0 DRX

In the 19th minute, GEN ambushed and killed DRX up and down, pushed off the lower road high ground, and ended the game in a wave

2024LCK夏季赛GEN 2-0 DRX

【Post-match data】

2024LCK夏季赛GEN 2-0 DRX


2024LCK夏季赛GEN 2-0 DRX

GEN 2-0 DRX:死亡颂唱伤害爆表,GEN稳扎稳打横扫DRX


2024LCK夏季赛GEN 2-0 DRX

DRX Banned: Leopard Girl, Calista, Diana, Leona, Nar

DRX:Rascala,Yugoslavia, kyeahooa Teddy, Teddyaʹ

GEN banned: Pig Girl, Rambo, Senna, Bull Head, Luo


【Brief Introduction】

In 3 minutes, Ruil flashed the Canyon Death Song, and the Death Song escaped with a flash of blood, and ez was killed

2024LCK夏季赛GEN 2-0 DRX

6 minutes, a team battle broke out between the nest insects on both sides, and Zeli rushed to GEN to play 1 for 2

2024LCK夏季赛GEN 2-0 DRX

In the 22nd minute, GEN got the draw dragon, Quisanti TP killed the half-blood Zyra, and GEN won the big dragon

2024LCK夏季赛GEN 2-0 DRX

In 25 minutes, the Scorpion tp split the GEN formation after the tp, and DRX played 1 for 2

2024LCK夏季赛GEN 2-0 DRX

In 27 minutes, GEN soldiers got the fire dragon soul without blood

At 31 minutes, the damage of the Fire Dragon Soul Death Song exploded, and GEN ended the game in a wave

【Post-match data】

2024LCK夏季赛GEN 2-0 DRX


2024LCK夏季赛GEN 2-0 DRX