
Yang Jiang's later years: Vegetarian, walking, playing Baduanjin, reading and writing, I am an otaku

author:Higher Education Digest
Yang Jiang's later years: Vegetarian, walking, playing Baduanjin, reading and writing, I am an otaku

In the vast starry sky of the literary world, Mr. Yang Jiang is like a bright and low-key star.

Although her light is not public, it is enough to warm and illuminate the hearts of countless people.

Her life is indifferent to fame and fortune, her love for literature, and her exploration and adherence to the true meaning of life.

Yang Jiang, formerly known as Yang Jikang, is the wife of Mr. Qian Zhongshu and an indispensable female writer in the history of modern Chinese literature.

With her outstanding literary talent and profound life wisdom, she has won the admiration and love of the majority of readers.

Her life, like the words she wrote, was beautiful and had a long meaning.

In her later years, Yang Jiang took the life attitude of "otaku" to the extreme.

She once humorously called herself an "otaku girl", and this "otaku" is not a closed self.

It is a detached attitude towards the chaotic world, and her pursuit and persistence of inner peace.

Yang Jiang's later years: Vegetarian, walking, playing Baduanjin, reading and writing, I am an otaku

Her house life is not boring, but full of wisdom and fun.

Every morning, when the first rays of sunlight shine into the window lattice, Mr. Yang Jiang begins her morning exercise.

In her early years, she would walk in the courtyard of the community, bask in the fresh air, and feel the gifts of nature.

But as she got older, she opted to exercise in her living room at home.

She walks thousands of steps slowly every day, light and powerful, as if she is racing against time, but calmly.

She also invented a unique exercise method - "Baduanjin Morning Class",

Yang Jiang, who is 102 years old, also wrote down the mantra of Baduanjin with a pen:

The two hands support the three cokes of Tianli, the left and right bows are like shooting eagles, the spleen and stomach must be single-lifted, the five labors and seven injuries look back, the head and tail swing to the heart fire, and the two hands climb the feet to strengthen the kidney and waist.

This set of movements not only exercised her body, but also relaxed and purified her mind.

The secret of Mr. Yang's longevity, in addition to insisting on exercise, is more important for her healthy lifestyle and diet.

Yang Jiang's later years: Vegetarian, walking, playing Baduanjin, reading and writing, I am an otaku

Her diet is light and balanced, with seasonal vegetables and fruits as her daily food.

She never pursues oiliness and irritation, but focuses on the naturalness and purity of food.

She usually gets up early and drinks two cups of cold white,

Breakfast staple cereal porridge, noon black fungus,

Eat fruit before meals, and dinner is especially simple and light.

At one time, Yang Jiang's blood lipids were a little low, so he took a small bowl of black fungus every day.

After the age of 90, Yang Jiang can still bend over and land with his hands on the ground, which is difficult for many elderly people to do.

This lifestyle keeps her body in good shape all the time.

It also allowed her to maintain a clear mind and quick thinking in her later years.

Yang Jiang had poor hearing in his later years,

Later, I insisted on massaging my ears for 30 minutes every day.

After a while, the original deafness was much better,

You can chat with people without hearing aids.

In addition to paying attention to physical health, Mr. Yang Jiang also attaches great importance to the enrichment and enrichment of the spiritual world.

She often reads the classics of Chinese Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, drawing wisdom and strength from them.

She also likes to practice words and copy poems, reread old books,

Approaching ninety, she began translating Plato's Phaedo;

In 2003, "We Three" was published;

4 years later, he released a collection of essays "Walking to the Edge of Life";

Successively introduced......

Yang Jiang's later years: Vegetarian, walking, playing Baduanjin, reading and writing, I am an otaku

These activities not only exercised and nourished her brain, but also allowed her to find spiritual sustenance and solace in the words.

In Mr. Yang Jiang's later life, there is a name that can never be ignored - Qian Zhongshu.

Mr. Qian Zhongshu is the husband of Mr. Yang Jiang, and her lifelong partner and confidant.

Mr. Qian's death brought endless pain and longing to Yang Jiang, but she chose to use writing to heal her soul.

Her words are full of nostalgia for Mr. Qian and memories of their life together,

These words are not only her persistence and persistence in love, but also her exploration and comprehension of the true meaning of life.

When talking about his later life, Mr. Yang Jiang once said: "I am 100 years old this year, I have reached the edge of life, I can't know for sure how far I can go forward, life is involuntary, but I know very well that I am about to 'go home'." I have to wash away the filth of this hundred years and go home. Thinking about it, my heart is as calm as water, and I should welcome each day peacefully, live each day well, and prepare to go home. ”

This passage not only expresses Mr. Yang Jiang's open-mindedness and indifference to life,

It also shows her love for life and expectations for the future.

After Qian Zhongshu died, Yang Jiang in the name of the three members of the family,

More than 8 million yuan of manuscript fees and royalties were donated to his alma mater, Tsinghua University, and a "good reading" scholarship was established.

Mr. Yang Jiang's later life is an epic full of wisdom and philosophy.

She has spent her life telling us:

There is no need to pursue fame, fortune and prosperity in life, just to maintain inner tranquility and indifference;

Life doesn't need to be thrilled and stimulated, just keep the body and mind healthy and balanced.

Yang Jiang's later years: Vegetarian, walking, playing Baduanjin, reading and writing, I am an otaku

Yang Jiang has an essay called "Invisibility Cloak",

In the article, it is directly stated that the "magic weapon of the fairy family" that she and Qian Zhongshu want most is the "invisibility cloak",

Hidden away from the noise of the world, Tao Taoran concentrated on his studies.

In life, she is indeed almost "invisible", extremely low-key.

On her 90th birthday, she stayed in the Tsinghua University guest house for a few days to avoid disturbances.

She has long written her heartfelt words: "I don't fight with anyone, and I don't disdain to fight with anyone."

At the end of her life, she still maintained her love for life and her expectations for the future.

This spirit is worth learning and inheriting from each and every one of us.

Let us pay tribute to Mr. Yang Jiang and her literary achievements and wisdom in life.

It also pays tribute to her transcendent, quiet and far-reaching attitude towards life.

May we all be like her, keeping a quiet heart in the hustle and bustle of the world,

Use wisdom and courage to explore the true meaning and meaning of life.

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