
Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

author:Seikashi Bungakusha
Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe
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Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

At the 1999 U.S. Open Badminton Championships, 20-year-old Pi Hongyan stood on the court with a firm gaze. Although her figure is petite, every swing is full of power.

As the last ball landed, the audience cheered.

However, the joy of victory was so short-lived. When she returned to her homeland with great expectations, what awaited her was not flowers and applause, but a cold notice of dismissal.

"You're too short and have limited potential." The coach's words were like a hammer that slammed her from her dream of being a champion. Pi Hongyan looked at the trophy in her hand blankly, not knowing where to go in the future.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

The sudden blow propelled the young champion to an unexpected turning point in his life.

Pi Hongyan's badminton journey began in 1987, when she was only 8 years old. As a frail child, her parents sent her to a local sports school to learn badminton, just hoping that she could strengthen her physique.

Who would have thought that this seemingly ordinary decision would open a door to the world stage for her.

In the sports school, Pi Hongyan showed amazing talent. Despite her short stature, her reaction speed and ball sense far surpass that of her peers. Every time she picked up the racket, her eyes would sparkle with a strange light, as if her whole person was set on fire.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

The coaches were surprised to find that the skinny girl seemed to have been born for badminton.

With her outstanding performance, Pi Hongyan quickly caught the attention of the Sichuan provincial team. After entering the provincial team, she was even more like a fish in water. Every morning, while everyone else is still asleep, the sound of her swinging a racket and hitting the ball is already heard on the training ground.

Sweat soaked through her jersey and her legs ached, but her eyes remained steadfast. The speed at which she improved surprised everyone.

In 1997, Pi Hongyan ushered in an important turning point in her career - being selected for the national team. However, in addition to the joy, the test of reality also came. Among her teammates who are generally more than 1.70 meters tall, she is 1.64 meters tall and looks particularly petite.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

"You're better suited to be a sparring partner." The coach's words poured cold water on her head like a basin of cold water.

But Pi Hongyan didn't give up. She told herself, "Now that you're here, you're going to do your best." "She went the extra mile, sweated in training and fought hard in the games.

She began to dedicate herself to the various competitions that the team had scheduled, and she always maintained her most positive attitude, regardless of her rank.

Gradually, her progress has forced even those who once questioned her to admit it. The elite national team did not put a lot of pressure on her, but instead became a powerful motivation for her to surpass herself.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

Her technique is getting better and better, and her reaction speed and ball feel are breathtaking.

Pi Hongyan's story tells us that height does not determine a person's achievements. With strong belief and unremitting efforts, even "short people" can write legends in the world of competitive sports.

She proves with her actions that a truly strong person is not without weaknesses, but is able to turn weaknesses into motivation and constantly surpass herself.

After being dismissed from the national team, Pi Hongyan returned to the Sichuan provincial team with a heavy heart. What was once a familiar training venue now feels strange and lost to her. The strange eyes of her teammates, the meager salary of only 600 yuan per month, and the opportunity to compete only twice a year made her feel unprecedented pressure and confusion.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

Every morning, as she stands in front of the mirror and looks at her diminutive stature, she can't help but ask herself, "Do you really want to give up?" But every time she picks up the racket and feels the fit of her palm with the racket, the fire in her heart is rekindled.

She knows that her love for badminton has never changed.

Just when Pi Hongyan was in trouble, the door of fate opened for her again. In 2001, a top club from Denmark extended an olive branch to her.

Faced with this opportunity, Pi Hongyan's heart was full of contradictions. Leaving the familiar surroundings and going to a foreign land, everything has to start from scratch. However, her love for badminton and her desire to prove herself eventually made her decision.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

With a vision for the future and a little apprehension, Pi Hongyan embarked on a flight to Europe. When I first arrived in Denmark, language barriers, cultural differences, and homesickness all kinds of difficulties followed.

Sometimes, she would stand alone on the unfamiliar streets, looking into the distance in a daze, thinking of her relatives and friends in China.

But every time she picked up her racket and stood on the court, all her worries vanished. Here, no one cares about her height, and the coaches and teammates only focus on her strength and performance.

This feeling of being respected and recognized made Pi Hongyan regain her self-confidence.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

Soon, Pi Hongyan adapted to her new environment, and her skills were put to good use on the European stage. From Denmark to France and throughout Europe, her name has gradually become known.

Every time she competes, she goes all out and proves her worth with her strength.

Her performance caught the attention of the French Badminton Association, who sent an invitation to Pi Hongyan to become a French citizen and represent France at the upcoming Olympic Games.

This invitation made Pi Hongyan fall into deep thought again. Joining the French team means that she will have the opportunity to show her strength on the highest stage in the world, but it also means that she will have to renounce her Chinese nationality.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

After a fierce ideological struggle, Pi Hongyan finally chose to accept the invitation. She told herself: "It's not a betrayal, it's about pursuing a broader stage." This decision not only changed the trajectory of Pi Hongyan's life, but also opened a new page in her career.

In a foreign country, she found a sense of recognition and respect, and rekindled her love for badminton. Pi Hongyan's story teaches us that sometimes, leaving your comfort zone and bravely taking on new challenges can lead to unexpected rewards.

The road of life is not always smooth, but as long as we maintain our love and pursuit of our dreams, we will definitely find our own bright future.

After joining the French national team, Pi Hongyan seems to have gained a new life. The coaches and teammates here no longer question her ability because of her height, but wholeheartedly support her and develop her.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

This feeling of being trusted and valued makes Pi Hongyan cherish it very much.

Every morning, when the sun shines into the training hall, Pi Hongyan is always the first to appear on the field. Her sweat soaked the floor, and her persistence infected her teammates. She knows that she carries the hope of the French badminton community on her shoulders, and every swing and jump is full of her enthusiasm and hard work.

Soon, Pi Hongyan's efforts paid off. In the next competition, she was like a dark horse, and she was born. Victory after victory, gold medal after gold medal, Pi Hongyan proved her worth with her strength.

With 14 gold medals, this figure not only set a new record in the history of French badminton, but also left those who once questioned her speechless.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

As her results continued to improve, Pi Hongyan's world ranking also climbed, and finally reached the highest point of her career - No. 2 in the world. Standing on the podium, when the French national anthem sounded, Pi Hongyan's eyes flashed with tears.

This achievement is not only an affirmation of her personal ability, but also a proof of the strength of French badminton.

However, behind the success, Pi Hongyan also faced doubts and criticism from her home country. Remarks such as "traitors" and "helping foreigners fight the Chinese team" are endless.

Whenever she saw these comments, a burst of bitterness swelled up in Pi Hongyan's heart. But she chose to remain silent because she knew that no matter how she explained it, she could not change some people's opinions.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

In the face of these voices, Pi Hongyan chose to respond with strength. In matches against Chinese athletes, she always gives it her all, neither showing mercy to her opponent because she is a former compatriot, nor rushing to prove herself.

With her professional attitude and outstanding performance, she won the respect of her opponents and the audience.

The days in the French team were the most glorious period of Pi Hongyan's career. She not only received honor and applause, but more importantly, found her own value and sense of belonging.

This experience has taught us that sometimes, changing circumstances can lead to unexpected success. And the real strong are not without doubts and criticism, but can prove their worth in the face of adversity and speak with strength.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

Pi Hongyan's story is not only the growth process of an athlete, but also an inspirational legend of courage, perseverance and self-realization. She used her own experience to tell us that no matter where you are, as long as you have a dream in your heart, you will never lose your way.

For every athlete, the Olympic Games are a dream stage. Pi Hongyan is no exception, and she is eager to show her quality and prove her worth in this world-class arena.

On the eve of the 2004 Athens Olympics, Pi Hongyan was at the peak of her career. Every training session is filled with passion, and every swing is powerful.

However, fate played a joke on her again. Just a month before the race, she accidentally sprained her ankle during a training session. The pain is unbearable, but it hurts more than the heart.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

She participated with an injury, but finally unfortunately went out in the first round and stopped in the round of 32. When the referee announced the result of the match, a hint of disappointment flashed in Pi Hongyan's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by perseverance.

She knew that this was only a temporary setback, not an end.

Four years later, at the Beijing Olympics, Pi Hongyan made a comeback. This time, she managed to reach the quarterfinals, setting a personal Olympic best. However, in the quarterfinals, she faced a formidable opponent in China's Zhang Ning.

In the game, Pi Hongyan tried her best, and every ball was poured into her efforts. Although she was ultimately defeated, her performance earned the respect and applause of the audience.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

As she walked off the court, the audience gave her a standing ovation to pay tribute to the former Chinese athlete and now a French athlete.

Standing on the field of the Beijing Olympic Games, Pi Hongyan had mixed feelings in her heart. Once upon a time, she was part of the Chinese team, but now she competes as a Frenchman.

Facing her former teammates, she felt both familiar and strange. But no matter what, she is proud to be able to stand on this stage.

After the London 2012 Olympics, the 33-year-old stood at a crossroads in her career. The baptism of the years has made her physical function and reaction speed no longer what it used to be, but her love for badminton has not diminished in the slightest.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

After much deliberation, she made an important decision: to retire and become a badminton coach.

Leaving the court does not mean leaving badminton. In the position of coach, Pi Hongyan found a new value in life. She brings her years of experience and skills to nurture a new generation of badminton players.

Whenever she saw the students sweating on the field, her eyes always flashed with gratification.

Pi Hongyan often tells her students, "Don't let other people's doubts be a reason for you to give up on your dreams." She uses her story to encourage young athletes who may be questioned because of their height or other factors, and to show them that with strong faith and hard work, anyone can do miracles.

Pi Hongyan: After winning the championship, she was expelled from the national team, but after becoming a French citizen, she won 14 gold medals to dominate Europe

Pi Hongyan's experience has left us with a profound inspiration. She proves that height is not the only factor that determines success. At the same time, her story also tells us that the road of life is not always easy, and in the face of setbacks and doubts, it is important to stay true to the original intention and have the courage to try new possibilities.

Today, although Pi Hongyan has moved away from the competitive arena, her legend is still widely spread in the badminton world. Her story has inspired countless dreamers to understand that as long as you have a dream in your heart, you will never lose your way.

Pi Hongyan, the former "short" champion, used her life to interpret what a real giant is.

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