
US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

author:Singing the night of sleep

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Wen I dreamed of the night nine songs

Edited I Night

At this moment, let go of the things you don't want to care about and enjoy your happy time

As we all know, with the rise of China, we have now become a "thorn in the side" of the United States, which uses the Western media to hype up the "China threat theory" and other false information, trying to use the power of public opinion to smear China and make China an "enemy of the whole people".

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

Therefore, a foreign netizen asked a question, he said on Quora, the largest Q&A website abroad: "Why does the United States use the media to portray China as the biggest threat to global peace, but the United States has bombed so many countries since World War II, but China has never bombed any country?" ”

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

China has always been a peace-loving country, and China will never take the initiative to attack others if no one offends me, and the so-called "China threat theory" is nothing more than a lie propagated by the United States, and the United States will do whatever it takes to contain China's development.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

In addition to using the media to smear China everywhere, the United States has also imposed a policy of suppression and sanctions against China, the purpose of which is to prevent China from surpassing itself in a short period of time, and once China succeeds in rising, then the hegemony of the United States will be in jeopardy.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

In the eyes of the United States, China is the country with the most potential to become the next superpower, so it regards China as a potential threat, but we only want to develop our own strength well, and we have never thought of infringing on the interests of any country.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

Therefore, in the face of questions from foreign netizens, many people also commented below, among which netizens from the United States commented that China has never been a villain, but the United States has shaped China like this, and they hope to use the media to destroy China.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?
US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

It is easy for the media to convince Americans that a big country like China is dangerous, because their own actions are the yardstick by which other countries are measured, and more and more Americans are now being brainwashed by the media into subconsciously believing that China is a dangerous country.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

By constantly creating the illusion of the China threat theory, the lucrative American elite is able to make taxpayers willing to bear the costs of any and all military actions they deem necessary, so that they have a reason to spend their tax dollars on the military.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

Nowadays, the United States is still engaged in meaningless wars, and military spending is increasing year by year, while the American people cannot obtain any benefits from the war, and the American people will only be greeted by rising prices and inflation.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

Later, netizens from the United Kingdom commented that this is all part of the United States' plan to try to bring down China, portray China as an evil country, and make world public opinion oppose China, I think this is completely wrong by the United States.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?
US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

Nowadays, China is an economic power, the world's trade is inseparable from China, China occupies an important position in international trade, many countries have trade with China, so this threatens the hegemony of the United States.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

At one time, when China was still very backward, the United States did not care, but when China rose, it had become the biggest competitor of the United States, and the speed of China's development made the United States feel jealous, after all, China became the world's second largest economy in only a few decades.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

The United States is a declining superpower desperate to keep everything it has, so it cannot compete with China on a level playing field, and can only contain China's development through special means.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

Immediately afterwards, a netizen from Sweden commented that this is not the first time that the United States has played this kind of trick, and it is clear that China is the most peace-loving country, but the United States has imposed the charge of "threatening peace and security" on China.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?
US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

China has never threatened any country, and unlike the way the United States likes to fight wars everywhere, China likes to develop its economy in a cooperative way, and China has told the United States with its actions that it can make the country grow and grow even if there is no war.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

Once China succeeds in its rise, more countries will begin to follow China's example, and hegemonism will be eliminated earlier, which shows that the United States is the biggest killer of threats to the world's peace, and China is framed.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

Since World War II, the United States has bombed North Korea, Cuba, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Panama, Iran, Yugoslavia, etc., and millions of people have died from American terrorism.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

Another netizen from France said that the United States likes to open its eyes and tell nonsense, and that the United States framed China's military will threaten the whole world, but in fact, China's nuclear weapons are far inferior to those of the United States, and their development of their own military power is only for national defense.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

China has long stated that it will not be the first to use nuclear weapons, and it is clear that the US rhetoric is not true, and they will only blame others, but they do not know that they are the ones who threaten the whole world, and China will only take military action when it is invaded.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

China will not threaten peace at all, China will only threaten the ambition of the United States to dominate the world, and this is the most real idea of the United States.

In the long run, war will not benefit all parties, and both China and the United States and the world will bear great risks and consequences, so we should strive to avoid the outbreak of war and resolve differences through diplomacy, dialogue, and cooperation.

US Forum: Why does the United States portray China as a global threat when it bombed many countries after World War II?

War is cruel, and various countries are doing their best to avoid war, war will only cause destruction, and any peace brought by war is only temporary, and world peace can only be achieved if the hearts of the people show a sincere desire for peace.

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