
"Funny man" Tong Dawei has transformed into a "fashion icon", netizens: Is this to grab a model's job?

author:Xiao Li said entertainment

Tong Dawei Magnolia hard control the whole scene on the street


On the bustling Shanghai Magnolia Street, Tong Dawei wore a crisp suit and walked elegantly and confidently on the street. His steps are steady and powerful, as if every step is an interpretation of masculinity. Pedestrians on the street stopped to watch, some took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and some whispered about it, at this moment, Tong Dawei is undoubtedly the focus of Magnolia Street.

"Funny man" Tong Dawei has transformed into a "fashion icon", netizens: Is this to grab a model's job?

Tong Dawei's suit style has aroused heated discussions among netizens. Someone joked: "Tong Dawei is going to blow away the wind on the streets of Magnolia?" Some netizens joked: "Did the calf under this suit also secretly practice yoga?" Some netizens said: "Seeing Tong Dawei's suit style, I suddenly thought of that sentence - a man wearing a suit is really handsome and has no friends!" ”

"Funny man" Tong Dawei has transformed into a "fashion icon", netizens: Is this to grab a model's job?

The yellow peony blooms for a long time, and netizens are constantly hotly discussed

The flowering period of the yellow peony is not empty talk, its beauty and charm are truly unforgettable. And the emergence of Tong Dawei has made people's attention to yellow peony skyrocket. Netizens have posted photos of yellow peony on social media and compared them with Tong Dawei's suit. Someone said: "Huang Peony and Tong Dawei are simply natural partners!" Some netizens ridiculed: "The yellow peony has a long flowering period, and Tong Dawei's handsomeness will never go out of style!" ”

"Funny man" Tong Dawei has transformed into a "fashion icon", netizens: Is this to grab a model's job?

Not only that, netizens also began to discuss the similarities between Huang Peony and Tong Dawei. Someone said: "Huang Peony and Tong Dawei both have a low-key and elegant temperament, which makes people involuntarily want to get closer." Some netizens said: "The beauty of Huang Peony and the handsomeness of Tong Dawei are the kind of existences that make people feel happy when they see it." ”

"Funny man" Tong Dawei has transformed into a "fashion icon", netizens: Is this to grab a model's job?

In and out of the play, Tong Dawei is in good shape

In the TV series "The Story of Rose", Tong Dawei played the role of a funny man, and his performance was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and made the audience laugh. In real life, Tong Dawei is also a fashionable male guest who has attracted much attention. Every appearance of his can arouse heated discussions and attention from netizens.

"Funny man" Tong Dawei has transformed into a "fashion icon", netizens: Is this to grab a model's job?

The filming of the blockbuster film of Yellow Peony on the street this time made netizens see Tong Dawei's attainments in fashion. He wears a V-neck suit with a floral shirt, which is stylish and elegant. Netizens said: "Tong Dawei's fashion taste is really great! Some netizens ridiculed: "Is this to seize the rhythm of the fashion circle?" ”

"Funny man" Tong Dawei has transformed into a "fashion icon", netizens: Is this to grab a model's job?

A self-disciplined life, a different Tong Dawei

The reason why Tong Dawei can maintain such an excellent state in and out of the play is inseparable from his self-discipline. He pays attention to a healthy diet, insists on exercising, and maintains a good work and rest habits. These habits not only allowed him to have a healthy body and excellent appearance, but also allowed him to achieve good results in his career.

"Funny man" Tong Dawei has transformed into a "fashion icon", netizens: Is this to grab a model's job?

However, regarding Tong Dawei's self-discipline, netizens have different opinions. Someone said: "Tong Dawei's self-discipline spirit is worth learning from!" Some netizens ridiculed: "Such a self-disciplined person, do you even have to count the time when you sleep?" Some netizens said: "Self-discipline is a good thing, but it must also be moderate, otherwise life will be too boring!" ”

"Funny man" Tong Dawei has transformed into a "fashion icon", netizens: Is this to grab a model's job?

Ending controversy: Does self-discipline equal boredom?

Tong Dawei's self-discipline spirit is undoubtedly one of the important factors in his success. But the question is, does self-discipline mean boring? This is a topic worth discussing. Some people believe that self-discipline is a positive attitude towards life, which can make people more focused and more efficient in achieving their goals. But there are also those who believe that self-discipline is too harsh and will make people lose the joy and freedom of life.

"Funny man" Tong Dawei has transformed into a "fashion icon", netizens: Is this to grab a model's job?

Different people have different opinions on this issue. Maybe we can start a discussion in the comment section and share our own views and opinions. After all, everyone's understanding and pursuit of life is different!

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