
Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see skill: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun! Zhu Dan's pattern crushed the host

author:Barry chases the drama
Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see skill: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun! Zhu Dan's pattern crushed the host

As an annual event, "Riding the Wind 2024" not only showcased the wonderful performance of the participating sisters, but also was ingenious in the design of the opening link. This live broadcast not only had fierce competition, but also set up a voting session for the returning sisters, which sparked heated discussions and random interviews among the sisters in the audience.

As the host, Liu Yan showed excellent hosting and commenting skills on the "Riding the Wind 2024" annual seat preemptive live broadcast night, and won unanimous praise from many audiences. She not only gave accurate and powerful comments on the performances of Han Xue and Chen Lijun in the show, but also demonstrated a keen understanding and unique insights into art through profound language expression.

Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see skill: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun! Zhu Dan's pattern crushed the host

In the show, Liu Yan first made a nuanced analysis of Han Xue's singing. She used concise and vivid language to describe the emotional expression and musical skills in Han Xue's performance, and pointed out the highlights and areas for improvement in the singing. She said: "Han Xue's singing is full of inner resonance, and her handling of the treble part is very good, but the emotional transition can be more natural and smooth." Such comments not only show Liu Yan's sensitivity to musical expression, but also give the audience a deeper understanding of Han Xue's performance.

Then, Liu Yan turned to evaluate Chen Lijun's stage performance. She commented on the stage set, costume matching and the accuracy of the dance moves. She commented: "Chen Lijun's stage design is very visually striking, her dance moves are smooth and powerful, but the unity of expression and dance mood can be further strengthened. Such a detailed analysis not only shows Liu Yan's attention to stage art, but also provides the audience with a multi-angle appreciation perspective.

Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see skill: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun! Zhu Dan's pattern crushed the host

Liu Yan not only showed dazzling light in the entertainment industry, but her positive performance in public welfare undertakings was also eye-catching. She is not only an actress, but also an ardent advocate for public welfare. Through her actions and dedication, she has influenced more people and become a leader in public welfare.

Liu Yan's road to public welfare is not achieved overnight, she has actively participated in various public welfare activities for many years, and practiced social responsibility with practical actions. She pays attention to children's education, the development of poverty-stricken areas and environmental protection, and spares no effort to support and participate in various public welfare projects. She not only donated generously in donations and materials, but also went to the front line to understand and solve problems, and sent warmth and hope to those in need.

Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see skill: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun! Zhu Dan's pattern crushed the host

On social media, netizens expressed their appreciation and support for Liu Yan's public welfare actions. Some netizens wrote in the comments: "Liu Yan is not only an excellent actor, but also a caring person. She not only brings us joy on the screen, but also silently does public welfare in real life and contributes a lot to society. These short and sincere words reflect the public's recognition and respect for Liu Yan, believing that she is not only successful in her acting career, but also a responsible public welfare pioneer.

Other netizens felt a kind of positive energy transmission from her public welfare actions. Someone said: "Seeing Liu Yan's dedication and efforts in the field of public welfare, I feel that I should also do more good deeds to help those in need around me." Liu Yan's public welfare action is not only a good deed, but also a manifestation of social responsibility, and she inspires and inspires more people to actively participate in public welfare undertakings through her own efforts.

Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see skill: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun! Zhu Dan's pattern crushed the host

In addition to his personal efforts, Liu Yan also mobilizes more people to pay attention to and participate in public welfare undertakings through his influence and appeal. She is not only a promoter of public welfare actions, but also an active participant in social change. Her actions have not only changed the lives of some people, but also aroused deep thinking and discussion about public welfare and social responsibility in society.

In short, Liu Yan's dual role in acting and public welfare has made her a well-respected and beloved public figure. Through her own efforts and dedication, she has not only made practical contributions to the society, but also set an example for us, inspiring more people to take positive action to build a better society together.

Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see skill: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun! Zhu Dan's pattern crushed the host

Netizens also expressed their appreciation and recognition of Liu Yan's comments when watching the live broadcast. Some netizens left a message on social media: "Sister Liu Yan's comments are very pertinent, she can use simple words to get to the core of the performance, so that people can understand it as soon as they hear it." These concise and direct comments reflect the audience's recognition of Liu's style of commentary, believing that her language goes straight to the essence of the problem and helps the audience better understand the essence of the performance.

On the live broadcast night of "Riding the Wind 2024", in addition to Liu Yan, the speeches of Zhu Dan, Jin Mengjia and Wanida and other sisters also brought deep thinking and joy to the audience. Zhu Dan stood out with her unique style and brilliant reviews, not only commenting on Joyce's performance, but also expressing her sincere feelings for art in fluent French.

Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see skill: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun! Zhu Dan's pattern crushed the host

In the show, Zhu Dan first caught the attention of the audience. Through her concise and powerful language, she spoke highly of Joyce's performance. "Joyce's performance was full of passion and energy, and her stage charm was unforgettable," she said. Zhu Dan's comments not only highlight her professionalism and keen insight into acting techniques, but also give the audience a deeper understanding of Joyce's performance style and artistic characteristics.

And another highlight of Zhu Dan in the show is her French expression. After the evaluation, she suddenly expressed her sincere feelings and wishes to Joyce in fluent French, a gesture that not only demonstrated her multilingual skills, but also added an international charm to the show. This kind of language expression makes the audience feel the charm of cross-cultural communication in art, and at the same time injects more cultural depth and emotional resonance into the program.

Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see skill: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun! Zhu Dan's pattern crushed the host

Jin Mengjia gave Han Xue's singing a deeper connotation through poetic words. She used simple and charming language to describe the emotional expression and musical conception of Han Xue's performance. She said: "Han Xue's voice is like a gentle stream, flowing in every corner of this night, and her singing not only touches the heartstrings of the audience, but also a affectionate praise for the art of music." Jin Mengjia's poetic comments not only reflect her sensitivity and understanding of art, but also bring spiritual pleasure and resonance to the audience.

However, the embarrassing performance of the host Liu Ye became a highlight in the live broadcast, and her awkward chats and cold scenes appeared frequently, which was in stark contrast to the performance of other hosts. Netizens and viewers also had mixed evaluations of her, bluntly saying that she had obvious deficiencies in field control and language organization skills, which affected the overall look and fluency of the program.

On the whole, the live broadcast night of "Riding the Wind 2024" has both highs and lows, and the performance of excellent hosts such as Liu Yan has undoubtedly added a lot to the show, showing professionalism and depth. However, the problem of underperforming hosts such as Liu Ye has also exposed some challenges and room for improvement in the production of the program. Future program planners should put more effort into host selection and training to ensure the overall quality of the program and the audience experience.

Sister Lang's 5 live broadcast comments see skill: Liu Yan has a full score for Chen Lijun! Zhu Dan's pattern crushed the host

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