
Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

author:Kind spring breeze OOWsF


From the costume blacklist to the costume ceiling, Hu Ge's counterattack

In the long journey to stardom in the entertainment industry, not every actor can have smooth sailing. Hu Ge, an actor who is now regarded as the ceiling of ancient costumes by the majority of audiences, has also experienced a period of trough when he was pulled into the blacklist of ancient costumes by the company.

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

At the beginning, he was considered unsuitable for costume roles by the company for some reasons, but the roulette wheel of fate is always full of surprises, and Hu Ge proved his worth with his strength with his own efforts and persistence.

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

From the initial doubts and cold eyes, to today's recognition and pursuit, Hu Ge has broken the prejudice with wonderful costume works.

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

His acting skills are exquisite, and the roles he has created are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, whether it is Li Xiaoyao in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" or Mei Changsu in "Langya Bang", they have become classics in the hearts of the audience.

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

He used his efforts and talents to interpret the costume roles to the fullest, and became synonymous with costume dramas.


Magnolia sees the second glory of the emperor

When Hu Ge stood on the podium of the Magnolia Award again and held the trophy in his hand, all his efforts and dedication were rewarded in the best.

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

The second Magnolia Emperor is not only an affirmation of his acting skills, but also a recognition of his unremitting pursuit. In the highly competitive entertainment industry, it is not easy to obtain such an honor.

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

When Hu Ge was taking pictures with the trophy in the background, his mouth was still in fragments, and this scene was also captured and hotly discussed by netizens. Although we don't know what he is talking about, the joy and pride that flow from the bottom of our hearts cannot be hidden.

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

Netizens left messages and ridiculed: "Is Hu Ge chatting with the trophy?" "It seems that the trophy is also going to become a loyal fan of Hu Ge!"


Advantages and controversies of Shanghai actors

Some netizens mentioned that Hu Ge, as a Shanghai actor, seems to have a natural advantage in the selection of the Magnolia Awards. This point of view has also sparked heated discussions among netizens.

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

Some people believe that regional factors do play a role in the selection, but more important is the strength of the actors and the quality of the works. The reason why Hu Ge has been able to win the Magnolia Award many times is precisely because he has these conditions.

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

There are also doubts about this. They believe that if Hu Ge is given special treatment just because he is a Shanghai actor, it is obviously unfair to actors from other regions.

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

This kind of regional discrimination is not uncommon in the entertainment industry, but the Magnolia Award, as an authoritative award selection body, should pay more attention to justice and fairness.

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

Fan Wei and Hu Ge's "contest"

In the selection of the Magnolia Award, the competition between Fan Wei and Hu Ge also attracted much attention. Fan Wei was nominated for his outstanding performance in "One Second", while Hu Ge won the title again with his superb acting skills in "Flowers".

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

Both actors are powerful actors, and their competition undoubtedly makes this selection more intense. Some netizens said: "Fan Wei's acting skills are also great!" But Hu Ge's performance this time is really outstanding, and the second magnolia is well deserved. ”

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

Some people also think: "Fan Wei's performance in "One Second" can be called a classic, and it is reasonable if he can win the award this time." This kind of controversy and discussion also makes this selection even more interesting.

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

Strength and controversy coexist

Hu Ge's second Magnolia Emperor is undoubtedly an important milestone in his acting career. His success is inseparable from his own hard work and talent, as well as the recognition of the audience and judges.

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

In this entertainment industry full of competition and opportunities, strength and controversy always coexist. We look forward to Hu Ge continuing to maintain his creative enthusiasm and superb acting skills, and bring us more excellent works and roles.

Hu Ge's counterattack: From the blacklist of ancient costumes to the double champion of magnolia, netizens: This script is too good!

We also hope that the selection body can evaluate every actor and work more fairly and fairly, so that truly powerful actors can get the honor and recognition they deserve.

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