
Actor Weizi talks about Shi Ke marrying foreigners and is heartbroken: 1.3 billion Chinese How did they find a foreigner


Shi Ke, this name may be a little unfamiliar to some young friends, but when it comes to Gong Li, it is a household name. Shi Ke and Gong Li, both of whom are graduates of the 85th level of Chinese opera, were known as the "Five Golden Flowers" together with Wu Yujuan, Chen Wei, and Jin Lili on campus, which can be described as infinitely beautiful. However, the wheel of fate has drawn a very different trajectory for the two of them.

Shi Ke, this Hubei girl, has been a little inferior to her appearance since she was a child, especially the pair of thick lips. But who would have thought that when she grew up, this part that she was once dissatisfied with would become her trademark, and some people even compared her with Angelina Jolie and said that she had a unique sexy charm. In Chinese opera, Shi Ke was not only loved by her classmates, but even the teachers praised her, thinking that she was a talented and good seedling.

Speaking of Zhang Yimou, the great director spent a lot of effort in order to shoot "Red Sorghum". He took a fancy to Shi Ke at a glance, and felt that her image was particularly in line with the image of the "woman with plump breasts and fat buttocks" in the original book. Shi Ke's plump body and angular facial features are simply the best choice for the role of Jiu'er. The teacher also highly recommended it, and Zhang Yimou was even ready to sign a contract with her.

Actor Weizi talks about Shi Ke marrying foreigners and is heartbroken: 1.3 billion Chinese How did they find a foreigner

But fate always seems to play tricks. The originally set actor Liu Xiaoning withdrew due to schedule problems and was replaced by Jiang Wen. At this moment, photographer Gu Changwei felt that Shi Ke and Jiang Wen were standing together, and they didn't seem to be so coordinated. At this time, Gong Li also came to fight for this role. Although Lao Mouzi was still inclined to Shi Ke in his heart, after some comparison, they found that Gong Li seemed to be more compatible with Jiang Wen. So, Zhang Yimou could only write a letter to Shi Ke apologetically, telling her that the role was finally given to Gong Li.

If Shi Ke could hold on a little longer at that time, maybe she could also become the Jiu'er who was remembered by countless people. But there is no if in life, she chose to let go, and Gong Li seized this opportunity and became a well-known star at home and abroad, known as "Gong Huang".

Although Shi Ke missed this opportunity to make her famous in one fell swoop, she was not discouraged. She still insists on her acting career, although her fame is not as big as Gong Li, but her acting skills have been recognized by the audience. In 2021, 56-year-old Shi Ke played Queen Wang in "Shangyang Fu", once again proving his acting skills. Although the traffic is not as good as Zhang Ziyi, she is still interpreting every role in her own way.

Actor Weizi talks about Shi Ke marrying foreigners and is heartbroken: 1.3 billion Chinese How did they find a foreigner

Shi Ke's life, although not as brilliant as Gong Li, has a career she loves, a family that supports her, and two lovely mixed-race sons. She used her own experience to show us that women can find a balance between career and family, and as long as you meet that person who is willing to support you behind you, you can also be a winner in your own life.

This is the story of Shi Ke, a story of choice, perseverance and balance. Although she didn't become the brightest star, she lived her own wonderful life in her own way. 12567

Shi Ke's acting career can be said to be a living inspirational drama. In 1987, with a passion and love for acting, she stepped into this industry full of infinite possibilities. At that time, she was like a rising star, full of infinite vitality and potential. Her first films, "Killer Love" and "Rock 'n' Roll Youth", made a deep impression on the hearts of the audience, and people began to notice this actress with a unique charm.

Actor Weizi talks about Shi Ke marrying foreigners and is heartbroken: 1.3 billion Chinese How did they find a foreigner

Shi Ke's early works were mostly movies, and her performance on the big screen allowed people to see her acting skills and talent. But as time passed, Shi Ke began to try to transform, and she was no longer limited to the big screen, but set her sights on the small screen. After 2000, she gradually switched from movies to TV series, and began to shoot a number of period dramas, which gave her acting career a new lease of life.

In the field of TV dramas, Shi Ke's performance is also excellent. She became the queen actress of the famous director Guo Jingyu, and participated in many works such as "Iron Pear Flower" and "Red Lady". These works not only further improved her acting skills, but also made her image in the hearts of the audience more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Especially the role of Tie Pear Flower in "Iron Pear Flower", Shi Ke vividly interpreted the tenacity, wisdom and tenderness of this character, and won unanimous praise from the audience.

Shi Ke's transformation is not only a change from the big screen to the small screen, but also an important breakthrough in her acting career. Rather than rest on her laurels with early success, she challenged herself to try new roles and types. This spirit of innovation and breakthrough has made her go further and further on the road of acting.

Actor Weizi talks about Shi Ke marrying foreigners and is heartbroken: 1.3 billion Chinese How did they find a foreigner

Shi Ke's acting career, like her life, is full of twists and turns and challenges. But she has always maintained her love and dedication to acting, and has won the recognition and respect of the audience with her efforts and talents. Her story tells us that no matter what kind of difficulties and challenges we face, as long as we have dreams and courage, we will definitely be able to create our own wonderful.

Today's Shi Ke, although she is no longer the young star, her acting career is still full of vitality. She used her own experience to tell us that age is never a limit, as long as we maintain our enthusiasm and keep learning and improving, we can shine in any field. Shi Ke's story continues, and her acting career is constantly writing new chapters.

Shi Ke's personal life can be said to be a romantic and warm journey. Her love story, like the plot of a movie, is full of surprises and sweetness. On a cruise, Scott meets her Swiss husband, and the two fall in love at first sight and quickly fall in love. Although this transnational love affair faces language and cultural differences, their love is unusually firm and deep.

Actor Weizi talks about Shi Ke marrying foreigners and is heartbroken: 1.3 billion Chinese How did they find a foreigner

Shi Ke and her husband had a simple but romantic wedding on a cruise ship, and the two made a lifelong commitment in the presence of family and friends. After marriage, their lives were not affected by distance and cultural differences, but they cherished each other's company even more. Shi Ke's husband resolutely moved to China for her sake and started a new life.

The two have a happy married life, and they support each other to face life's challenges together. Shi Ke's husband not only gave her meticulous care in life, but also gave her the greatest support in her career. Whenever Shi Ke was too busy filming to take care of the family, her husband always quietly took on the responsibilities of the family, allowing her to devote herself to her work.

Shi Ke and her husband have two sons, and the arrival of these two mixed-race babies has added more joy and warmth to the family. Shi Ke often shares her daily life with her children on social media, and from her words and photos, we can feel her happiness and satisfaction as a mother. Her children are lively and cute, inheriting the advantages of their parents and becoming the little treasures of the family.

Actor Weizi talks about Shi Ke marrying foreigners and is heartbroken: 1.3 billion Chinese How did they find a foreigner

Shi Ke's family life, although simple, is full of love and warmth. The mutual understanding and support between her and her husband allows the children to grow up in a loving environment. This harmonious family atmosphere not only made Shi Ke feel happy, but also made her more confident and calm in her career.

Shi Ke's personal life shows us how a woman can balance her career and family. She used her own experience to tell us that as long as there is love and support, no matter what difficulties and challenges we face, we can face them bravely and overcome them. Shi Ke's story is not only an actress's acting career, but also a story of women's continuous growth and progress in the pursuit of dreams and happiness.

Shi Ke, the actress who has become famous in the entertainment industry, her life story is as colorful as the character she plays. Speaking of her first marriage, it was really a sad past. Her first husband was music producer Huang Xiaomao, a name well-known in the music industry who wrote many popular songs.16

Actor Weizi talks about Shi Ke marrying foreigners and is heartbroken: 1.3 billion Chinese How did they find a foreigner

Their acquaintance is said to be because of their work, and both of them have their own pursuits and dreams in their careers. Huang Xiaomao, a person with infinite love for music, and Shi Ke is also constantly working the road of acting. Their love story was also sweet at the beginning, and the two came together because of their common interests and topics, and finally decided to get married and enter the palace of marriage.

However, married life is not only sweet and romantic, but also more of daily trivialities and practical tests. Shi Ke and Huang Xiaomao are both very enterprising people, and they are busy and struggling in their own fields. As time passed, the time for the two to get together became less and less, and their relationship gradually faded. Like many couples who are emotionally estranged due to their busy schedules, they are getting farther and farther apart12.

The two people in the marriage began to face the situation of getting together less and leaving more, and the opportunities to get along became scarce, and the long-term separation increased the distance between the two. Huang Xiaomao's love for music made him unable to give up, while Shi Ke needed to go out to film, which caused the two to have limited time together. In this case, the relationship between the two gradually became problematic12.

Actor Weizi talks about Shi Ke marrying foreigners and is heartbroken: 1.3 billion Chinese How did they find a foreigner

As the time spent together decreased, the relationship between Shi Ke and Huang Xiaomao gradually cooled. Their once sweet time gradually became scarce, replaced by frequent quarrels and misunderstandings. Under the double blow of busyness and stress, their marriage faced a huge test. Whether it is the pressure of their careers or the emotional estrangement, it has become the reason for the gradual distance between the two12.

Although they once loved each other deeply, these difficulties eventually led them to make painful decisions. Shi Ke and Huang Xiaomao had to face the reality, they realized that their marriage could not be repaired, and they could only go to the end of divorce. A once beautiful marriage came to an end under the test of reality.12

After the divorce, Shi Ke was not depressed, she continued to move forward on the road of acting, and won the recognition of the audience with her talent and hard work. And Huang Xiaomao also continues to shine in the music industry and creates more excellent works. Although the two were separated in marriage, their respective lives are still wonderful.

Actor Weizi talks about Shi Ke marrying foreigners and is heartbroken: 1.3 billion Chinese How did they find a foreigner

Shi Ke, a woman who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, has not only achieved her own achievements in her career, but also gained full happiness in her family life. She has two sons, and these two little ones are not only handsome, but also have a strong interest and love for Chinese culture, which is vividly reflected in them.

Shi Ke's two sons, the eldest son Huzi and the younger son Leopard, grew up in Switzerland, but they have a strong interest in traditional Chinese culture such as calligraphy, painting and opera. Not only did they learn Chinese, but they also showed amazing talent in calligraphy and painting. Shi Ke often shares his sons' works on social media, those powerful Chinese characters, those colorful paintings, all of which make people admire, these two children are really talented.

Shi Ke's current husband, a Swiss, also has a deep interest in Chinese culture. He not only supported Shi Ke's career, but also invested a lot of energy and time in the children's Chinese culture education. He encouraged children to learn Chinese, learn about Chinese history and culture, and often use Chinese to communicate even at home. His attitude and behavior undoubtedly set a good example for the children, and also made them love and respect Chinese culture even more.

Actor Weizi talks about Shi Ke marrying foreigners and is heartbroken: 1.3 billion Chinese How did they find a foreigner

Shi Ke's husband, as a foreigner, his love and respect for China is touching. He not only learns Chinese by himself, but also actively participates in the children's Chinese learning, practicing calligraphy with them and appreciating Chinese opera together. His enthusiasm and hard work also made Shi Ke feel very pleased and proud.

In Shi Ke's family, Chinese culture is not only a hobby for children, but also a way of life. Shi Ke and her husband, through their own practical actions, let the children get in touch with and understand Chinese culture from an early age, so that they can feel the charm and value of Chinese culture in a multicultural background.

Shi Ke's two sons, when they grew up, not only had Western education and cultural influence, but also had deep roots in Chinese culture. This kind of cross-cultural education and growth environment broadens their horizons and makes their lives more colorful. Looking at the children's achievements in calligraphy and painting, Shi Ke's heart is full of pride and expectation, and she believes that no matter where they go in the future, they will be able to confidently show their talents and spread the charm of Chinese culture.

Actor Weizi talks about Shi Ke marrying foreigners and is heartbroken: 1.3 billion Chinese How did they find a foreigner

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