
Basically, about 80% of the candidates missed a book, and the online rate of the 2024 college entrance examination in major provinces and cities is so cruel


In the current education system, the college entrance examination carries the evaluation concept of fairness, justice and inclusiveness, and is committed to providing students with high-quality educational resources and ways. With the continuous progress of society, the admissions system of colleges and universities is also continuously reformed to better meet the needs of students.

The college entrance examination, as a provincial and even nationwide competition, is not only a test of students' knowledge mastery, but also a tap of their comprehensive quality and potential. The Ministry of Education's new college entrance examination combination policies implemented in many provinces and cities, such as the 3+1+2 and 3+3 models, are precisely designed to provide students with more diversified learning and development space. The announcement of the results of the college entrance examination provides students with a clear direction to help them better plan for their future.

Basically, about 80% of the candidates missed a book, and the online rate of the 2024 college entrance examination in major provinces and cities is so cruel

As an important representative of higher education, the admission competition of double first-class universities is particularly fierce. According to statistics, only 3.65% of candidates are able to get into these top universities, including 39 985 universities and 73 211 engineering colleges. This data highlights the cruelty of the competition in the college entrance examination and also reflects the students' desire for high-quality educational resources.

However, the competition for the gaokao is not just about admission to top universities. The admission score line of each province is also the focus of attention of candidates. From the 15.4% admission rate in Guangdong Province to the 16.65% admission rate in Henan Province, to the higher online rates in Jiangsu, Hunan and other provinces, all reflect the competition situation of the college entrance examination in different regions. These data not only reveal the fierce competition in the college entrance examination, but also reflect the differences and imbalances in educational resources in different regions.

Basically, about 80% of the candidates missed a book, and the online rate of the 2024 college entrance examination in major provinces and cities is so cruel

It is worth mentioning that the competition in the college entrance examination is not only a test for students, but also a test for the school to select excellent teachers. In order to compete for high-quality students, schools have increased investment and reform in education and teaching to improve their teaching quality and competitiveness. This also makes the college entrance examination an important force in promoting educational reform and development.

However, there are also some limitations and deficiencies in the gaokao system. On the one hand, due to the singularity and test-taking nature of the college entrance examination results, some students with special talents and potential are neglected; On the other hand, the college entrance examination system is also prone to lead to excessive concentration of educational resources and unbalanced regional development. Therefore, on the basis of maintaining the fairness and impartiality of the college entrance examination system, we need to continuously explore and improve more scientific, reasonable and fair education evaluation methods.

Basically, about 80% of the candidates missed a book, and the online rate of the 2024 college entrance examination in major provinces and cities is so cruel

In the college entrance examination competition, students need to put in more effort and sweat. They must not only have a solid knowledge base, but also have good comprehensive quality and innovation ability. At the same time, they also need to have strong faith and perseverance to cope with the various challenges and pressures brought by the college entrance examination. In this process, families, schools and society should also give them more support and love to help them get through this important stage of life.

In addition, we also need to realize that the college entrance examination is only a node on the road of life, not the end. Regardless of the outcome of the college entrance examination, students should maintain a positive attitude and confidence in the future. They can realize their life values and dreams through continuous learning and hard work. At the same time, we should also advocate a diversified concept of talent evaluation, and encourage students to give full play to their strengths and potential in various fields and make greater contributions to society.

Basically, about 80% of the candidates missed a book, and the online rate of the 2024 college entrance examination in major provinces and cities is so cruel

To sum up, as an important part of the current education system, the college entrance examination carries the evaluation concept of fairness, justice and inclusiveness. On the basis of maintaining its advantages, we need to continue to explore and improve more scientific, reasonable and fair education evaluation methods. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the pressure and challenges brought by the competition in the college entrance examination, and provide them with more support and care. Only in this way can we truly achieve fairness and justice in education and cultivate more outstanding talents for the future development of the country.

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