
The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

author:The world of Columbia

Text丨 Brother Kan world

Editor丨 Zhongge Kan World


Recently, tensions between the United States, Russia and Ukraine have attracted much attention. Because of the major conflict in Ukraine, this conflict has a clear political background. The United States has always supported Ukraine, while Russia has questioned Ukraine's actions.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

In fact, many people don't understand why the United States has always supported Ukraine and will provide some military help to Ukraine? In fact, the United States is doing this for a reason, they are implementing the "sausage cutting" tactic.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

1. "Sausage cutting" tactics

The main reason why the United States will support Ukraine is because they want to fight Russia through Ukraine. In the eyes of the United States, Ukraine is a piece of fat, and they want to use the Ukrainian affair to shake Russia's domestic politics and even plunge Russia into civil strife.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

So the United States has been practicing the "sausage cutting" tactic before. The main reason why the United States will adopt this tactic is because they know that no country has the strength to go toe-to-toe with the United States, so they will adopt this method of slowly approaching.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

The main reason why the United States has succeeded is that they are very sophisticated. They know very well that only after approaching the bottom line of others will others react. At this time, the United States can win in the arena of public opinion around the world. So even if other countries hate the United States very much, they have no way to fight back.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

2. The drawbacks of the US "sausage-cutting" tactic

However, in this case, there seems to be a little problem with the US "sausage-cutting" tactic. They originally thought that Russia would be very angry because of such an event, so that the United States would have the opportunity to move closer to Russia through Ukraine.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

What they didn't expect, though, was that Russia was well aware of their intentions. So in this incident, they seized the handle of the United States. They can let the world know through this incident that the United States is actually behind it.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

If it had been before, the United States would certainly be glad to hear such a thing. But in this case, the United States has a headache because of this. Because they know that as long as Russia says this, the United States will become the public enemy of the whole world. When the time comes, they will be under pressure from all over the world.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

So in this case, the attitude of the United States is very clear. They did not admit that they did it themselves at first, but have been shifting the blame to Ukraine. But now that Russia has ample evidence, they can no longer deny it.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

At this time, the Pentagon people were worried. They know that as long as the United States pushes back and forth like this, others will eventually know the truth. At that time, the United States will be besieged by public opinion all over the world.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

3. China's counterattack tactics

In fact, not only Russia, but also China is also disgusted by the "sausage-cutting" tactics of the United States. The main reason why the United States has been doing things in the South China Sea is because they want to use the South China Sea to get closer to China's bottom line.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

But China is not very angry about the actions of the United States. Instead, they adopted their own counter-attack tactics. The "reverse sausage cut" tactic, despite its comical name, is actually very effective.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

China understands that if you want others to retreat, you must let others know where your bottom line is. So they chose to fight back at this time. Whether in the South China Sea or in the Taiwan Strait, China will react whenever someone approaches China's bottom line.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

In fact, China at this time is no longer the China it used to be. They have a strong military force, but also nuclear weapons that can deter the United States. So American tactics are no longer useful to China. When they approach China again, China will fight back, and the counterattack at this time will definitely be a headache for the United States.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked


In fact, the current international situation is very sensitive. Neither the United States nor other countries should take some very aggressive actions. The country is not what it used to be, and they have some of their own ways of coping.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

So if you do things like this again, you will definitely fight back. In this way, international tensions will be exacerbated, and people all over the world will suffer.

The "sausage-slicing" tactic failed in succession, the US Secretary of Defense called to sue for peace, and China's counterattack tactics worked

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