
Will the Earth enter extreme cold in 2025? Research: Looking at the state of the AMOC, humanity is in an "interglacial period"

author:Universal Science Cats

One will be hot, the other will be cold, the earth is "swinging", such a climate change process has made many people feel that climate anomalies have become a normal thing.

However, it is also very clear that the increase in extreme weather is not controversial at all, and that humanity can only change if we continue to maintain the climate.

Will the Earth enter extreme cold in 2025? Research: Looking at the state of the AMOC, humanity is in an "interglacial period"

If this continues, the extreme growth of the earth, and at the same time may enter the next "Xiaoice period", the earth enters the era of cooling, what is the situation? Global warming is followed by Earth's Xiaoice period? How exactly it develops, let's take a look at it in detail below.

Global warming is growing, and this is not much of a controversy

Indeed, the growth of global warming is an obvious fact, and climate change is becoming stronger and stronger, which is closely related to global warming.

No, the Copernicus Climate Change Service, the EU's climate monitoring agency, has released data again showing how the ocean is performing in terms of climate, which is really a game-changer.

Will the Earth enter extreme cold in 2025? Research: Looking at the state of the AMOC, humanity is in an "interglacial period"

According to the data, global ocean surface temperatures have broken the highest values for the same period on record for 14 consecutive months.

In May this year, the average ocean surface temperature between 60 degrees north and 60 degrees south reached 20.93 degrees Celsius, the highest on record for the same period.

The U.S. Climate Center also noted that ocean surface temperatures in most parts of the world were above the historical average for the same period in May, with the tropical Atlantic Ocean reaching record highs.

See? If you are not careful, it will be a new high, and human beings are really creating new historical highs, and the root cause of this is actually global warming, whether it is in the ocean area or the land area.

Will the Earth enter extreme cold in 2025? Research: Looking at the state of the AMOC, humanity is in an "interglacial period"

In 2023, humanity recorded the hottest year on record, with the global average near-surface temperature 1.45 degrees Celsius (± 0.12 degrees Celsius) above pre-industrial levels, making the past 10 years the hottest on record.

So, these data are all confirming the problem that global warming continues to develop.

Of course, we have also seen the high temperature development model in 2024, although the blessing of El Niño has led to further monthly maximum temperatures in global temperatures, but on the whole, global warming is still fundamental.

Will the Earth enter extreme cold in 2025? Research: Looking at the state of the AMOC, humanity is in an "interglacial period"

Therefore, what high temperature of more than 40 degrees has created history on the mainland at the same time, which is actually completely normal, and there are these climatic factors in it.

It can only be said that such a climate may still be difficult to stop under global warming, and this climate change trend has changed from rare to normal.

Weather patterns that occur once in decades, or even once in 100 years, have a higher probability in terms of frequency.

So, there is not much controversy about the growth of global warming, and in this case, everyone must also expect the earth to cool down, no, there is really such a study.

Will the Earth enter extreme cold in 2025? Research: Looking at the state of the AMOC, humanity is in an "interglacial period"

The journal Nature Communications published about the great changes in the earth, so that everyone can see the trend of the earth cooling, what is the situation? One will talk about global warming, and the other will talk about cooling.

Will the Earth enter extreme cold in 2025?

What's going on? Is that really going to get cooler? According to the situation published in Nature Communications, this is actually based on the problem of global warming, and it is true that after global warming, it is possible to bring the earth into an era of extreme cold.

According to the research, global warming will trigger a shift in the Earth's climate tipping point, and this is just one of them, that is, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).

Will the Earth enter extreme cold in 2025? Research: Looking at the state of the AMOC, humanity is in an "interglacial period"

The collapse of the AMOC is one of the most important critical elements in the Earth's climate system (i.e., the subsystem that will switch to an irreversible state), and its possible collapse is one of the major concerns of mankind, which could have serious consequences for the climate of the North Atlantic region and the world.

However, as soon as it collapses, the last glacial pattern of more than 12,000 years ago will occur, causing the average temperature in the Northern Hemisphere to fluctuate by 10°C to 15°C over a decade, much larger than the 1.5°C change in the current century.

At that time, the earth was in a warm period, and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation suddenly weakened, and the ocean circulation transmission belt was closed, resulting in the interruption of global warming and a sharp drop in temperature.

Will the Earth enter extreme cold in 2025? Research: Looking at the state of the AMOC, humanity is in an "interglacial period"

The entire event lasted about 1,200 years, and the overall global average temperature dropped by about 6°C. This global sudden cooling event was later called the "New Fairy Wood Event", that is, it brought the earth into an era of extreme cold.

And according to the journal Nature, early warning signs of a key shift in the AMOC suggest that it may end or collapse as early as 2025 and no later than 2095. So, this means that the earth will enter extreme cold in 2025?

In fact, after this conclusion was published, it also triggered some different opinions.

Will the Earth enter extreme cold in 2025? Research: Looking at the state of the AMOC, humanity is in an "interglacial period"

That is, the IPCC assessment that the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation is unlikely to collapse completely in the 21st century, and some scientists who were not involved in the study say that the exact tipping point for the collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation is uncertain, and as of the current state, measurements of ocean currents show little trend or change.

But they agreed that the tipping point could come sooner than previously thought.

Will the Earth enter extreme cold in 2025? Research: Looking at the state of the AMOC, humanity is in an "interglacial period"

So, whether the earth will enter extreme cold in 2025 or not, it is ultimately believed that such a situation may come soon.

However, on the issue of global warming, in fact, fundamentally speaking, it still depends on the state of global warming, which will determine the future changes of the earth.

So, in general, this is a factor of uncertainty. But in terms of convenience.

Humanity is in an "interglacial period"

That's right, it's actually a glacial climate model, but everyone's feelings are different, and the scale is different, so it's completely different from global warming.

The journal Nature Communications also analyzed the problem in 2024, that is, the Earth's climate is constantly fluctuating, and there is a long time in the past history that it is warmer than the current situation of the Earth.

The most recent warm period was the transition from the Pliocene to the Pleistocene about 2.6 million years ago.

Will the Earth enter extreme cold in 2025? Research: Looking at the state of the AMOC, humanity is in an "interglacial period"

At that time, the global average temperature of the earth was 2-4°C higher than it is now, and the sea level was about 20 meters higher than it is now (i.e., all coastal areas such as Shanghai, Tianjin, and Macao would be submerged), so global warming has not yet led to such a situation, indicating that the state of the earth has not yet reached 2.6 million years ago.

But from the perspective of different scales, it must be different, and the name under the cycle change is also different, with tens of thousands of years to hundreds of thousands of years as the cycle change, in the relatively warm period is called the "interglacial period", and the relatively cold period is called the "ice age", and the earth is in a relatively warm "interglacial period", now everyone understands?

Will the Earth enter extreme cold in 2025? Research: Looking at the state of the AMOC, humanity is in an "interglacial period"

That is, global warming does exist, and it may continue, causing the earth to enter an extremely cold era, but under different time scales, the state of the earth is different, depending on how to look at it.

Anyway, it's warming, and warming doesn't conflict with either.

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