
The three new books "Wanli Mingjun", "Tao and Tianqi" and "1979 Golden Age" have broken 10,000 orders together

author:El Sky

Today, I will mainly talk about the news of the new 10,000 subscriptions.

It's rare to have three new books on the same day, because they are full of 200,000 VIP words, and they get the 10,000 book badge.

So far this month, 23 10,000 new works have been added to the starting point, which has exceeded the 22 in May, and I hope it will continue to grow in the next two days.

1, "Wanli Mingjun" 450,000 words are being serialized

The three new books "Wanli Mingjun", "Tao and Tianqi" and "1979 Golden Age" have broken 10,000 orders together

Hezhao's work,On the shelves on the 29th of last month,The first order is more than 5,400,000,My impression is that the fake chase displayed at the starting point before the shelves is hovering around 10,000.

After the first order of more than 5,400 was not low, but it was indeed less than I thought.

However, as the story progresses, the average subscription of the novel has risen relatively quickly, and it has been exactly one month to get the 10,000 order badge.

The author said that he had written a novel before, and the results were good, but because of physical problems, more than 400,000 words were stopped indefinitely. But which one is specific, I didn't say.

Emperor Wen of the background of the Ming Dynasty, the central leader of the Tiangu Eclipse Day who caught up with the Tengu Eclipse Day in his previous life crossed into the Wanli Emperor before he ascended the throne, and was ready to shoulder the Ming Dynasty, recreate the world, and make the Ming great story again.

Although the protagonist is only ten years old at the beginning, he has the foundation of the leader in his previous life, and he still has the calmness to do so, and he is already playing against Zhang Juzheng at the beginning.

The novel also pays attention to evidence, and those who are interested in the story of Wanli's era can try it.

2, "Tao and Tianqi" 370,000 words and 10,000 orders are being serialized

The three new books "Wanli Mingjun", "Tao and Tianqi" and "1979 Golden Age" have broken 10,000 orders together

The author mainly wrote works of the national genre earlier, but the subject matter was quite restrictive.

The last novel "Immortals Just Want to Lie Down" wrote about the revival of aura and the cultivation of immortals in the city, and the results took off, and the peak period was more than 30,000 orders. The author is also very young, only twenty-three years old this year.

This "Tao and Tianqi" is still on the road of cultivating immortals, and the first order on the shelves on June 1st is in the range of eight or nine thousand.

The protagonist travels into a beggar of an ancient dynasty, and his ancestors have a fairy fate, but he was taken by the royal Nine Emperors at the beginning, and in order to survive, the protagonist had to sell the jade pendant as a certificate to the other party, in exchange for the qualification of a glorious and wealthy retainer.

When someone came from above, the protagonist knew the role of the jade pendant, cut off the fetters of the original body, and the more powerful life character that was hidden by himself gradually appeared. The protagonist himself also relied on himself to embark on the road of cultivating immortals.

Of course, this is just my impression at the beginning, how it evolved later, I didn't go to the depth, and those who have chased more might as well talk about it.

3. "1979 Golden Age" is being serialized with 400,000 words

The three new books "Wanli Mingjun", "Tao and Tianqi" and "1979 Golden Age" have broken 10,000 orders together

The work of the great god who will turn white when he sleeps, the splash screen activity at the beginning of June 2 was put on the shelves, and the final first order was close to 20,000, which was the highest first order among his works.

Urban rebirth of the era of entertainment and literature, an insider who had a small family in his previous life was reborn in the imperial capital in 1979 and became a young man who returned to the city.

Both parents are employees of Xinhua Bookstore, and the protagonist takes advantage of the prophet to respond to the call for employment, starting from selling big bowls of tea, and planning step by step.

He made Lushan love scripts, wrote martial arts novels, made Tai Chi movies, went abroad to earn foreign exchange, and helped the revival of Hong Kong's leftists, and he was also very calm along the way.

Writing about the entertainment of the era, it is really handy to sleep and turn white. At present, the heroine is sure that there is Gong Xue, as for whether there will be others, it's hard to say. After all, Teacher Xu is both beautiful in front, and Teacher Chen seems to have a lot of ideas.

The novel's grades are also booming, and now it looks like it's going to be booked to 40,000. If you like this kind of theme, you can try it.

So the above is the content of this issue, but there are also in Chagua today, watching people talking about betting with the platinum god high-rise building on Jiang Ping's previous math ranking, this is really a melon to watch every day.

So that's all for this issue, and we'll see you tomorrow.

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