
Ausnutria Portrait | Aiyisen Wang Meng: The market is "running".

author:Ausnutria Dairy

In Ausnutria, Wang Meng has experienced two "pioneering".

For the first time, starting from a newcomer who didn't even know the location of the mother and baby store, she measured the market with her footsteps, served the channels attentively, and gradually knew the market situation well, and was affectionately called "Meng Meng" by the store owner; The second time, starting from the great northwest region with no roots, she traveled all over Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, and Xinjiang alone...... Find a way to break the market situation of Aiyisen.

The reason why Ausnutria's products are chosen and trusted by more and more consumers is inseparable from countless excellent family members like Wang Meng, who are running on the front line of the market and serving the channels and consumers attentively.

Ausnutria Portrait | Aiyisen Wang Meng: The market is "running".

△ Wang Meng - Aiyisen / Offline Sales Department / Shaanxi Provincial Manager / 2023 Outstanding Employee

Go to the front line, to the place where you can hear the "artillery fire".

From 2016 to 2021, there were about 70 or 80 mom and baby mom-and-pop shops in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, selling Jiabei Aite goat milk powder, with hundreds at the most. This is Wang Meng's conclusion that he came out step by step with his feet. Every time the store owner saw her, he greeted her warmly: "Meng Meng is here!" ”

"At the beginning, they mentioned that I was a very polite 'Jiabei Aite Wang Meng', and I don't know when it started to change." Wang Meng said with a smile. Behind the change in title, it is the recognition of the bosses for her perennial visits to stores and attentive service, as well as the continuous deepening of the cooperation between the brand and the channel.

On December 1, 2016, Wang Meng joined Jiabei Aite, a subsidiary of Ausnutria, and became a front-line business staff in Xi'an City. Previously, as a mother who had been raising children full-time for three years, her return to the workplace was not very smooth due to the gap period. "Considering the experience of premarital sales work and the knowledge of parenting, sales work in the maternal and child industry is a more suitable choice."

Despite this, Wang Meng was still a little apprehensive in her heart. On the first day of work, she couldn't help but send a message to cheer herself up: "Hard work is an attitude, down-to-earth efforts will definitely be able to create a big difference, and on the road of dreams, meet a better self!" ”

For front-line business personnel, the four words "down-to-earth" are not only adjectives, but also realistic descriptions. At the beginning, Wang Meng didn't even know the location of the husband and wife mother and baby store in Xi'an City, and the solution was very stupid, direct and effective, that is, to find it one by one.

Within a market area, mom and baby mom-and-pop shops tend to be more dispersed. At that time, Wang Meng had not bought a car, so he could only take the subway and bus, transfer from one trip to another, and walk all over the streets and alleys of the city. Every working day, no matter whether it is sunny or rainy, no matter how cold or hot it is, at least 10,000 steps must be taken. God rewards hard work, and where there is a will, there is a way. During the 5 years of working in Jiabei Aite, Wang Meng has successfully completed her work tasks every quarter, won many internal awards from the company, and has also been highly recognized by channel partners.

Today, Wang Meng has been promoted from a business person to a provincial manager, responsible for market strategy formulation, talent training and other management work, but she still insists on visiting stores. "The store is a scene where the brand, the channel and the consumer are in direct contact, and only by entering the store can we truly understand the freshness of the company's products, the richness of the items, the aesthetics of the display, the sales situation, etc., and can we better communicate with channel partners and consumers."

Ausnutria Portrait | Aiyisen Wang Meng: The market is "running".

△ Wang Meng (right) visited the store and took a group photo with the store manager.

Go to the front line, to the place where you can hear the "artillery fire". This is the insistence of Wang Meng and other marketing line personnel, and it is also the choice of Ausnutria managers. Every year, at important marketing nodes such as the National Day and the Spring Festival, Ausnutria managers form teams to visit key markets across the country to gain an in-depth understanding of the situation and demands of the market, and provide reference guidance for follow-up market strategy formulation and team management.

One person is a team

In 2021, in order to further promote the implementation of the "nutrition and health for the whole family" strategy, Ausnutria launched a new nutrition brand, Ayisen. Coincidentally, on the same day 5 years ago, on December 1, Wang Meng was transferred to Aiyisen and became the No. 59 employee.

With a new business sector and unknown development prospects, many colleagues can't help but admire Wang Meng's courage. "It's impossible to say that you don't worry at all, the competition in the nutrition industry is fierce," Wang Meng said, "but the company's emphasis and persistence in scientific research make me confident in the product; The company's clear positioning of Aiyisen gives me confidence in the brand, and I look forward to growing together with Aiyisen. ”

Ausnutria Portrait | Aiyisen Wang Meng: The market is "running".

△ Wang Meng (front row, middle) took a group photo with the Aiyisen team.

When Aiyisen was first founded, Wang Meng was responsible for the sales work in the northwest region. In order to promote the company's policies, introduce product value, and do a good job in channel services, in 2022, she spent two-thirds of her time on business trips every month, traveling throughout the entire northwest region, covering Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, and Xinjiang...... Hundreds of trainings were conducted and hundreds of stores were visited.

I have seen the sunset on the yellow sand and blown through the wind and frost of the Gobi. Although Wang Meng has the tenacity and determination of "wearing gold armor in a hundred battles in the yellow sand, and never returning Loulan if it is not broken", there are still moments of tears. At that time, in order to protect people's lives and health, and do a good job in the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, many regions implemented temporary control policies, which inevitably affected product transportation, store operations, offline activities, etc., and product sales came to a standstill for a short time.

During this period, Wang Meng and Aiyisen's partners did not wait passively, but insisted on doing a good job in product promotion and shopping guide training in their respective regions through online meetings and private domain operations. Suddenly, one day, the store guide called Wang Meng excitedly: "I sold a can of Aiyisen today!" When consumers buy milk powder and diapers, they recommend going out! ”

"It's really not easy!" That day, Wang Meng parked her car in the garage and cried for a long time before packing up her mood and going home, "This is inseparable from the support of shopping guide partners, and also thanks to the initiative of the Aiyisen team to transfer offline services online." "Countless Ausnutria people who work together to forge ahead only find ways to succeed, not make excuses for failure, and promote our common cause to move forward.

After the preliminary market exploration, Wang Meng and the Aiyisen team seized the breakthrough point in the northwest region, that is, to select high-quality channels and carry out in-depth cooperation. At the end of 2022, after in-depth communication in the early stage, Aiyisen officially signed a contract with selected high-quality channels. The two-way empowerment of "brand + channel" achieved an amazing result of sales exceeding one million in 6 days in the first month of formal cooperation, and it was an "good start".

Ausnutria Portrait | Aiyisen Wang Meng: The market is "running".

△ Wang Meng (front row, fourth from right) took a group photo with channel partners.

Still believing in the power of reading

At the beginning of each year, Wang Meng will make an annual reading plan for herself, not only reading practical books to improve her work ability, but also reading literary books that cultivate her sentiment. In her opinion, "Practical books can build a ladder for career advancement, and literary books can broaden people's horizons, avoid falling into the trap of utilitarianism, face setbacks and failures more calmly, and have the courage to stand up for the umpteenth time." ”

In the most year, Wang Meng finished reading 24 books, an average of one every two weeks. Under her influence, her husband and children also developed good reading habits. "Parents should not only accompany their children to grow up, but also be role models for their children," Wang Meng said, "Only by studying hard and working hard can they influence their children subtly." This is also her parenting experience as a practitioner in the maternal and child industry and a mother.

The habit of insisting on reading made Wang Meng quickly stand out in the workplace. Once on the way to Changsha headquarters for training, Wang Meng opened Lu Yao's famous work "Life", in which the protagonist's twists and turns made her unable to let go of the book, and she saw 4 o'clock in the morning in one breath. In the training class the next day, the teacher happened to use this book as an example to teach, and asked the students who could share their experiences, and Wang Meng won the applause of the audience with his profound insights and fluent expression on the spot.

Ausnutria Portrait | Aiyisen Wang Meng: The market is "running".

△ The bookcase in Wang Meng's home.

When it comes to future planning, Wang Meng not only regards work as a personal or company's career, but also as a mission. "As a member of the nutrition industry, I hope to help more people's health awareness shift from focusing on disease treatment to focusing on nutrition care by continuously sharing nutrition and health knowledge in my work, and promote the improvement of national health. At the same time, it is also hoped that domestic probiotic products can be recognized by more and more consumers and help the localization of the probiotics industry. ”

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