
The Hedong Youth League District Committee organized and carried out publicity and education activities on the theme of youth anti-drugs

author:Beautiful Hedong youth first
The Hedong Youth League District Committee organized and carried out publicity and education activities on the theme of youth anti-drugs
The Hedong Youth League District Committee organized and carried out publicity and education activities on the theme of youth anti-drugs

International Anti-Drug Day

The Hedong Youth League District Committee organized and carried out publicity and education activities on the theme of youth anti-drugs

In order to strengthen the anti-drug publicity and education work of young people in the new era, in conjunction with the 37th "International Anti-Drug Day", the Hedong Youth League District Committee actively organized various grassroots league organizations and youth affairs social work stations to carry out anti-drug publicity and education activities with the theme of "12355 Escort for Youth" with the theme of "Preventing Drug Abuse among Youth", so as to continuously improve the ability of young people to recognize, prevent and reject drugs, and escort the healthy growth of young people.

Tangjiakou Street

Feng Shengqiu, a social worker of youth affairs, carried out a publicity and education activity with the theme of "Refuse Drugs and Grow Up Healthily" in the community of Section 6 of Tangjiakou Street, leading young people in the community to improve their awareness of drug rejection and drug identification ability by preaching anti-drug knowledge, watching warning education videos, interactive quizzes on anti-drug knowledge and experiencing the game of "anti-drug flying chess". In the lecture session, Feng Shengqiu introduced "what is a drug", combined with watching an anti-drug propaganda video, to comprehensively explain the serious harm of drugs to themselves, their families and society, and called on young people to recognize the harm of drugs and consciously resist drugs. In the interactive Q&A and "anti-drug flying chess" game session, the young people actively participated, and further consolidated the learning results in the form of entertaining and educational.

The Hedong Youth League District Committee organized and carried out publicity and education activities on the theme of youth anti-drugs

Sky Railway Street

Relying on the 12355 self-care classroom for young people, the Panqi Community of Tiantie Street carried out the "Youth Drug-free Escort Growth" youth anti-drug and HIV/AIDS publicity and education activities. Through watching anti-drug propaganda videos and interactive knowledge quizzes, the activities introduced the types and harms of drugs in detail, and showed all kinds of drug "disguises", so that young people can intuitively understand and identify the "new drugs" hidden around them, guide young people to be vigilant against drug traps, and further enhance their awareness of drugs and prevention awareness.

The Hedong Youth League District Committee organized and carried out publicity and education activities on the theme of youth anti-drugs

Dawangzhuang Street

Deyuanli Community, Dawangzhuang Street, together with the First Brigade of Binhai Drug Rehabilitation Center and the Community Rehabilitation and Community Health Workstation of the Sub-district, jointly held the "Prevention of Drug Abuse among Youth" anti-drug knowledge publicity and education activities, and actively promoted the anti-drug publicity and education work of young people. During the event, anti-narcotics workers explained the types, characteristics and harms of drugs to young people in the community, and introduced the relevant content of the "Anti-drug Law of the People's Republic of China". At the same time, young people and their parents are reminded not to trust strangers, not to buy irregular goods, to be practitioners of drug prevention and drug rejection, to take the initiative to publicize drug prevention and drug prevention knowledge, and to jointly build a protective wall.

The Hedong Youth League District Committee organized and carried out publicity and education activities on the theme of youth anti-drugs

Changzhou Road Street

The Youth League Working Committee of Changzhou Dao Street, together with Tianjin Binhai Drug Rehabilitation Center and Changzhou Li Second Community, went to Changzhou Dao Primary School to carry out anti-drug publicity and education activities in conjunction with the "Implementation Day of the Anti-drug Law of the People's Republic of China". During the activity, the police introduced the "Anti-drug Law of the People's Republic of China" and the knowledge of anti-drug knowledge, types of drugs, harms and how to prevent and resist drugs for students and parents, and organized students to observe the drug model, explained how to identify new drugs disguised as "drinks" and "jelly" and other daily snacks and drinks, revealed the characteristics of new "stamp" drugs, and helped students learn to identify drugs, recognize the harm of drugs, and take the initiative to stay away from the "temptation" of drugs.

The Hedong Youth League District Committee organized and carried out publicity and education activities on the theme of youth anti-drugs

Xiangyanglou Street

Wang Lijing, a social worker of youth affairs, invited young police officers from Binhai Drug Rehabilitation Center to give a lecture on the theme of "Cherish Life and Stay Away from Drugs" in Chenguanglou Community, Xiangyanglou Street. During the activity, Officer Yao explained in detail the history and types of new drugs, and explained the possible harms and related legal consequences of various drugs by combining the characteristics of various drugs, drug models and real cases, and guided the youth present to correctly identify various types of drugs and harms, improve their awareness of prevention, and enhance their ability to recognize drugs.

The Hedong Youth League District Committee organized and carried out publicity and education activities on the theme of youth anti-drugs

Zhongshanmen Street

Zhongshanmen Street Style Zhujing Community invited police officers from Binhai Drug Rehabilitation Center to carry out "International Anti-Drug Day" theme lectures for young people and parents in the community. Focusing on the types, harms, and prevention of drugs, a detailed explanation was given, and anti-drug propaganda videos were played. A model display session was also set up at the site to teach the types, harms and prevention skills of drugs to young people in the community through drug model display.

The Hedong Youth League District Committee organized and carried out publicity and education activities on the theme of youth anti-drugs

Shanghang Road Street

Liu Lan, a social worker of youth affairs, carried out an anti-drug education activity in Hedong District's "Benefiting Hearts and Minds" youth class in Fenglinli Community, Shanghang Road Street. During the activity, Liu Lan showed the students the types, characteristics, harmfulness of drugs, and how to identify and prevent drugs and other related knowledge in the form of pictures and texts. In the questioning and interactive session, through games such as "I distinguish the following behaviors" and "anti-drug detectives", the achievements of young people in the community in learning anti-drug knowledge were consolidated, and everyone's awareness and ability of "drug recognition, drug rejection, and drug prevention" were effectively improved.

The Hedong Youth League District Committee organized and carried out publicity and education activities on the theme of youth anti-drugs
The Hedong Youth League District Committee organized and carried out publicity and education activities on the theme of youth anti-drugs

In the next step, the Hedong Youth League District Committee will continue to focus on safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of young people, take the "12355" youth self-care platform and the "Yixin Yiyi" self-care classroom as the carrier, combine the physical and mental development characteristics of young people, and carry out various forms of anti-drug propaganda and other legal education series activities on a regular basis, so as to continuously improve the self-protection ability of young people and escort the healthy growth of young people.

The Hedong Youth League District Committee organized and carried out publicity and education activities on the theme of youth anti-drugs

Duty Editor | Zhao Jingjing

Editor-in-Charge | Liu Wenlong

Review & Proofread | Li Li and Liu Tianyang

Final Issuance | ZHANG Jing

The Hedong Youth League District Committee organized and carried out publicity and education activities on the theme of youth anti-drugs

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