
Pigs have been reduced to the harvesting tools of financial capital

author:Sure enough

Judging from the abnormal performance of pig prices this year, the pig is no longer a simple pig, but has become a tool for financial capital harvesting.

First of all, the price of piglets has risen in the last month or so, and the price of piglets in February and March was only one or two hundred yuan a head, and it has risen to more than 600 yuan in the last month or so, and the highest price once rose to 750 yuan a head. Although the first quarter is the peak season for farmers to fill the bar, superimposed in the fourth quarter of last year, some pig farms appeared empty barn, further increasing the enthusiasm of farmers to fill the bar, but the speculation of capital has played an important role in it.

Pigs have been reduced to the harvesting tools of financial capital

The second is the contrarian rise in pig prices in mid-to-late May, it is true that production capacity has declined, and pork consumption has picked up in advance to provide a certain impetus for pig prices to rise, but in just over a month, pig prices have risen from more than 7 yuan to more than 9 yuan, and capital speculation can be said to be indispensable. The point of capital speculation is the strong expectation of pig prices in the later stage, frantically advocating follow-up pig prices, stimulating secondary fattening farmers to enter the market frantically, seizing the pig source, and locking in a wave of profits in the group field.

Speculation on pig prices is only a small part of the harvest, and some of them are futures and options, it is understood that on June 24, DCE issued an announcement to solicit public opinions on eggs, corn starch and hog futures and options contracts.

After the futures listing, pig breeding is not a simple pig breeding, has been linked to the capital, the group pig farm in the pig price continues to be sluggish when the fence is still filled, expanded, increase the amount of breeding, its confidence comes from the capital operation. The simplest thing is that when the pig price is good, it makes money by raising pigs, and when the pig price is bad, it makes money by futures. Under this kind of operation, free-range farmers can only run along, which is also an important reason why the pig breeding volume and slaughter volume of group pig farms in recent years account for an increasingly high proportion of total domestic breeding and slaughter volume.

Pigs have been reduced to the harvesting tools of financial capital

Futures have changed the current breeding pattern, and now there is one more option, which can be used to amplify leverage again on the basis of futures, but the risk loss is fixed, so the relative risk is lower, which provides more space for capital to exert its strength (speculation) in the pig market.

Although free-range investors can also participate in futures and options, in the face of big capital, retail investors can only be weak chickens.

Pigs have been reduced to the harvesting tools of financial capital

The recent secondary fattening farmers are likely to be harvested, several pig head enterprises have risen in a wave, the second fattening and the purchase of piglet farmers has climaxed, crazy rush to buy pig sources, how about the pig price behind, is the group pig farm not better than the free-range households? At present, the group pig farm first came to lock in profits, and the bag was safe, and then the pig price fell, the second fattening farmers lost money, and the pig market breeding share was further released.

Whether you can make money raising pigs in the future is no longer about your breeding level, but on the reward of big capital.

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