
Jiajing's theory of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in "Ming Dynasty 1566" is an imperial trick or a sophistry?

author:Yan Yi who fell into the water

Jiajing has been on the throne for more than 40 years, and everyone has seen his means of governance, and the first assistant has changed one stubble after another, and has always controlled power in his hands.

In the ultimate showdown between him and Hai Jui, the "Yangtze River and Yellow River Theory" he said was actually a summary of his decades of experience.

Jiajing boasted that he had always regarded Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty as his idol and practiced the rule of inaction.

In fact, he has always been firmly in control of power, and he has only a pure subordinate relationship with his courtiers, and has no personal feelings.

Everything he did was for the operation of the power of the Ming Dynasty, and what was right and wrong was never within his consideration.

Jiajing's theory of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in "Ming Dynasty 1566" is an imperial trick or a sophistry?

Before his death, he taught his son King Yu that there is no real virtuous minister, and if it is useful, it will be used, and if it is useless, it will be deposed.

That's the truth, but it's cold-blooded to say.

Hai Rui and Jiajing are the two most important characters in the play, and the positioning of Jiajing is "to yin", so Hai Rui is "to yang".

Zhiyang's Hai Rui is a sharp sword for Daming.

The two people are extreme, Jiajing likes to tell hexagrams on weekdays, and in his gossip, the two are in their respective positions.

Jiajing's theory of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in "Ming Dynasty 1566" is an imperial trick or a sophistry?

Jiajing and Hai Rui didn't have a chance to meet in the first place, and their duel was because Hai Rui appeared in "Public Security", which deeply stimulated Jiajing.

The Taoist chief was so angry on the spot that he was incoherent. After that, he sent Baiguan and Chen Hong to debate with Hai Rui, but this group of people were all refuted by Hai Rui, so he personally went into battle to meet this Hai Rui.

For the first time, Jiajing quietly went to see Hai Rui in prison, not daring to reveal his identity, in a vain attempt to convince Hai Rui with a set of false and crooked reasoning.

Although Hai Rui is a prisoner, he said it from the bottom of his heart, and he said it sonorously and forcefully, and he said that Jiajing was very embarrassed and irrefutable.

Jiajing is an emperor who holds authority in his hands, but he is wrapped in black clothes and black hats, and he hides it.

Jiajing's theory of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in "Ming Dynasty 1566" is an imperial trick or a sophistry?

Jiajing faced the courtiers every day, and his riddles made Yan Dang and Qingliu dare not act rashly, and they all followed Jiajing and even flattered.

Today in prison, Jiajing turned the fake to the true, Hai Rui directly stripped off the emperor's new clothes, Jiajing broke the defense, lost a lot, and vomited blood and left the field.

Jiajing's health is getting worse day by day, but he still has to fight against Hai Rui, fight back against Hai Rui with "truth", and let the world face him.

Jiajing and his son and grandson lined up in the shape of a mountain peak this time, but Hai Rui was alone.

Jiajing directly used the identity of the emperor to reprimand the courtiers this time. It is also to educate sons and grandsons how to be emperors.

Jiajing's theory of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in "Ming Dynasty 1566" is an imperial trick or a sophistry?

This time, Jiajing understood that he had to say something real and reveal his most yin side in order to bring down Hai Rui.

So there is the Yangtze River and the Yellow River theory.

"The water of the Yangtze River irrigates the fields of several provinces on both sides of the river, and the same is true of the water of the Yellow River. Once the Yellow River floods, it needs to be controlled, which is why I deposed Yan Song and killed Yan Shifan. On the contrary, once the Yangtze River floods, I will also have to deal with it, which is why I deposed Yang Tinghe and Xia Yan, and killed Yang Jisheng, Shen Lian and others. ”

The core of these words is that it is only about interests, whether it is right or wrong!

Jiajing's theory of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in "Ming Dynasty 1566" is an imperial trick or a sophistry?

What the emperor wants is to balance interests, there is no right or wrong, and the people are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the emperor.

This theory is the principle of governing the world from the perspective of the emperor.

To the ears of the common people, it is cruel.

Jiajing is a vassal king, and in the past 45 years, he has used his own theory of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River to secure the highest position in the Ming Dynasty.

He is the only person in the world who can practice this set of theories, and he will only say this theory in his heart when he meets Hai Rui.

Jiajing's theory of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in "Ming Dynasty 1566" is an imperial trick or a sophistry?

Jiajing explained his concept of governing the country, but it was a cold theory of self-respect.

Hai Jui said: "Everything remains in the annals of history and in the hearts of people."

These remarks came out of Jiajing's mouth, which was the emperor's mental trick and his method of rule, and others could not refute it.

Emperor Jiajing said that it "made sense", and the negative effects other than "reasonable" had to be borne by him anyway.

The small people are unable to empathize.

Jiajing's theory of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River in "Ming Dynasty 1566" is an imperial trick or a sophistry?

Therefore, there is also an element of sophistry in his mental tricks.

Different people have different perspectives and look at problems differently.

The Emperor of the Yin, whether right or wrong, as long as it is beneficial to his rule, the rest is not in his consideration.

Hai Rui, who is the sun, thinks of the people in his heart, and his ideal is to govern the country together with the emperor.

#"Ming Dynasty 1566"##头条创作挑战赛##明朝的故事#

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