
How many acres of land does the Yellow River Canal need to feed 200 million more people?

author:Great Power Science and Technology Academy

How many acres of land does the Yellow River Canal need to feed 200 million more people?

In the past four years, the Danjiangkou Reservoir has discharged more than 20 billion cubic meters of flood water every year. If the upstream of the Danjiangkou Reservoir achieves multi-year regulation. In dry years, water will be drawn from the Three Gorges Reservoir to meet the needs of the Three Gorges Reservoir and the middle line of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project will be expanded to 40 billion cubic meters. All of them are deployed to the Yellow River and Haihe River basins.

The upper reaches of the Yellow River will be able to retain all water resources. With climate warming, the average of more than 50 billion cubic meters in the upper reaches of the Yellow River has exceeded 50 billion cubic meters for many years, and the water circulation in the region after interception has been added. The total amount of water resources obtained by the northwest is two to three times that of the western route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, and also exceeds the amount of water transferred by the Hongqi River.

This huge amount of water will open up hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of arable land in the northwest, which could feed more than 200 million Chinese.

Author: Lake Mochizuki. Pay attention to the stargazing platform and think about the backstage of the official account to reply: Huanghan Canal

The Yellow River Canal Design Exchange Group can be obtained, and only technical aspects of the discussion and exchange will be carried out

How much land is required to build the canal, and the land acquisition and resettlement costs for the construction of large hydropower stations and water diversion projects are usually very high, and this part of the total investment usually accounts for as much as 10% to 40%.

The total length of the canal from the mouth of the Danjiang River to the Yellow River is about 460 kilometers. If the land acquisition range is 1 km according to the width of the canal.

It is necessary to expropriate about 460 square kilometers of land, about 690,000 mu, according to the subsidy of 100,000 per mu, and the cost of subsidy is 69 billion.

That's a huge expense. If it will also make the farmers of Hubei and Henan rich overnight, they will become the second generation of demolition.

But if designed properly, the cost of land acquisition can also be significantly reduced. Let's take a look at where the route goes.

How many acres of land does the Yellow River Canal need to feed 200 million more people?

30 kilometers from Guzhuangdian Town to Yanshan Reservoir are completely reused natural rivers and reservoirs. No land acquisition is required.

How many acres of land does the Yellow River Canal need to feed 200 million more people?

From the Baiguishan Reservoir to the Ru River, it is also a natural river channel that is reused, with more than 60 kilometers of reused river channels

How many acres of land does the Yellow River Canal need to feed 200 million more people?

From Changqiao Town to the edge of the Yellow River in Lankao, most of the existing irrigation canals or natural channels are used, with a total length of 200 kilometers and more than 120 kilometers of existing rivers actually reused.

Huanghan Canal direction and altitude data

The Huanghan Canal runs from Wuhan to Yingkou, with a length of more than 1,500 kilometers.

Taking into account shipping and water transfer.

The water sources are the Three Gorges Reservoir and the Danjiangkou Reservoir, with a total of 440 billion cubic meters of water. Every year, 40 billion yuan of water is transferred to the direction of the Yellow River, which is less than 10% of the water intake section.

The waterway from Wuhan to Pingdingshan is 2,000 tons, and the navigation capacity from Pingdingshan to Yingkou is 5,000 tons.

How many acres of land does the Yellow River Canal need to feed 200 million more people?

The overall plan of the Huanghan Water Diversion Canal

How many acres of land does the Yellow River Canal need to feed 200 million more people?

Diagram of the inlet of the Yunhe River from the Nanhe River to the Danjiangkou Reservoir at 135 meters

How many acres of land does the Yellow River Canal need to feed 200 million more people?

Danjiangkou Reservoir to Fangcheng Pass Direction Diagram, in which Fangcheng Pass adopts diversion tunnel.

How many acres of land does the Yellow River Canal need to feed 200 million more people?

Danjiangkou Reservoir to Yanshan Reservoir Elevation Data Map Waterway Planning

How many acres of land does the Yellow River Canal need to feed 200 million more people?

The direction and altitude of the Yanshan Reservoir to the Yellow River Lankao channel

How many acres of land does the Yellow River Canal need to feed 200 million more people?

Elevation data map from the Yellow River to Yanshan Reservoir and waterway planning

In the past four years, the annual inflow of the Danjiangkou Reservoir has exceeded 50 billion cubic meters, with a maximum of more than 60 billion cubic meters. If multi-year regulation is achieved in the upper reaches of the Danjiangkou Reservoir. and expand the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project to 40 billion cubic meters. All of them are deployed to the Yellow River and Haihe River basins.

The upper reaches of the Yellow River will be able to retain all water resources. The total amount is equivalent to two to three times that of the western route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. It also exceeds the amount of water diverted by the Hongqi River.

This huge amount of water will open up hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of arable land in the northwest, which could feed more than 200 million Chinese.

The total length of the water intake point from Zhaojun Village of the Three Gorges Reservoir to the Lankao Yellow River Water Transfer Canal is not more than 700 kilometers.

There is only a 35-kilometer tunnel from the Gudongkou Reservoir to Maqiao Town, with a diameter of 16 meters. The buried depth of the diversion tunnel at the mouth of Fangcheng is not more than 40 meters, and the cross-section is 1,000 square meters. The engineering difficulty is extremely low.

The others are existing river channels or deep excavations of no more than 25 meters, and the height of the ground hanging river is not more than 8 meters. And can get a 2000-ton waterway.

What is the investment for the whole project? There is no accurate data.

However, we can estimate that the investment in the three cascade pumped storage power stations in Xiangxi River does not need to be considered, and the existing cascade power stations in Nanhe do not need to be invested. Only a 45-kilometer stretch of line from the South River to the water diversion inlet needs to be built.

And how much is the investment in the 460-kilometer canal from the Danjiangkou Reservoir to the Yellow River in Lankao?

The investment in the Pinglu Canal is 500 million yuan per kilometer, and the waterway is also 5,000 tons.

The construction of the canal from Danjiangkou to the Yellow River has the same maximum tonnage as the canal in the northern section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, which is 2,000 tons. Then the annual freight volume exceeds 400 million tons, we assume that the annual cargo transportation is 4 to 800 million tons, and the construction cost is 25 yuan per ton of goods, and the charging period is 30 years, and the income can be 3000 to 600 billion.

The water diversion capacity of the canal is twice that of the middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, with an annual design of 26 billion yuan and a maximum of 30 billion yuan. Among them, 25 billion cubic meters will be charged for water, and 0.4 yuan per cubic meter will be charged, and 300 billion yuan can be charged for 30 years in 30 years.

The actual water fee is paid by the users of irrigation water in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, and the water used in the lower reaches of the Yellow River is only used as a replacement for the people in the lower reaches of the Yellow River.

In this way, we will receive at least more than 600 to 900 billion yuan in revenue from the construction of the canal.

But according to the investment level of the Pinglu Canal, it will only be 250 billion at most.

The "peak shaving and valley filling" of power dispatching. This method is also suitable for water diversion projects.

Properly applied, the project can transfer water from the Three Gorges Reservoir to the Han River basin at zero cost.

How many acres of land does the Yellow River Canal need to feed 200 million more people?

Diagram of the water diversion route from the Three Gorges to the Danjiang Estuary

Route description: The water level of the Three Gorges Dam is 175 meters. The water intake of the Danjiangkou Canal is up to 140~135 meters.

The difference between the two is 35 meters, and the water transfer distance is 200 kilometers. The whole process is artesian, and the Nanhe hydropower station maintains a high level of operation in dry years, which can ensure that the pumped storage efficiency is theoretically greater than 70%.

How many acres of land does the Yellow River Canal need to feed 200 million more people?

Water diversion elevation map

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