
The Yellow River has cleared a few times here

author:Shanxi Pictorial Xinzhou Reporter Station

Rushing down the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, winding through mountains and basins, and flowing through plains and hills, the Yellow River gave birth to the ancient civilization of China and is the root and soul of the Chinese nation.

Xinzhou is the first city where the Yellow River flows into Jinjin, and the Yellow River flows through the three counties of Biguan, Hequ and Baode, with a total length of 171 kilometers, creating a series of magical natural wonders and mysterious humanistic legends. In recent years, Xinzhou's efforts to protect the ecology of the Yellow River can be seen everywhere. Under the overall control and traction of major strategic deployments such as "a clear water flowing into the Yellow River", the background of green development has been planted and a magnificent ecological song has been sung.

Fenhe Wetland

The impression of the Loess Plateau should be bare rocks, loess all over the sky, and sparse grass and trees. However, when we came to the Fenhe Wetland Park in Jingle County, the clear water and blue sky, the green face, this is clearly the south of the Yangtze River where the grass grows and the warbler flies, which is so intoxicating.

We stand on the land of Jingle, looking at the lofty mountains, looking at the loess high slopes, lush, the mountains and rivers are splendid, the green mountains and green waters, this situation and this scene, how not to make people feel refreshed and happy, full of emotion! Over the years, the years have been reincarnated, human greed and ignorance, indiscriminate logging, vegetation destruction, soil erosion, industrial disorderly development, environmental pollution, the rivers that feed human beings have become dirty, and the blue sky has become dusty. Nowadays, people have strengthened ecological construction, decorated the mountains and rivers with diligence and wisdom, and wrote the most beautiful poems on the earth.

The Yellow River has cleared a few times here

Jingle Fenhe National Wetland Park. Photo by Zhang Cunliang

In mid-June, the red sun was scorching, standing in the wetland, and the cool breeze hit and dispelled the heat all over the body. The clear water, like a mirror embedded in the boundless plateau, reflects the blue sky and white clouds; The gurgling river, like a jade belt, surrounds the Loess Plateau for dozens of kilometers, giving the plateau a beautiful dress. Today's Jingle, the mountains are beautiful flower crowns, the wetlands are fluttering and rolling skirts, and the blue sky is the best palette, painting the most beautiful fairyland in people's hearts.

It is often said that there are three major ecosystems on Earth: forests, oceans, and wetlands. Wetlands are known as the "kidneys of the earth" to conserve water, improve water quality, regulate climate, and it is with wetlands that the ecology changes, the vision changes, the earth changes, and even everything changes. Previously unseen birds appeared, vanished plants appeared, and the desolate plateau became a world of kites and fish, a paradise for birds. On the sparkling water, the fish swim freely; The duck glided leisurely and shook off a pool of broken silver; The black stork spreads its wings, its feathers shimmering with purple sheen, and plays happily in the water; There are also white-tailed harriers soaring in the blue sky, giving this picture a brush beyond the sky.

Wandering in the wetland park, forgetting the worries in my heart, how much dust is floating in my heart in this world, how to solve my worries? Only by bathing in nature can you feel the baptism of all things.

Baili Fen River, Taiyuan back garden. The Fen River can become so beautiful, so clear, green for the crown, the glow for the clothes, the warblers singing and dancing, and the water and grass in the sky. Jingle is the world of plants, the breeding ground of aquatic creatures, the paradise of birds, the paradise of rare birds, and the resort of people's tourism.

In this beautiful Fenhe wetland, we are in awe of nature and all things, and we also praise those entrepreneurs who have changed the ecological environment and paid hard work and sweat.

Idyllic old city

Passing through thousands of mountains and mountains, climbing a high slope, we came to the historical and cultural village - Gucheng Village of Baode County. At this time, the auspicious clouds are swirling, and soon the rain is falling, and the drizzle is drizzling, and it feels refreshing. Walking in the countryside in the rain adds infinite fun.

There is a three-storey building facing it, which stands tall and has three arched caves at the base and a hilltop building on the third floor. We climbed the stairs and overlooked the railing, only to see the mountains undulating, the longitudinal and horizontal, and the fields green. The Yellow River rushes from ancient times, is wide and boundless, and nourishes the land of northwest Shanxi. Someone exclaimed: "The Yellow River is green, not yellow at all!" "We gazed at it for a long time, and we also felt that the Yellow River has become so clear in Baode County, like a slowly swaying brocade, rippling with bursts of greenery, nourishing the living beings on the shore.

The Yellow River has cleared a few times here

The new look of Gucheng Village in Baode County. Photo by Yang Yulong

Wandering in the old city village, the clean bluestone streets, the rows of courtyard houses, the gray brick walls, and the delicate wooden doors show the color of agricultural civilization everywhere. This is a thousand-year-old village, and every piece of land and every stone monument tells the ancient civilization and interprets the history of the village. Far away in the Han Dynasty, the old city has attracted people's attention, the mother of Emperor Wen of Han once lived here, and the story of Emperor Wen of Han taking his mother back to Beijing has been passed down for many years. Chen Qiyu of the Ming Dynasty was a native of the old city, he was the governor of the five provinces, he could have enjoyed the prosperity of the capital, but he could never forget the remote and distant hometown, and built Diaoyutai in the old city as the destination of life. We looked from afar, only to see on the cliff, hanging red stone houses, breaking through the mountains and stones, very thrilling. These stone houses are interconnected and intricately constructed.

The rain was a bit dense, not too heavy, which added to the interest. The village of the old city is surrounded by greenery, and the village is like a pearl inlaid on a drawing board. At the edge of the village is a picking garden where a variety of fruits are grown. We walked on the field path and came to the melon orchard, where the long watermelon seedlings were full of round watermelons, which were green and shiny. There is also a melon garden next to it, and round melons are thriving. Watermelons and melons all over the ground herald the joy of a good harvest and the reward of sweat.

The courtyard houses of the old city are very famous. We came to a courtyard house, surrounded by houses, high roofs, auspicious owls, delicate window lattices, and ancient brick carvings and stone carvings, which have preserved the past years. We entered a room, and there was a secret room, where the silver ingots were hidden. It is said that the owner of the courtyard, surnamed Liu, was a big businessman who used to do business in Baotou and was the richest man in Baotou City. When he became rich, he brought the silver back home and built this courtyard. The courtyard is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the feng shui is excellent. Guarding wealth, enjoying the breeze and moon, living an idyllic life, and staying away from the ups and downs of the shopping mall, isn't it a higher realm of life?

Walking all over the land of China, many villages are related to the emperor's temple.

I used to wonder, why do people worship the "Martial Saint" so much? Later, I understood that Emperor Guan was the embodiment of "faithfulness, benevolence and bravery" in the minds of the people, and he was also the protector of the people. His diligence in reading the Spring and Autumn Period at night, and the righteousness of the clouds, no matter when and where, how can he not be admired?

The people of the ancient city believe in Emperor Guan, so the ancient city has a long history, people live in harmony, and the neighbors are benevolent. Although the ancient city is a small village, the Guandi Temple is so magnificent, full of vicissitudes, and collects the aura of heaven and earth. The brick carving of the "Guandi Temple", the brick-built mountain gate, the brick-made bucket arch, the bluestone paved steps, look very simple. Between a brick and a stone, what is engraved is people's faith, and on both sides of the temple gate is the inscription of calligrapher Wang Limin: "The Yellow River Pangu Village lingers back to the world, and the spring and autumn period is continued according to the sweat and green." "Calligraphy is a face, strong and powerful.

The Yellow River has cleared a few times here

The Yellow River enters Baode, and the river water is clear. Photo by Yuan Jianbo

We came to the main hall, this is a single eaves hard mountain tube plate cloth tile roof, the face width is three rooms, under the bucket arch for the finch replacement, carved auspicious patterns. The statue of Emperor Guan in the hall is plastered with gold, with a mighty expression, and I can't help but think of the description in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms": "The body is nine feet three inches long, and the beard is one foot eight inches long." The face is like a heavy jujube, the lips are like rubbing Zhu, the eyes of the phoenix, the eyebrows of the silkworm, the appearance is dignified, and the style is majestic. "It's awe-inspiring. Standing on both sides of Guan Yu are Guan Ping and Zhou Cang, and their images are very realistic. There are murals of the Qing Dynasty on the east and west gables, which are vivid and vivid, reflecting the life of Emperor Guan Rong and Ma Yantian. The east of the main hall is the Niangniang Temple, the west is the Guanyin Temple, and there are bell towers and drum towers in the courtyard. There is a stone tablet left in the palace of Emperor Guan, which records the process of establishing Guanyin Temple during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.

Coming out of the Guandi Temple, the rain stopped, and we were about to go to Kuixing Tower, when suddenly a rainbow appeared in the sky, spanning both sides of the Yellow River, towering into the clouds, very spectacular. Everyone looked up and was sighing, who knew that close to the rainbow, another rainbow appeared, forming a magnificent "double rainbow", causing an exclamation. This is the first time I have seen "Double Rainbow". This time, go to the Guandi Temple, Kuixing Tower, watch the double rainbow, may the Wenyun be prosperous, fortunately even ah!

The old city, you can see the mountains, you can see the water, and remember the nostalgia. Walking on the bluestone-paved path of the old city, the houses in the countryside exude a strong nostalgia. Here, the world seems so quiet, the rain falls so dashingly, and time passes so slowly.

The Fenshui is green, the Yellow River is green, this is the moving "Yellow River Story" of the Sanjin Dynasty!

Preference for bias

The people of Biguan said that Biguan is the favorite place of the Yellow River. The Great Wall has three outer passes: Ningwu Pass, Yanmen Pass, and Yatou Pass. Biguan County is famous for Bitouguan, is the county with the most Great Wall in Shanxi, and is the first county where the Yellow River enters Jinjin, and is known as "the Great Wall and the Yellow River shake hands, and the Great Wall meets inside and outside".

The Yellow River has cleared a few times here

The county town is full of greenery. Photo by Zhang Cunliang

Guanhekou Post Station is built on a cliff and faces the Yellow River. Looking out the window, a curved river bay surrounds the village of Guanhekou. Living in this village, opposite the mountains and the turquoise Yellow River on the side, is very pleasant. Along the way, it completely changed my impression of the Yellow River, which is not the roaring Yellow River, not the Yellow River that floods wantonly, but the Yellow River that is as warm as jade, the Yellow River that is kind and generous.

Crossing the mountains, we crossed the Yellow River and came to the Wanjiazhai Dam. The name of Wanjiazhai comes from the family of Wan surname in Biguan County, Wanjiazhai built by Wan Shide, a famous anti-Japanese general in the Ming Dynasty, stands majestically on the steep lonely peak, is a cliff on all sides, and is really a moat that is not opened by a husband and a man. Nowadays, Wanjiazhai has become a famous historical and cultural town, the smoke of the past has turned into white clouds, and at the foot of the Great Wall of the Golden Iron Horse, idyllic songs are fluttering, attracting tourists who come to indulge in Range Rover.

This is a miracle on earth, looking up, the dam looks up like a huge high wall, standing between two mountains, locking the surging Yellow River inside the dam. The cliff is at least dozens of feet high, and you can vaguely see birds hovering on the top of the cliff and disappearing into the clouds. The dam has several outlets, and the water is not very strong, causing countless ripples that drift into the distance. Only when the dam is opened and the water is released, can you see the huge waves, like wild horses galloping across the wide river valley. There is a bridge next to the dam, which connects the land of Jinmeng, and the trucks shuttle endlessly. The Yellow River spreads out like a giant fan into the distance, covering a vast canyon and radiating to the northwest of Shanxi Province, irrigating the fertile fields on both sides of the river, and changing the ecological environment.

Entering the dam, you can hear the roar of the motor, and the large generator is continuously transporting electricity to the land of Jinmeng, bringing light to people. Stand on the top of the dam and look out, the earth is vast, the peaks and peaks are stacked, thousands of ravines and ravines, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, rushes to this into a divine lake, it is really a high gorge out of the Ping Lake. A clear water, clouds and mountains are connected, the waves are not prosperous, and the water birds are flying, and it is peaceful. Wanjiazhai Dam not only has the role of flood control and power generation, but also irrigates tens of millions of acres of fertile land, solves the problem of people's water supply, and writes a beautiful chapter for ecological civilization.

The Yellow River has cleared a few times here

Partial closure of the Han Mountain greening project. Photo by Yang Junfeng

If you come to the side, you can't help but come to Lao Niu Bay. The car turned left and right along the Yellow River tourist highway and finally arrived at Laoniuwan. There are also many houses in the village, with stone courtyard walls, stone mills, and vigorous ancient trees, which are silent languages, telling the story of Lao Niuwan and recording the mottled years on the banks of the Yellow River. Living on the edge of a remote cliff, the Yellow River family is surrounded by trees, and the thick shade shades the scorching summer sun, bringing a burst of coolness. The photographs on the walls record the spring, summer, autumn and winter of Laoniuwan, leaving the most beautiful scenery.

Standing on the ancient castle, Lao Niu Bay stretches out to the center of the Yellow River, the blue waves flow around the cliff, the opposite bank is the village of Inner Mongolia, many ships are moored on the bank, this is the place where the chicken sings and hears the three cities, and it is also the place where the Great Wall and the Yellow River shake hands, and is rated as "one of the top ten most beautiful canyons in China" by China National Geographic magazine. Raise your eyes and look around, the cliffs are like screens, the strange rocks are craggy, there are thousands of postures, the Yellow River is like a huge green brush, smeared at will, the style is varied, and a huge landscape painting is drawn.

West Exit River Curve

There is a folk song: "Hequ Baodezhou, ten years and nine years do not collect, men go outside, women dig bitter vegetables." ”

There is a folk song "Go to the West Exit", which sings: "Brother, you go west, I can't stay with my little sister, take the brother's hand and send my brother to the gate...... Walk and walk on that big road, and many people and horses will come to relieve their sorrows. ”

The Yellow River has cleared a few times here

Hequ Niangniang Beach. Photo by Zhang Cunliang

In the past, the difficulty of farming in the river meander, the tragic scene of walking to the west exit, it makes people feel soft when they think about it, and the folk songs of the river meanders have also been deeply marked with history, becoming a symbol of the times, and they have been sung for a long time. Hequ people have passion, love and hatred, life and death, which is moving; The people of Hequ have the courage to ferry the Yellow River, work hard in the world, create wealth, and achieve a commercial myth.

On the bank of the Yellow River in the meanders of the river, there is a beautiful Linyu Park, where flowers and trees are sparse, butterflies and bees dance, and it has become a paradise for people's leisure travel. The towers in the park are towering into the clouds, carved beams and painted buildings, and the eaves are high, which is extremely magnificent. 隩, that is, the place where the river bank bends, the Xi Tower entrusts the good wishes of the people of the river meander. Entering the building, the exhibition hall witnesses the long history and culture of the river meade through pictures, words and objects. Hequ water control has a long history, Wei Jin Pei Xiu's "Yugong Map" marked Dayu "water control began here", Qing Dynasty "Hequ County Chronicles" recorded the direction of water control. The efforts of the people of Hequ in the management of barren mountains and slopes and afforestation are engraved with ordinary and extraordinary names, such as He Liujiu, Wang Haiyuan, Miao Minggui, etc., and the afforestation of generations has made the mountains and mountains covered in green, and the ravines have become fertile fields.

Come to the Xikou Gudu, which is the ancient ferry outside the mouth of the Hequ people, and it was also a water and dry wharf where businessmen gathered. Listen to the two-person station "Fifth Brother Herding Sheep", "The Mountain is High and the Road is Far Away", "I Ran Away and Ran Miserably", "I Want to Kiss", the lingering and sad tune, poignant and moving, makes people's hearts sway, and is full of emotion. As a result, Hequ County has won the reputation of "the hometown of folk songs", "the hometown of Chinese folk art" and "the most famous county of cultural customs and tourism in China".

The Yellow River has cleared a few times here

The girl playing suona next to the ancient ferry at the west exit. Photo by Zhang Jianjun

There is a beautiful ancient stage built next to Gudu, with noisy drum music and powder on the stage, which interprets many touching stories. The tall statue of King Yu in the temple, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, is full of wisdom and infinite divine power. The scene of Dayu wading through the mountains and rivers, sweating like rain, and controlling the flood is drawn around the hall, and the spirit of passing through the door of the house without entering has moved the descendants of Yan and Huang so far. The Yellow River flows in Hequ County, flows slowly, passes through Niangniang Beach, bypasses the Shijing Zen Temple, crosses the Jinshan Grand Canyon, sings all the way, and has beautiful scenery all the way, making people think leisurely and reverie infinitely.

The surging water of the Yellow River, rushing through the ages; fluttering like a jade belt, nourishing the loess slope. The Yellow River here is not "yellow" at all! Turquoise, emerald green, dark green, dark green. The Yellow River, with a new attitude and a beautiful swan song, gallops in the Jinmeng Gorge, rippling blue waves, string songs, lasting for a long time, singing a magnificent ecological song.

Xinzhou Daily New Media Center

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