
The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

author:Yan Dongsheng
The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices
The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

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China has a vast land and abundant resources, each city has its own unique charm, the quiet and quiet town in the south of the Yangtze River, the solemn stand of Tiananmen Square, the comfort and gentleness of Cangshan and Erhai Lake, or the magnificent and melodious grassland of Inner Mongolia, there are too many places worth exploring in the motherland.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

Whether you choose to ride a bicycle to exercise, or make an appointment with three or five friends to drive and play, or go camping in an unfamiliar city, you should see more of the world while you are young, and I believe that the beautiful scenery of these cities will not disappoint you!

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

Daocheng Aden

Daocheng Yading, a place that makes people intoxicated, where there are blue sky and white clouds, snow-capped mountains and meadows, and autumn is even more golden like a fairy tale, and the romance is gradually discovered by the world.

Xian Nai Ri is the highest peak of Daocheng Aden. Looking at Xian Nai Ri from afar, it is like a majestic guardian saint, which makes people feel awe. On a clear day, the Xian Nai Day against the blue sky and white clouds is particularly magnificent.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

Yang Mai Yong, famous for its beautiful cone-shaped mountain. The image of Yang Maiyong is like a holy goddess, with both majestic momentum and soft lines.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

Xianuo Duoji, the mountain is steep, shaped like Vajrapani, and the three sacred mountains reflect each other, forming a unique snow-capped mountain landscape of Daocheng Aden.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

The Sea of Milk is named after the pale blue color of the lake. The lake is surrounded by alpine meadows and snow-capped mountains, like a sapphire set in the mountains.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

The five-colored sea is named after the different colors of the lake when the sun shines on it. The water of the five-color sea is deep, and as the light changes, a variety of colors such as blue, green, yellow, red, and white appear on the surface of the lake, like a natural color palette.

The Pearl Sea is located at the foot of Xian Nai, the water of the lake is crystal clear, and the surrounding forests and snow-capped mountains are reflected in the lake, like a natural landscape painting. There is an open meadow by the lake, where wildflowers bloom in the summer, and the scenery is mesmerizing.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

Luorong Cattle Farm, one of the most famous meadows in Daocheng Aden, is surrounded by three sacred mountains and is the best place to see snow-capped mountains and meadows. In spring and summer, the Luorong Cattle Farm is full of green grass, wildflowers are in full bloom, and cattle and sheep are flocked, presenting a harmonious natural scene.

Chonggu Meadow, located between Xian Nai Ri and Yang Mai Yong, is a must to pass through various scenic spots. The Oki Meadow is picturesque, with babbling streams and surrounded by dense forests, peaceful and beautiful.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

Potala Palace

The Red Palace houses the spiritual pagoda of the Dalai Lama and a large number of precious Buddha statues, murals and scriptures. Every part of the Red Palace exudes a strong religious atmosphere, and visitors can feel the sacredness and solemnity of Tibetan Buddhism here. The architecture of the White House is simple and elegant, but it is not without losing its majesty.

Every day, countless devotees from all over Tibet and even from all over the world come to the Potala Palace to make a devout pilgrimage. Paying homage to the Buddha and the Dalai Lama in the most devout way possible.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

Around the Potala Palace, many prayer wheels are set up, and devotees go around clockwise, gently turning the prayer wheels to pray for the Buddha's protection.

In the square in front of the Potala Palace, it is common to see believers kowtowing all the way, prostrating step by step, expressing their respect and prayers to the Buddha. The believers who kowtowed, day after day, regardless of rain or shine, demonstrated the power of faith with tenacious faith and action.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

In the early morning, the east is white, and the sun gradually shines on the Potala Palace, and the golden roof of the palace shines golden under the sunlight, which looks solemn and sacred. Early risers begin their day of prayer in the sun, and the entire Potala Palace is enveloped in a peaceful atmosphere.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

As the sun sets, the Potala Palace is dyed a golden red in the afterglow of the setting sun. The Potala Palace looks particularly magnificent at sunset, and the outline of the palace is clearly visible against the red sky. As the sky gets darker, the Potala Palace is gradually shrouded in night, the lights are turned on, and the palace looks more mysterious and solemn in the night. At this time, the Potala Palace is like a quiet temple, waiting for a new day.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

West Lake, Hangzhou

Three pools of the moon, tourists can take a boat trip to the lake here, feel the tranquility and beauty of the lake.

In winter, the mountains and bridges around West Lake are covered in snow, especially the Broken Bridge. Visitors can stroll along the bridge and experience the tranquil beauty of West Lake after the snow.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

Feilai Peak is a famous attraction in front of Lingyin Temple, where there are many stone carved Buddha statues, the most famous of which are Maitreya Buddha and the Eighteen Arhat statues. The stone carvings of Feilaifeng are exquisite and lifelike, and visitors can enjoy the charm of ancient stone carving art here.

The bells and Sanskrit sounds in the temple echo between the valleys, giving a sense of tranquility and peace of mind. Visitors can not only visit the ancient Buddhist buildings, but also experience the profound heritage of Buddhist culture.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

Visitors can climb to the top of Leifeng Pagoda and have a panoramic view of the lake and mountains, and can see the mountains and cityscapes around the West Lake during the day, and enjoy the light show and lights on the lake at night.

Leifeng Pagoda is famous for the story of the White Lady in "The Legend of the White Snake", and there is a special exhibition in the tower to introduce this legend. While visiting the tower, visitors can learn more about this moving folk tale and feel the love and loyalty in it.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

The Forbidden City, Beijing

The architectural style of the Forbidden City is solemn and full of royal style. As the core building of the Forbidden City, the yellow glazed tiles on the top of the Taihe Hall shine in the sun, which is particularly solemn, and visitors can feel the majesty of the royal family here.

Although the Zhonghe Hall and the Baohe Hall are slightly smaller in scale, they are equally exquisite, and the interior decoration is gorgeous, showing the royal style everywhere.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

While visiting the Forbidden City, tourists can view the treasures here and feel the wisdom and creativity of ancient craftsmen.

The palaces, courtyards, and gardens of the Forbidden City show scenes from the lives of the emperor and his concubines. The Yangxin Hall was the residence and office of the Qing Dynasty emperor, while the Ningshou Palace showcases the life of the Qianlong Emperor after his abdication, and the magnificent decorations and exquisite gardens are breathtaking.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

Visiting the Forbidden City, visitors can experience a solemn and solemn atmosphere full of history. Walking on the wide palace square, it is as if you have traveled back in time and placed yourself in the royal court hundreds of years ago.

During the visit, visitors can not only see the magnificent architecture, but also learn about the historical stories and cultural background behind the Forbidden City through explanations and exhibitions. This in-depth cultural experience evokes a sense of admiration for ancient Chinese civilization.

Although a large number of tourists flock to the Forbidden City every day, it still maintains a quiet and solemn atmosphere. The wide courtyard and deep palace give a unique sense of tranquility, as if time has slowed down here.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

Wuyuan, Jiangxi

Likeng Scenic Area retains a large number of ancient buildings of the Ming and Qing dynasties, narrow bluestone streets, high horse-head walls on both sides, and ancient houses with carved beams and paintings. Walking through these ancient streets and alleys, it is as if you have traveled back in time hundreds of years ago.

The village of Likeng is built by the water, and the small river runs through the village, dotted with stone bridges and arch bridges. The clear river water, the ancient stone bridge and the Hui style houses on both sides of the river reflect each other, forming a beautiful picture of the water town.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

The mountains around Likeng are undulating, the bamboo forests are dense, and the air is fresh. In spring, the rape fields surrounding the village are golden and picturesque, attracting a large number of photographers.

The atmosphere of Likeng is quiet and quaint, strolling on the bluestone road, listening to the murmuring sound of the river, and watching the ancient houses on both sides, visitors can feel the strong historical and cultural atmosphere. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, it's a great place to relax and experience the slow life.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

The autumn culture of Huangling is its biggest highlight. Every autumn, the local villagers will dry the harvest crops on bamboo drying trays, which are colorful and spectacular. Huangling Village retains a large number of Hui style buildings, the lanes in the village are narrow, and the stone roads are winding, full of quaint charm.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

The atmosphere of Huangling has both the tranquility of the countryside and the joy of harvest. The autumn scene makes people feel the happiness of the harvest and the profound heritage of farming culture, and the terraced flowers bring people visual shock and spiritual pleasure. Visitors can experience an idyllic life here.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

Every March and April, the terraced rice fields on the slopes of Jiangling are covered with golden rape flowers, forming a magnificent landscape of flowers. The mountains around Jiangling are stacked with greenery, dense vegetation, and a quiet environment.

The atmosphere of Jiangling is full of vitality and vitality, especially the sea of rape flowers in spring, which makes people feel the beauty of nature and the power of life. The terraced rice fields here are layered and scattered, and tourists can enjoy the natural beauty and relax in Jiangling, and feel the simplicity and tranquility of the countryside.

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices


We can feel the beauty of nature and the charm of humanity in different cities. While you are young, discover and experience these beautiful places, and I believe that the beauty of these cities will bring you infinite surprises and touches!

The 5 best tourist attractions in China, self-driving camping, hiking, and cycling are all good choices

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