
These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

author:Tongzhou release

Sino-Ocean Ledi Port has celebrated its first anniversary

The Tongzhou Vientiane City project is about to open to welcome customers

Beijing's largest outlet - Wangfujing outlet

It will open in Tongzhou next year

Hundreds of well-known brands

Will enter the sub-center for the first time......

These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

▲Click on the picture to see the latest progress of the sub-center "Outlet" project

In recent years, with the construction of the sub-center of the city, the rise of large-scale commercial facilities in Tongzhou has accelerated, and the first-store economy has continued to release consumption vitality, providing citizens with diversified shopping choices and entertainment projects by continuously enriching the consumption supply.

These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

△ Renderings of the Vientiane City project

According to reports, at present, the sub-center has 11 large-scale commercial facilities, with a commercial area of nearly 650,000 square meters.

This year, the three major cultural facilities will share space and the Tongzhou MixC will soon open, with a commercial area of 145,000 square meters. Not only that, there are currently 14 projects under construction of 979,700 square meters.

In addition, the super commercial and entertainment complex "Wanli", including "Wanli Wangfujing Outlet", has taken shape and will open next year

These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

Grab a group buy! Le Ti Harbour launched an anniversary carnival

These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed in 2024. On June 30 last year, a large-scale commercial complex located in the sub-central canal business district, Beijing Ocean Ledi Port, was officially opened to welcome customers.

Now, on the occasion of the first anniversary of its opening, Sino-Ocean Ledi Port has launched the "One Joy to the Causeway Group Purchase Anniversary Carnival", which includes a number of discounts and experience activities.

These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –
These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –
These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

The Tongzhou Vientiane City project is about to welcome customers

This year, a large-scale commercial complex with canal elements, the Tongzhou Vientiane City project, will soon open to welcome customers.

These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

△ Renderings of the Vientiane City project

The Vientiane City project is located at the northwest corner of Yunhe East Street and Tongji Road, with seven floors above ground and two floors underground. The main structure of the project was topped out in June last year.

The project will house nearly 300 stores, bringing together supermarkets, restaurants, cinemas, parent-child entertainment and other formats, and will create an iconic and high-quality social, gathering and trendy play destination.

These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

▲Renderings of the Vientiane City project

Three major cultural facilities underground shopping malls will open soon

This year, the shared space of the three major cultural facilities in the sub-center of the city will also welcome guests.

These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

▲The three major cultural facilities of the sub-center are about to be completed

The shared supporting project is located under the three major cultural facilities, with a total of two floors and a total construction area of about 300,000 square meters. The main functions are garages, underground commercial restaurants, cinemas and other comprehensive supporting service facilities.

After completion, it will assume the service supporting functions of the starting area of the sub-center, and realize the functional linkage between the three major cultural facilities and rail transit facilities.

These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

The project also includes 49,000 square meters of rail transit reserved works. After completion, the two subway lines M101 and M104 can be connected and transferred, and will become an important passage connecting the inside and outside of the three major cultural facilities.

Beijing's largest outlet will open in the sub-center next year

Next to Universal Studios, a fashionable, literary and futuristic micro-resort town is accelerating its construction. With an investment of more than 10 billion yuan and a total development scale of nearly 500,000 square meters, this super commercial and entertainment complex called "Wanli" has taken shape.

On June 27, the "Wanli" project held a brand conference and investment promotion kick-off meeting, and Beijing's largest outlet announced the naming and brand signing plan. In the second half of next year, with the opening of the project, hundreds of well-known domestic and foreign brands will enter the sub-center for the first time.

These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

▲Renderings of the "Wanli" project

The "Wanli" project includes three major sectors: Wangfujing Outlet, Tingyun Town, and Nuolan Hotel, covering shopping, hotels, homestays, catering, exhibitions, entertainment and other formats.

These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

▲The renderings are for reference only

Wanli Wangfujing, which has attracted much attention from the public, will be built into the largest outlet commercial complex in Beijing, introducing more than 500 well-known brands at home and abroad. Its Chinese art, sports entertainment, children's amusement and other experience formats will reach 50%, and the brand that first enters the sub-center is expected to reach more than 60%.

These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

▲The renderings are for reference only

In the future, it will be an outlet mall full of art, which will not only introduce large-scale art installations by well-known artists at home and abroad, but also see a Beijing old Line 1 rail train "driving into" the bay, turning it into a specialty café or commercial temporary exhibition space. In addition, more cultural and tourism experience formats, including drama theater, e-sports, art exhibitions and performances, will also be gradually presented here.

These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

▲Renderings of Nolan Hotel (the project has been capped) ▲Renderings of Nolan Hotel (the project has been capped)

It is expected that China National Geographic, The Little Prince Theme Park, URIDE Skatepark and other projects will all settle in "Wanli".

Among them, the Bay Lane project of the China National Geographic Exploration Center will create a planetary adventure experience with the theme of Chinese dinosaurs.

The Little Prince Theme Park, with the French fairy tale masterpiece "The Little Prince" as an element, sets up immersive theater, MR expansion level, interactive projection games, VR planetarium and other entertainment projects. It is also the world's first Little Prince theme park.

With the theme of the aerial skatepark, URIDE Friendly Skatepark will create a landmark skatepark in Beijing and even the whole country.

In recent years, a series of key business districts have been created in the sub-center of Beijing. Among them, the Universal Studios business district, the core business district of Tongzhou Canal, and the sub-center hub business district are newly cultivated for the urban consumption center business district.

These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

Jiukeshu business district and Beiyuan business district are the renewal and upgrading of regional dynamic business districts.

These large commercial complexes in the sub-center will open to welcome guests! Hundreds of well-known brands are entering for the first time –

Dongxiayuan Hub Business District, Songzhuang Art Town Business District, Zhangjiawan Town Business District, and Taihu Performing Arts Town Business District are the cultivation types of regional dynamic business districts.

At present, Tongzhou is preparing a commercial map of the sub-center. The digital space analysis tool is used to obtain the results of space value, including six types of spaces, including commercial complexes, large exhibition halls, small and medium-sized exhibition halls, large-scale outdoor activity venues, small and medium-sized outdoor activity venues, and commercial industry bearing spaces.

Editor-in-charge: Liu Tongtong

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