
38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

author:Cher Tea Party

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38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

Edit: Cher Tea Party

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

In contemporary society, entertainment has undoubtedly become an important way for people to relieve stress and relax. As stars in the entertainment industry, their words and deeds have attracted much attention and become the focus of public attention.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

Occasionally, some regrettable things happen, which makes people sigh. Just recently, the death of the famous female singer Wang Yunyi became a bomb that attracted the attention of the whole people.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

As a singer who has shined on the stage of "The Voice of China" and conquered countless audiences with his unique voice and personality dress, Wang Yunyi's sudden death undoubtedly shocked and unbelievable many people.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

On Weibo, Chen Sisi, a well-known actress who has performed well in hit dramas such as "The Legend of Zhen Huan", took the lead in posting a message to mourn the death of this best friend, expressing her deep condolences to Wang Yunyi.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

Through the words of Chen Sisi's post, we can get a glimpse of the deep friendship between the two. The words "There is no pain in heaven, you won't be in pain anymore" is not difficult to remind people that Wang Yunyi may have suffered some kind of illness before her death. The warm scene of the two snuggling together or laughing heartily in the photo further outlines a friendship worth remembering.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

Although Wang Yunyi has left us, her outstanding musical works and unique personality when she was alive will definitely remain in the memories of fans forever. Since the debut of the first season of "The Voice of China", Wang Yunyi has conquered the four mentors with her bald head and penetrating voice, and finally won the runner-up.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

In the following years, Wang Yunyi has also been active on major stages, constantly launching new works. In addition to her music career, she also ventured into the film industry, co-starring with the late actor Wu Mengda in her first film "Blockbuster". It can be said that Wang Yunyi's artistic path is full of sunshine and vitality.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

However, just after 2018, Wang Yunyi seems to have begun to fade out of the public's field of vision. She rarely publishes new works and rarely appears in the media.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

But fortunately, on a certain video platform, she still updates her recent situation from time to time, so that fans can understand her dynamics.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

It wasn't until September last year that Wang Yunyi opened her own account on the short video platform, and joked in the video that she was an "outdated actress". As can be seen from the video, Wang Yunyi's figure has gained a lot of weight compared to the past, which has attracted the attention and concern of many netizens.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

As a singer who has shined on the stage of "The Voice of China" and conquered countless audiences with his unique voice and personality dress, Wang Yunyi's sudden death undoubtedly shocked and unbelievable many people. On Weibo, Chen Sisi, a well-known actress who has performed well in hit dramas such as "The Legend of Zhen Huan", took the lead in posting a message to mourn the death of this best friend, expressing her deep condolences to Wang Yunyi.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

Through the words of Chen Sisi's post, we can get a glimpse of the deep friendship between the two. The words "There is no pain in heaven, you won't be in pain anymore" is not difficult to remind people that Wang Yunyi may have suffered some kind of illness before her death.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

The warm scene of the two snuggling together or laughing heartily in the photo further outlines a friendship worth remembering.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

Although Wang Yunyi has left us, her outstanding musical works and unique personality when she was alive will definitely remain in the memories of fans forever. Since the debut of the first season of "The Voice of China", Wang Yunyi has conquered the four mentors with her bald head and penetrating voice, and finally won the runner-up.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

It is not difficult to imagine that on the stage that year, Wang Yunyi's unique image and interpretation must have left a deep imprint on the audience.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

In the following years, Wang Yunyi has also been active on major stages, constantly launching new works. In addition to her music career, she also ventured into the film industry, co-starring with the late actor Wu Mengda in her first film "Blockbuster".

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

It can be said that Wang Yunyi's artistic path is full of sunshine and vitality. With her unique musical style and personal charm, she has brought endless joy and positive power to the public.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

Just after 2018, Wang Yunyi seems to have begun to fade out of the public's field of vision. She rarely publishes new works and rarely appears in the media.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

For a once high-profile star, such a "disappearance" is undoubtedly a little regrettable. But fortunately, on a certain video platform, she still updates her recent situation from time to time, so that fans can understand her dynamics.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

It wasn't until September last year that Wang Yunyi opened her own account on the short video platform, and joked in the video that she was an "outdated actress". As can be seen from the video, Wang Yunyi's figure has gained a lot of weight compared to the past, which has attracted the attention and concern of many netizens.

38-year-old singer Wang Yunyi passed away, and last year he fell drunk and injured his head, and his friend Chen Sisi posted a message of condolences

Many fans asked Wang Yunyi below the video if everything was okay and whether she had encountered any difficulties and troubles.

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