
Party organizations at all levels in Yangxian County carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (2)

author:Yangxian release
Party organizations at all levels in Yangxian County carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (2)
Party organizations at all levels in Yangxian County carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (2)
Party organizations at all levels in Yangxian County carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (2)

In order to warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and vigorously carry forward the great spirit of party building, party organizations at all levels in Yangxian County have carried out a series of "July 1st" activities with colorful, diverse forms and distinct themes, further encouraging and guiding the majority of party members and cadres to abide by discipline, dare to take responsibility, and make new contributions, and contribute wisdom and strength to the high-quality economic and social development of Yangxian County.

Yangxian County Party Committee Office

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the party branch of the county party committee office carefully organized a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st" with distinct themes and rich contents, inheriting the red gene, continuing the red blood, and drawing strength from the party's glorious history, and further encouraging party members and cadres to build political loyalty, strengthen responsibility, play a vanguard and exemplary role, and promote the work of the party office to a new level.

Party organizations at all levels in Yangxian County carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (2)

Review the oath of joining the party. All party members reviewed the oath of joining the party, received the baptism and tempering of the soul under the party flag, and expressed their firm belief in the party and their determination to fight for the party's cause for life with the oath.

Conduct a thematic recitation. Based on their job responsibilities and actual work, each unit of the county party committee office recited works such as "Youth China", "Ode to China", "Ode to Poetry" and "Ode to the Party Flag" with sonorous language and full of emotion, and affectionately reviewed the glorious history of the party, enthusiastically eulogized the great achievements of the party, and showed the deep feelings of the party office to know and love the history of the party.

Watch a red movie. During the screening of the red movie "Our July", all party members and cadres walked into the theater to relive the tragic and fierce war scenes of the Battle of Fumei, and learn to understand the heroic struggle and sacrifice spirit of the PLA soldiers.

Carry out the first phase of warning education. By watching the warning education film intensively, we will ring the alarm with the people and things around us, guide party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, and abide by discipline, resolutely guard the bottom line of honesty and self-discipline, and build a strong ideological defense line against corruption and degeneration.

Hold a special party class. Song Wen, director of the county party committee office, lectured on the four aspects of "establishing a sense of learning and always ringing the alarm bell", "establishing a sense of cost, calculating political and reputation accounts", "establishing a window consciousness and effectively finding its own positioning", "establishing a sense of service, and promoting the construction of work style in depth", and mobilized all party members and cadres to establish the work concept of "hard work and responsibility, excellence", maintain a good atmosphere of clean air and entrepreneurship, and improve the level of "three services" in the office with a more energetic and promising attitude.

Propaganda Department of Yangxian County Party Committee

On June 27, the Propaganda Department of the county party committee held a theme party day activity to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party in the Yangxian Model Hall.

Party organizations at all levels in Yangxian County carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (2)

Listen to Red Education. All party members and cadres listened carefully to the narrator's explanation of the advanced deeds of the old hero Zhang Fuqing, the honorary winner of the "Republic Medal" and the "Model of the Times", in the Yangxian Model Museum.

Review the oath of joining the party. All party members and cadres faced the bright red party flag, raised their right hands and solemnly swore an oath to review the solemn commitment and firm determination when they joined the party. Keeping in mind the political responsibility and historical mission of Communist Party members, we should constantly maintain the advanced nature of Communist Party members and devote ourselves to our own work with more enthusiasm.

Carry out the study of party history. Studying the "Regulations on the Study and Education of Party History" issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, learning the history of the Party is to unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and take the implementation of the "Regulations" as an opportunity to better use the party's major achievements and historical experience in the past century to increase wisdom and enhance morale, and more firmly and consciously keep in mind the party's original intention and mission to create a new development pattern.

Discipline special party class. With the title of "Strictly Abide by the Six Disciplines and Strive to Be a Qualified Party Member", the party branch secretary taught a special party course on discipline to all party members and cadres, further enhancing the political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and anti-corruption determination of party members and cadres, and always be loyal, clean and responsible, strengthen self-restraint, improve immunity, condense the spirit of entrepreneurship, and make unremitting efforts for the high-quality economic and social development of Yangxian County.

United Front Work Department of Yangxian County Party Committee

On June 25, the United Front Work Department of the Yangxian County Party Committee organized all democratic parties to hold a learning and sharing meeting on "Learning and Thinking, Practicing and Understanding, Democratic Party Youth Speaking" with the theme of "Working Together with the Party, Loving and Dedicated to Jobs".

Party organizations at all levels in Yangxian County carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (2)

At the sharing meeting, 8 youth representatives of democratic parties and 1 representative of young cadres of the United Front from relevant departments and industries talked about their life ideals, work experiences and growth perceptions in combination with theoretical study, their own work and performance experience, which fully demonstrated the spirit of the youth of the democratic parties and the young cadres of the United Front who worked together, vigorously and forged ahead.

The meeting demanded that all democratic parties should further promote political consensus education, combine the ongoing discipline study and education, do a good job in political theory study, and comprehensively consolidate the common ideological and political foundation for unity and struggle; It is necessary to perform the functions of participating political parties, focus on the "12345" strategic deployment, focus on the requirements of the "three years" activities, closely follow the key work of project construction, organic industry development, urban construction, people's livelihood services, etc., carry out in-depth investigation and research, build more wise words, and offer more pragmatic strategies; It is necessary to shape a characteristic service brand, carry out social service activities with distinct themes and various forms, so as to help develop high-quality, efficient, and promising, and make new and greater contributions to the high-quality economic and social development of Yangxian County.

Party organizations at all levels in Yangxian County carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (2)

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Party organizations at all levels in Yangxian County carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (2)
Party organizations at all levels in Yangxian County carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (2)
Party organizations at all levels in Yangxian County carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (2)
Party organizations at all levels in Yangxian County carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (2)


(It may not be reproduced or used in any way without permission)

Source: Yangxian County Party Committee Office, Yangxian County Party Committee Propaganda Department, Yangxian County Party Committee United Front Work Department

Editor: Zhou Wei Editor: He Long

Review: Zhang Xiaofeng Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Zhigang Producer: Song Hao

Submission email: [email protected]

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Yangxian release

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