
Doctors remind: the elderly should not drink milk for a long time, beware of possible changes in the body

author:Old cars talk about life
Doctors remind: the elderly should not drink milk for a long time, beware of possible changes in the body

Doctor reminds: the elderly should not drink milk for a long time! Beware of possible changes in the body.

Doctors remind: the elderly should not drink milk for a long time, beware of possible changes in the body

Milk is recognized as a nutritious product, it is rich in nutrients, it is the best drink for the elderly and children, and it has the beauty of white blood. A glass of milk in the morning and a glass of milk in the evening for the elderly means that this is the standard of living of the high class.

Today I will tell you, in fact, this is not the case, milk, although nutritious, but not suitable for everyone to drink, but also to divide the physique, if not divided into physique, blindly to drink, not only can not supplement the body nutrition, but will cause a burden on the body, affect the health of the body.

Doctors remind: the elderly should not drink milk for a long time, beware of possible changes in the body

Some people think that the nutritional value of milk is good, so they drink desperately, thinking that the more they drink, the better for the body, my neighbor Aunt Guo, the family conditions are very good, the milk at home and nutritional supplements have not been broken, and the children have bought it back for him.

Although Aunt Guo often drinks milk and often eats nutritional supplements, her body just can't get better, she has always been very thin, often has an uncomfortable stomach, and her stool is not formed.

Her physique is not suitable for drinking milk, and since she stopped drinking milk, her body has slowly improved, her stool has formed, and she has slowly gained weight.

The old Chinese medicine doctor told her that milk is a cold thing, not suitable for the elderly to drink, because the yang energy of the elderly is generally weaker, a body like her should eat more warm supplements, any food has attributes, you must choose the right one to eat, in order to be beneficial to the body, others eat it is good for the body, and you eat it is not necessarily good, this is the truth.

Doctors remind: the elderly should not drink milk for a long time, beware of possible changes in the body

Aunt Guo didn't understand, she asked the doctor why the child drank it, even the newborn baby was fed with milk, the doctor told her that the child is a pure yang body, yang energy is vigorous, can resist those cold, don't you find that the child's body is like a small stove, especially warm, and the elderly are different, all aspects are declining, yang energy is also insufficient, the body will not be able to bear it.

Aunt Guo still didn't understand, and said that when I drink it again in the future, I will heat up the milk and drink it, no way, the doctor gave him another example and said, you put the chili pepper in the refrigerator and take it out again, is it hot or cold?

Doctors remind: the elderly should not drink milk for a long time, beware of possible changes in the body

This time, Aunt Guo understands everything, it is still hot when it is taken out, and the same is true for milk, if it is heated, it is still cool, which is determined by the nature of food, seeing this, do you understand in front of the screen?

Therefore, the doctor suggests that if you are an elderly person with a cold and damp constitution and a weak spleen and stomach, it is not recommended to drink milk for a long time, if you are that kind of hot constitution, then you often drink milk and it is okay, we have to distinguish whether you can drink milk for a long time according to your different physique, according to the doctor, the following three types of people can not drink more milk.

Doctors remind: the elderly should not drink milk for a long time, beware of possible changes in the body

The first type is that after drinking milk, people who often feel bloated in their stomachs, do not digest, and often fart should not drink too much milk.

The second group is people with iron deficiency anemia, who do not drink a lot of milk. Because the iron we get from food can only be absorbed and utilized through transformation in the digestive tract, and milk can prevent the absorption of iron, so people with iron deficiency anemia are not recommended to drink milk.

Doctors remind: the elderly should not drink milk for a long time, beware of possible changes in the body

The third type is the elderly who often have diarrhea after drinking milk, try not to drink milk, drinking milk is originally to supplement nutrition, this kind of people not only do not supplement, but play a negative role.

Judging from the above doctor's explanation to Aunt Guo, although milk has high nutritional value, it is not suitable for everyone to drink, and the elderly should be based on their own physical condition.

The elderly should eat more calcium-containing foods, such as red dates, shrimp skin, fish and shrimp seafood, and eat more seasonal fruits and vegetables. That's all for today's topic, see you tomorrow, and finally wish all the elderly friends a happy old age! In good shape! The above is a personal opinion and is for reference only.

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