
Liu Yifei's live broadcast revealed the phenomenon of "floating" in the entertainment industry: down-to-earth is the long-term solution

author:Lao Li talks about entertainment

Recently, Liu Yifei expressed her deep insights into the rapid fame of the entertainment industry in a live broadcast, which sparked a wide range of heated discussions on the Internet. She pointed out that some actors lose themselves because of their momentary popularity, and lose their awe and pursuit of art, a phenomenon that is not only detrimental to personal development, but may also have a negative impact on the entire industry. Liu Yifei's remarks quickly resonated on the Internet, and many netizens expressed their approval.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast revealed the phenomenon of "floating" in the entertainment industry: down-to-earth is the long-term solution

Liu Yifei's acting career itself is the best interpretation of this remark. From "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in the early years to "Mulan" in recent years, Liu Yifei has proved her strength and hard work with one work after another. Every time she performs, she shows a deep understanding of the role and superb acting skills, and this steady forward attitude has won the recognition of the industry and the love of the audience.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast revealed the phenomenon of "floating" in the entertainment industry: down-to-earth is the long-term solution

Liu Yifei emphasized in the live broadcast that actors should be down-to-earth and maintain respect and love for art. She believes that art requires time and effort to precipitate, rather than being achieved overnight. This perspective not only reflects her deep understanding of acting career, but also shows her sense of social responsibility as a public figure.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast revealed the phenomenon of "floating" in the entertainment industry: down-to-earth is the long-term solution

Netizens reacted enthusiastically to Liu Yifei's remarks and expressed their support. Someone said: "Liu Yifei is right, actors should be down-to-earth, and they can't float because of temporary success." Some people also joked: "It seems that Liu Yifei is an 'old cadre' in the entertainment industry, and she speaks so deeply." These comments not only show the public's recognition of Liu Yifei's views, but also reflect the general concern about the professionalism of actors inside and outside the entertainment industry.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast revealed the phenomenon of "floating" in the entertainment industry: down-to-earth is the long-term solution

In the entertainment industry, which is full of temptation and competition, the phenomenon of rapid fame is not uncommon. Some actors suddenly become popular because of a drama or a role, and the fame and fortune that come with it make them lose their way. However, this kind of short-term success is often difficult to last, and it is difficult for actors who lack accumulation and training to continue to progress on the artistic path.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast revealed the phenomenon of "floating" in the entertainment industry: down-to-earth is the long-term solution

In contrast, Liu Yifei's path to success is more stable and solid. She used her own experience to tell young actors that only by maintaining their awe and pursuit of art and working hard in a down-to-earth manner can they be invincible in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast revealed the phenomenon of "floating" in the entertainment industry: down-to-earth is the long-term solution

Liu Yifei's live broadcast remarks undoubtedly cast a stone in the entertainment industry and caused ripples at all levels. Although her views have touched the sensitive nerves of some people, it has also made more people reflect on their career paths and pursuits. The entertainment industry needs more good actors like Liu Yifei who are down-to-earth and stick to their original intentions, and use their talents and efforts to bring more excellent works to the audience.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast revealed the phenomenon of "floating" in the entertainment industry: down-to-earth is the long-term solution

Liu Yifei's remarks are not only a revelation of the current situation in the entertainment industry, but also an ardent expectation for young actors. I hope that in the future, more talented and good actors like Liu Yifei will emerge in the entertainment industry to jointly promote the healthy development of this industry.

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