
The U20 Women's Volleyball Asian Championship is about to open, and the national youth women's volleyball team has three highlights. China and Japan compete for the final crown

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The U20 Women's Volleyball Asian Championship will be held in Jiangmen, Guangdong Province from July 1st to 9th! The U20 youth women's volleyball girls of our Chinese team, under the leadership of head coach Kuang Qi, have been training intensively in Guangdong early, and their seriousness and hard work make people full of expectations for them. Not long ago, the list of 12 participants was also announced, which attracted the attention of countless fans.

Let's take a look at the lineup first. The main attacking positions include Li Chenxuan, Dong Yuhan, Guo Xiangling and Fan Boning. The secondary attacks are Chen Houyu, Shan Linqian and Guo Weilin. The responses were Duan Mengke and Wang Yindi. The setters are Li Yuening and Zhu Hangting. The free man is Sun Wanjun. Take a closer look, these 12 girls are from Shandong, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Henan and other places, which can really be said to bring together volleyball elites from all over the world.

The U20 Women's Volleyball Asian Championship is about to open, and the national youth women's volleyball team has three highlights. China and Japan compete for the final crown

Analyzing this lineup in depth, we can find some characteristics. For example, many of these players have already made their mark in their respective regional teams, showing great strength and potential. There are also some problems. For example, in terms of one-pass, because Coach Kuang Qi gave up some famous players and chose a power-based main attack like Li Chenxuan and Dong Yuhan, the stability of the team's one-pass is a little worrying. Fortunately, because of his outstanding one-pass ability, Fan Boning changed from receiving to playing the main attack, which can be regarded as adding a guarantee to the team's one-pass.

Next, let's focus on the highlights of this competition. It is the setter Zhu Hangting. This is a high-profile new star! Born in 06, she is 187 tall, from Tieli No. 1 Middle School in Heilongjiang Province, and now plays for the Tianjin women's volleyball team. Fans and friends who are familiar with the women's volleyball team have long heard of her name, and she has led the Tieli No. 1 Squadron to win the championship in the national arena many times, and has been praised for her talent. But most people haven't really seen her in the national team. This Asian Youth Championship is her first time representing the national team, and it is also her first public appearance in front of everyone. Everyone can't wait to see what her level is and what her passing style is.

The U20 Women's Volleyball Asian Championship is about to open, and the national youth women's volleyball team has three highlights. China and Japan compete for the final crown

The competition between Duan Mengke and Wang Yindi in the receiving position is also a highlight. These two are the leaders of the young generation of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and they have already shown their strength in the Volleyball Super League. Wang Yindi is skilled, Duan Mengke is tall and powerful, and the two have very different styles and have their own merits. Who can serve as the main receiver in this competition is really full of curiosity and expectation.

There is also a key point, which is whether the team's pass can withstand it. As mentioned earlier, the team has certain hidden dangers in terms of passing, which undoubtedly adds a lot of uncertainty to the game.

The U20 Women's Volleyball Asian Championship is about to open, and the national youth women's volleyball team has three highlights. China and Japan compete for the final crown

Let's talk about the prospect of winning the championship this time. Just like the previous Asian Youth Championships, if nothing else, the championship will most likely be born between the Chinese and Japanese teams. This has become a common competitive situation. We have to mention Coach Kuang Qi's previous experience of leading the team, which is really regrettable and regretful.

In the previous finals, the team led by Coach Kuang Qi was close to the championship trophy many times, but passed by. When facing the Japanese team, he was always so breathless, and finally reluctantly missed the championship. That kind of loss and unwillingness, I believe every concerned fan can feel it deeply.

The U20 Women's Volleyball Asian Championship is about to open, and the national youth women's volleyball team has three highlights. China and Japan compete for the final crown

It is precisely because of these previous experiences that everyone is full of expectations for this competition. Everyone who loves the Chinese women's volleyball team is full of hope that Coach Kuang Qi can lead this group of young and combative girls to a disgrace. Everyone is eager to see them fighting the field, eager to see them overcome their opponents with superb skills and tenacious perseverance, and eager to see the exciting images when they lift the championship trophy high.

This competition is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for Coach Kuang Qi and the girls. They can take this opportunity to prove their strength and make up for their past regrets. It's also a big challenge. The strength of the Japanese team should not be underestimated, they have excellent tactical coordination and tenacious style of play. To overcome such an opponent, the Chinese team needs to be the best in every way.

The U20 Women's Volleyball Asian Championship is about to open, and the national youth women's volleyball team has three highlights. China and Japan compete for the final crown

At the technical level, the girls should give full play to their advantages, the main attack should dare to fight, the secondary attack should be tightly defended, the second setter should be accurate and in place, the response should be flexible and changeable, and the free man should play steadily. In terms of tactical arrangement, Coach Kuang Qi needs to formulate an effective response strategy according to the characteristics of the opponent. In terms of teamwork, every team member must think in one place and work hard in one place to form a close and united fighting collective.

But the outcome of the game is always full of uncertainty. Some people are full of confidence in the Chinese team, firmly believing that they can defeat the Japanese team in this competition, successfully win the championship, and add glory to Chinese volleyball. There are also people who are cautious, believing that the Chinese team has lost to the Japanese team many times before, and it is not easy to turn over this time, and it needs to overcome many difficulties, and there must be some luck. Whether the Chinese team can stand out in this fierce competition and realize the dream of winning the championship, let us hold our breath and wait and see.

The U20 Women's Volleyball Asian Championship is about to open, and the national youth women's volleyball team has three highlights. China and Japan compete for the final crown

But in this piece of expectation and longing, some people also put forward different views, which sparked heated discussions. Some people believe that there are some obvious shortcomings in the lineup of the Chinese team this time, and the difficulty coefficient is not ordinary if you want to win the championship in such a fierce competition.

They point out that while there are a lot of potential players in the team, they may lack enough experience and consistency in key positions. For example, in the one-pass link, compared with other strong teams, there are certain weaknesses, which is likely to become the Achilles' heel of the opponent in high-level confrontation. In terms of overall tactical coordination and the ability to deal with unexpected situations, it also needs to be further tested and improved.

The U20 Women's Volleyball Asian Championship is about to open, and the national youth women's volleyball team has three highlights. China and Japan compete for the final crown

Others have always believed that young girls have unlimited potential and high morale, and that they are fully capable of creating miracles. In their eyes, being young means infinite possibilities, and it means the drive to move forward without fear of failure.

These girls may be inexperienced, but they have the courage of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, and they have a desperate desire to win, and this mental strength is more than enough to make up for their lack of experience. The beauty of the game lies in its uncertainty, and who can guarantee that these young girls won't burst into amazing energy and perform in unexpected ways on the field?

The U20 Women's Volleyball Asian Championship is about to open, and the national youth women's volleyball team has three highlights. China and Japan compete for the final crown

How far the Chinese team can go in this U20 Women's Volleyball Asian Championship and whether it can finally win the championship, no one can give a definite answer now. Everything has to wait until the game actually starts and the girls step onto the field and tell us with their actual performances. Let's just widen our eyes together, with nervous and excited mood, waiting to see the girls release their energy on the field and show the style of the Chinese U20 women's volleyball team!

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