
Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals were officially released, and Zhang Ziyu, who was 2.24 meters tall, led the team to fight South Korea

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The venue of this competition was selected in Shenzhen, where 16 teams from all over the world gathered together to prepare for a competitive battle. These 16 teams are divided into two levels, A and B, and it is like two different battlefields, each with its own unique situation and excitement.

In the A division, the overall strength of the team is a strong one, and every game is like a fierce collision of sparks. The teams here are the best of the best, and every attack, every defense, is full of tactics and skills. As for the B ranks, although their strength is relatively weak, they all have dreams and momentum and show their style on the field.

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals were officially released, and Zhang Ziyu, who was 2.24 meters tall, led the team to fight South Korea

Among the many teams, our eyes are naturally focused on the A class. The game here is called a thrilling one, and every round makes people sweat. Why? Because the competition here is so fierce, every race can decide the final winner.

Next, let's take a look at the exciting process and results of the game. In the group stage, the teams did their best. Let's take a look at Group A first, the Australian team is like a fierce lion, all the way to the top. In the first game, they defeated Malaysia by a huge margin of 124-38, defeated South Korea 85-52 in the second game, and defeated Chinese Taipei 90-67 in the final game. Not to be outdone, the South Korean team has a record of 2 wins and 1 loss. Chinese Taipei won 1 and lost 2, while Malaysia lost all three games and had no choice but to finish at the bottom.

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals were officially released, and Zhang Ziyu, who was 2.24 meters tall, led the team to fight South Korea

Looking at Group B again, the performance of the Chinese team is amazing! The first match defeated Indonesia 109-50, the second match defeated New Zealand 90-68, and the last match defeated Japan 97-81, also showing strong strength in all three matches. Japan is 2-1, New Zealand is 1-2 and Indonesia has lost all three.

After the group stage, the play-offs were ignited. It's a crucial battle to decide who advances to the last four, and every goal counts. In the end, South Korea defeated New Zealand 86-66 and Japan defeated Chinese Taipei 76-70 to advance to the semi-finals.

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals were officially released, and Zhang Ziyu, who was 2.24 meters tall, led the team to fight South Korea

The top four teams were born, and the next semi-finals were even more exciting. Australia will play Japan, while China will face South Korea. The match will be on June 29, with Australia and Japan taking the lead at 16:30 and China and South Korea at 19:00.

Speaking of the Chinese team, we have to mention our core player Zhang Ziyu. The girl is only 17 years old, 2.24 meters tall, and has averaged 33 points per game in the last three group games. On the offensive end, she is an insurmountable mountain on the inside, as long as she wants the ball, the opponent can't stop it at all. Defensively, she guards the interior and keeps opponents off and can only try threes from the outside. Her outstanding performance made the Chinese team more powerful on the field.

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals were officially released, and Zhang Ziyu, who was 2.24 meters tall, led the team to fight South Korea

When it comes to the prospects of the Chinese team in this event, it really sparked a fierce debate, and various points of view clashed, so lively!

On the one hand, a considerable number of people firmly believe that with a core player with outstanding strength like Zhang Ziyu, the Chinese team is sure to win the championship. They believe that Zhang Ziyu is the anchor of the Chinese team, and her dominance on the field is incomparable. Her astonishing height advantage puts her opponent under pressure on both ends of the floor. When attacking, she is almost unstoppable on the inside, as if she is an impregnable fortress, and she steadily outputs points for the Chinese team. When defending, she is like a big net that covers the sky and the sun, making it difficult for the opponent to break through the defense. In the eyes of these people, as long as Zhang Ziyu is on the field, the Chinese team has the backbone and the guarantee of victory.

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals were officially released, and Zhang Ziyu, who was 2.24 meters tall, led the team to fight South Korea

But on the other hand, there are many people who have a different view. They felt that although Zhang Ziyu's performance was indeed excellent, the game was full of unpredictable variables. Basketball is, after all, a team sport that cannot be relied upon by just one person. Team collaboration, chemistry and resilience also play a crucial role.

They believe that even if Zhang Ziyu can rely on his personal ability to score or defend for the team at some critical moments, if the cooperation between other players is not tacit and the tactical execution is not in place, the Chinese team may also be in trouble in the face of the overall pressure and targeted tactics of strong opponents. Opponents will also develop a specific defensive strategy against Zhang Ziyu, and if the rest of the Chinese team does not step up in time to share the pressure, then the team's path forward will become extremely difficult.

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals were officially released, and Zhang Ziyu, who was 2.24 meters tall, led the team to fight South Korea

There is no absolute right or wrong in this debate, and both sides have their own reasons and basis. But it is precisely this kind of controversy that makes people pay more attention and expect the future of the Chinese team. Is it Zhang Ziyu's personal ability that can lead the Chinese team all the way to the championship and successfully win the championship? Or will team collaboration and resilience be the key factors in winning or losing a game? None of this is known, and the answer will only be revealed when the whistle blows.

Dear friends, which view do you prefer for the future of the Chinese team? Do you firmly believe that Zhang Ziyu can lead the Chinese team to the top by himself, or do you think that the overall performance of the team is the key to determining the victory or defeat? Join us and share your insights!

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals were officially released, and Zhang Ziyu, who was 2.24 meters tall, led the team to fight South Korea

Dear friends, now let's take a closer look at a heart-wrenching question, do you think the Chinese team can win the championship in one fell swoop in this exciting competition? This is really a tangled and expectant question!

Some people firmly believe that with Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance, the Chinese team will be able to break through and reach the top in one fell swoop. In their eyes, Zhang Ziyu is the light of hope for the Chinese team and the absolute core that leads the team to victory. Her stunning height and outstanding basketball skills make her like a towering mountain on the court, unshakable.

Women's U18 Asian Cup latest report! The semi-finals were officially released, and Zhang Ziyu, who was 2.24 meters tall, led the team to fight South Korea

Every time she scores, every time she defends, it seems to announce to the world the strong strength of the Chinese team. As long as she is there, the Chinese team will have the most solid support and the courage and confidence to overcome all difficulties. They believe that Zhang Ziyu's presence is the guarantee of victory, and she can rely on her own strength to lead the Chinese team to break through many obstacles and finally lift the championship trophy that symbolizes glory.

Dear friends, what do you think about the prospect of the Chinese team winning the championship in this competition? Do you firmly believe that Zhang Ziyu can lead the team all the way to the pinnacle of glory? Or do you feel that the Chinese team needs to overcome many difficulties, face many challenges, and the road to winning the championship is full of hardships? Come and have a heated discussion with you, let us look forward to the wonderful performance of the Chinese team on the field!

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