
Six tips to help industrial humidifier enterprise brand building!

author:Hangzhou Jingquan Environmental Protection Technology

1. Market research and positioning

Six tips to help industrial humidifier enterprise brand building!

Market research is the basis of brand building, and through an in-depth understanding of the target market, you can determine the positioning and development direction suitable for industrial humidifier enterprises. First of all, it is necessary to understand the demand and competition of the target market, including the use scenarios of industrial humidifiers, user needs, competitors' product features and pricing strategies, etc. Then, according to the market research results, determine the positioning of the enterprise, such as focusing on the high-end industrial humidifier market, focusing on energy conservation and environmental protection product positioning, etc.

2. Product R&D and innovation

The industrial humidifier market is highly competitive, and product development and innovation are important means for enterprises to build brands. By continuously developing new products and improving existing products, enterprises can improve the performance and quality of products to meet the needs of users. For example, industrial humidifiers with intelligent control functions can be developed to provide more convenient operation and management; At the same time, we pay attention to the energy-saving and environmental protection characteristics of products, and meet the requirements of modern society for sustainable development.

3. Brand image building

Brand image is the image and cognition of the enterprise in the minds of consumers, and it is very important for industrial humidifier companies to create a professional and reliable brand image. Brand image building can be carried out in the following ways: establish a professional image, such as cooperating with industry associations, participating in industry exhibitions, etc.; Strengthen brand promotion, enhance brand awareness through advertising, media reports, etc.; Pay attention to after-sales service, provide timely and professional after-sales support, and enhance users' trust in the brand.

4. Channel expansion and cooperation

Channel expansion is an important part of brand building, and by partnering with the right channels, you can promote your products to a wider market. It can establish cooperative relations with industrial equipment distributors, building materials suppliers, etc., to jointly promote industrial humidifier products. In addition, you can consider cooperating with e-commerce platforms to expand online sales channels and increase product exposure and sales.

5. Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy is the key to brand building, and through effective marketing campaigns, you can attract the attention and purchase intent of your target users. The following strategies can be adopted: develop differentiated pricing strategies, such as providing cost-effective products to attract users in the middle and low-end markets; Carry out promotional activities, such as limited-time discounts, giveaways, etc., to improve the competitiveness of products; Strengthen online and offline integrated marketing, and increase brand awareness and sales through a combination of online publicity and offline display.

6. User word-of-mouth and brand communication

Six tips to help industrial humidifier enterprise brand building!

User word-of-mouth is an important factor in brand communication, and through the user's word-of-mouth communication, it can effectively enhance the brand's popularity and reputation. By providing high-quality products and services, we can win praise and recommendation from users; At the same time, actively respond to users' feedback and suggestions, establish a good user relationship, and improve user loyalty. In addition, you can use channels such as social media platforms and industry forums to actively participate in user discussions, increase brand exposure, and expand brand influence.

Industrial Dehumidifier Selection Table:

HJ-838H Dehumidification capacity: 38Kg/day, applicable area: 30~50 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-858H Dehumidification capacity: 58Kg/day, applicable area: 40~70 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-890H Dehumidification capacity: 90Kg/day, applicable area: 80~110 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8120H Dehumidification capacity: 120Kg/day, applicable area: 100~120 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8138H Dehumidification capacity: 138Kg/day, applicable area: 120~150 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8150H Dehumidification capacity: 150Kg/day, applicable area: 150~180 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8168H Dehumidification capacity: 7kg/h Applicable area: 200~250 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8192H Dehumidification capacity: 8.8kg/h, applicable area: 200~300 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8240H Dehumidification capacity: 10kg/hour, applicable area: 300~400 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8360H Dehumidification capacity: 15kg/hour, applicable area: 400~500 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

Six tips to help industrial humidifier enterprise brand building!

HJ-8480H Dehumidification capacity: 20kg/h, applicable area: 500~600 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8600H Dehumidification capacity: 25kg/h Applicable area: 600~700 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8720H Dehumidification capacity: 30kg/h Applicable area: 700~800 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

The selection of dehumidification capacity and model of dehumidifier is mainly calculated scientifically according to the volume of the use of environmental space, the size of fresh air volume, and the humidity requirements required by the space environment. In addition, it should be noted that the relative humidity of the environment is related to the temperature of the environment, the higher the temperature, the faster the humidity evaporates, and the worse the effect, so when configuring the dehumidifier, you need to select the type under the guidance of professionals, so as to choose the most suitable dehumidifier for you!

除湿量计算公式:W=V*P*(X2-X1)/1000*1.2( kg/h)【W=所需除湿量(kg/h)、 P=空气密度(kg/m3)1.2、V=场所体积、X2=除湿前空气含湿量、X1=除湿后空气含湿量、1.2=安全系数(损耗)】。

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