
In the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", Tan Weiwei is first, Na Ying is third, and Lucia failed to hit the list

author:Enthusiastic Baiyun 4KDf0


In recent years, with the continuous emergence of variety shows, various types of programs have emerged in an endless stream, among them, music variety shows have always been loved by the audience, especially music competition programs, through the form of competitions, showing the musical talent and stage charm of the contestants, attracting the attention and pursuit of a large number of audiences.

In these music competition programs, there are some high-profile contestants and wonderful performances, who have left a deep impression on the audience through their unique music styles and excellent performances, which have become a highlight of the program, and have also aroused widespread discussion and attention after the program was broadcast.

In the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", Tan Weiwei is first, Na Ying is third, and Lucia failed to hit the list

Recently, a highly anticipated music competition program "Singer 2024" was launched, attracting many powerful singers to join, including many first-line singers and powerful singers, who will launch a fierce music competition in the show and bring an audio-visual feast to the audience.

In the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", Tan Weiwei is first, Na Ying is third, and Lucia failed to hit the list

In the latest episode of the program, the wonderful performances of many powerful singers shocked the audience's audio-visual nerves, and the collision and integration of various music styles allowed the audience to enjoy a musical feast, and also triggered the audience's in-depth conjecture and heated discussion on music and performance.

In the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", Tan Weiwei is first, Na Ying is third, and Lucia failed to hit the list

In this issue of the competition, there are not only unexpected surprises from the fill-in singers, but also wonderful performances by many powerful singers, who conquered the audience and judges with their musical talents and stage charm, becoming a highlight of the whole show, and also making the audience full of expectations and curiosity about the next competition.

In the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", Tan Weiwei is first, Na Ying is third, and Lucia failed to hit the list

So, in this issue of the competition, what are the wonderful performances and unexpected surprises of the contestants? What kind of performances and challenges will the powerful singers have? Let's take a look.

In the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", Tan Weiwei is first, Na Ying is third, and Lucia failed to hit the list

1. Fill-in singer Tan Weiwei adapted the folk songs of northern Shaanxi to win the championship, and his performance was magnificent

In the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", Tan Weiwei is first, Na Ying is third, and Lucia failed to hit the list

In this issue of "Singer 2024", the audience found that Tan Weiwei, who had temporarily withdrawn from the competition due to physical reasons, appeared on the stage and rejoined the competition as a fill-in singer, and her appearance also brought unexpected surprises to the audience.

In the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", Tan Weiwei is first, Na Ying is third, and Lucia failed to hit the list

In this issue of the competition, Tan Weiwei chose a northern Shaanxi folk song for adaptation, integrating elements of national rock into it, presenting a new music style and stage performance, which made the audience refreshed and made people feel her dedication and love for music.

In the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", Tan Weiwei is first, Na Ying is third, and Lucia failed to hit the list

After a fierce competition, Tan Weiwei successfully won the championship of this issue with this adapted song, her performance was majestic and full of stage tension, which also moved the audience and the judges, and applauded her performance.

In the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", Tan Weiwei is first, Na Ying is third, and Lucia failed to hit the list

After the show was broadcast, Tan Weiwei's performance also sparked heated discussions among many audiences, and everyone said that they were really happy and moved to see Tan Weiwei on the stage and surprise everyone in this way, and also praised and blessed her bravery and persistence.

In the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", Tan Weiwei is first, Na Ying is third, and Lucia failed to hit the list

Tan Weiwei's performance also showed her excellent musical strength and stage performance, whether it is in the control of music and the expression of emotions, she has a very good performance, I believe she can bring more wonderful performances and surprises to the audience in the next competition.

Second, Fanxia's Chinese songs are full of sincerity and have received rave reviews

In addition to Tan Weiwei's unexpected surprise, in this issue of "Singer 2024", there is another contestant whose performance has attracted the attention of the audience, she is the singer Fan Xia from Russia, who successfully conquered the audience and judges with her unique musical background and excellent singing skills.

In this phase of the competition, Fanxia chose a Chinese song to sing, the Chinese copyright of this song was purchased by herself, which can be said to be a very attentive and sincere performance, and her Chinese pronunciation and emotional expression are also in place, allowing the audience to feel her love and persistence in music.

After careful rehearsal and preparation, Fancia's performance was very successful, she used her singing and performance to show the audience a new kind of musical charm, and also let the audience feel the collision and integration of music from different cultural backgrounds, which won unanimous praise from the audience and the judges.

Whether it is in the control of music and the expression of emotions, or in the stage performance and image building, Fan Xiya has a very good performance, her original intention and understanding of music have also been recognized by the audience and judges, I believe that her performance can bring inspiration and moving to more people, but also add a touch of beautiful scenery to the program.

In the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", Tan Weiwei is first, Na Ying is third, and Lucia failed to hit the list

3. Naying's love song returns, and the singing is full of healing

In addition to Tan Weiwei and Fanxia's wonderful performances, in this issue of "Singer 2024", the audience also saw the wonderful performance of another powerful singer, she is Na Ying, as a powerful singer, Na Ying has always had a very high popularity and influence, and her singing voice is also a healing nature in the hearts of many audiences.

In this issue of the competition, Na Ying chose a love song to sing, the melody of this song is very beautiful, and Na Ying's interpretation method is a perfect interpretation of the emotions in the song, her singing voice is full of warmth and healing, so that the audience feels as if they are in a quiet countryside, and feel the comfort and comfort of the soul.

In Na Ying's singing, the audience seems to be able to find their own shadow, and also feel the emotions and stories contained in the song, her performance makes the atmosphere of the scene very warm and touching, and the audience is also moved by her singing, and can't help but immerse themselves in it and resonate with it.

And Na Ying's performance in the show also let the audience see her self-reflection and emotional outpouring, whether it is in the interaction with other contestants, or in the comment session after the performance, she has a very sincere emotional expression, making the audience closer and empathetic, I believe that her sincerity can also be recognized and loved by the audience.

Fourth, the arrangement of the Shantimo Guzheng amazed the audience, showing the charm of the great oriental country

In addition to the wonderful performances of powerful singers, in this issue of "Singer 2024", the audience also saw Lucia, a singer from abroad, as the first international singer, Lucia's participation added a different scenery to the show, and also made the audience feel the strength and level of international singers.

In this phase of the competition, Lucia brought a difficult performance, she chose an oriental style song to sing, and also added the performance of the guzheng, the whole performance was very ornamental and challenging, and also made the audience feel the collision and integration of Eastern and Western music, which was eye-catching.

After careful rehearsal and preparation, Lucia's performance was very successful, whether it was in the singing of the song or the performance of the guzheng, she had a very good performance, perfectly controlled the whole stage, and also made the audience feel the unique charm of the oriental style music, which won the applause of the audience and the judges.

In addition to Lucia, there is another contestant whose performance is equally amazing, she is Shantimo, as a inheritor of national music, Shantimo chose a foreign song to sing, and also added the arrangement of the guzheng, the whole performance has the charm of the style of the Eastern country, and also makes the audience refreshed, and has a new understanding of the traditional music of the Eastern country.

In Chantimo's performance, the audience seems to be able to travel through time and space, feel the tranquility and beauty in the ancient countryside, she uses her music to convey her love and emotions for the motherland, and also makes the audience feel the magic of music, I believe that her performance can bring inspiration and moving to more people, and also let the traditional music of the eastern countries shine on the international stage.

5. The performance of other contestants has its own highlights, showing a variety of musical charms

In addition to the wonderful performances of Tan Weiwei, Fan Xiya, Na Ying and Shantimo, in this issue of "Singer 2024", the performance of the other contestants also has their own highlights, their music styles have their own characteristics, and through their own efforts and talents, they have successfully conquered the audience and judges, becoming a highlight of the entire show.

For example, Huang Xuan chose a ballad to sing, his unique voice and emotional interpretation made this song full of different charm, and also made the audience feel the love and perception of life, Yuan Yawei chose an R&B style song, her unique timbre and emotional interpretation, so that the whole stage was lit up, making people intoxicated.

In addition, Sun Nan chose a Cantonese song to sing, although there are some deficiencies in Cantonese pronunciation and emotional expression, but his efforts and love for music have been affirmed by the audience, and people can feel his bravery and persistence, while Wang Sulong's love song singing is still moving, making people sigh that his musical emotions are always the same.

Through the performance of each contestant, the audience seemed to be in a musical feast, felt the collision and integration of different musical styles, and was also shocked and moved by their musical talents.

In the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", Tan Weiwei is first, Na Ying is third, and Lucia failed to hit the list


Through this issue of "Singer 2024", the audience not only enjoyed the wonderful performances of various music styles, but also felt the hard work and persistence behind each contestant, whether it was success or failure, they deserved to be affirmed and encouraged, and also made the audience full of love and yearning for music.

Through their professional interpretation and sincere exchanges, the audience has a deeper conjecture and understanding of music, and also has more conjectures and insights about the stories behind different music.

I believe that in the next competition, every contestant will be able to dare to express, move forward bravely, and use their own music to move more people, and also bring more inspiration and positive energy to the audience.

How do you watch and feel about this issue of "Singer 2024"? Are there any contestants or performances that you particularly enjoy? Welcome to share and discuss with you in the comment area, and look forward to your views and insights, let us accompany these powerful singers, walk into the world of music together, and feel the power and charm of music.

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