
Today is the party's birthday, and the first thing in the morning is to pay the party dues for July, totaling 80 yuan, which is counted as a birthday gift 🎁🎁🎁 for the party


Today is the party's birthday, and the first thing in the morning is to pay the party dues for July, totaling 80 yuan, as a birthday gift 🎁🎁🎁 to the party

Looking back on the past few years, I am very ashamed that I have not made much contribution to the party, but I have become a drag [covering my face] [covering my face]

I started a business four years ago, I was unemployed a year ago, I have no job and I am old, and it is difficult to find a job.

Strive to find a suitable job in the second half of this year, support yourself, and not increase the burden on the party [struggle] [struggle]

Do you have a party member who has the same experience as me?

Happy birthday to the great party again [Rose] [Rose] [Rose] #工作随想分享# #记录裸辞生活 ##你想过换工作吗# #换过几份工作# #聊聊工作经历# #待业打卡#

Today is the party's birthday, and the first thing in the morning is to pay the party dues for July, totaling 80 yuan, which is counted as a birthday gift 🎁🎁🎁 for the party
Today is the party's birthday, and the first thing in the morning is to pay the party dues for July, totaling 80 yuan, which is counted as a birthday gift 🎁🎁🎁 for the party
Today is the party's birthday, and the first thing in the morning is to pay the party dues for July, totaling 80 yuan, which is counted as a birthday gift 🎁🎁🎁 for the party

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