
Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

author:The clouds are sweet

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In the world of football, every game is a new beginning, and every matchup is full of uncertainty. The results of the draw for the top 18 of the 2026 World Cup qualifiers in Asia were announced, and the national football team was in the same group as Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia and other strong teams, and was called the "group of death" by fans.

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

Such a grouping has undoubtedly brought great challenges to the national football team, and it has also made fans sweat about the prospects of the national football team. However, the attitude of the Japanese and Australian media towards the national football team is surprisingly cautious, and they use words such as "difficult opponent" and "terrible opponent" to describe the Chinese team.

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

For the sake of the national football team, the Japanese media has set a wider eye. When they analyzed the game situation, they not only stared at Australia and Saudi Arabia, but also took special care of the Chinese team:

"The Chinese team has to be very careful in their games, these guys play without mercy and cripple people at every turn. If they want to score points from Japan, they will have to use this tactic. So we have to be careful not to hurt our players. ”

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

Although this sentence sounds like a praise for the "rough" style of the Chinese team, it is actually a reminder that everyone must be a little mentally prepared for these things.

You see, the Australian media also has something to say: "Japan, Saudi Arabia and China are all hard stubble on our way to qualifying, and we have to prepare well." ”

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

This sounds like a boast of other people's strength, but it is actually a reminder that we have to see how powerful these guys really are. On the football field, it is not only necessary to fight for strength before the game, but also to see the true level of the opponent.

These evaluations make people start to think, is the "cautiousness" of the Japanese and Australian media sincere or a trick? Did they see the strength of the Chinese team?

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

Of course, I can't rule out the possibility of being a little confused, but it also reflects the respect for the game and the importance of competition. After all, everyone wants to get through the competition, and who wants their players to wrestle on the field?

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

The national football team, what the outside world thinks is actually not the most important thing. No matter what people say, if we want to really win on the field, we have to rely on our own efforts. For the so-called "group of death", we have to be a little mentally prepared, we have to understand our weaknesses, and constantly strengthen our strength.

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

Let's be honest, others actually care about us a lot, but the key is ourselves. If you can impress those who are "optimistic" and shut up those who are "optimistic" through your own efforts, then it is called real ability.

The name "Group of Death" sounds scary. But we can't be intimidated by the name and rush forward without looking back. Our national football team must have a backbone, not afraid of difficulties, and rush forward!

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

If we want to deal with these big guys, we have to find fault with ourselves and change our shortcomings. Heck, how can there be anything that is born strong, all of them are practiced! You have to hone your skills and hone your will to seize the opportunity on the playing field.

Don't take these games too seriously, treat them with a normal heart, give your all in every game, and strive for every point. This is not something that can be solved by the operation alone, you have to have real skills in order to play at a critical moment.

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

Our national football team, we must learn to calm our minds, no matter who we are facing, we have to go out and go all out. Don't always think about relying on luck, you have to show some real skills.

The "Group of Death" sounds scary, but we can't be intimidated by the name. As the saying goes, "pressure is motivation", only by pushing yourself can you go to the next level.

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

Every game is a new challenge, and no matter how strong the opponent is, we have to face it bravely and not be afraid. Only in this way can we truly show the style and strength of our national football team.

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

How can the national football team improve its style of play and improve its technical and tactical level? Not to mention, this is not a joke, and the current football game can be technical. Although the rough style of our national football team has also caused headaches for opponents in the past, the times are different, and if you want to win the game, you have to rely on strength!

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

If you are rough alone, you can't deal with those high-level opponents. You have to improve the skills of the players, otherwise you can only "rough shelf" on the field, and in the end it will end in tragedy.

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

Of course, the improvement of skills and tactics is not just talk, but must have real training. The players have to practice their footwork and improve their ball control, so that they can dribble and do some tricks in the game.

Don't just be able to fight, you have to be able to think. The tactical arrangement in the game is a big problem, and we have to let our players practice more, hone more, improve their IQ, and know how to deal with all kinds of changes.

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

Finally, the national football team should make full use of the home advantage to stimulate the team's fighting spirit. The atmosphere of the home stadium and the support of the fans are all rare advantages of the national football team. In home games, the national football team must dare to fight, dare to challenge, and use their performance to repay the support of fans.

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

In short, in the face of the upcoming challenges, the national football team has no way out, and only through unremitting efforts can it break through in the "Group of Death" and realize its World Cup dream. For the national football team, every game is an opportunity to prove itself and an opportunity to challenge itself. Let's look forward to the national football team being able to play its own style and win the respect of opponents in future games.

Japan, Australia scared? Foreign media commented that the Chinese men's football team is a terrible team!

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