
Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

author:Those things in the UK

Recently, the fruit sister Katy Perry has reaped a wave of traffic with various bold looks at Paris Fashion Week, and the most out-of-the-circle is probably this huge red dress:

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?
Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(Fruit Sister Skirt)

The dense print on the end of the skirt is full of words, but in fact, this is her new song "Woman's World".

As the name suggests, this is a feminist song, and the lyrics are very straightforward:

"Open your eyes and look around, and you'll see that it's a woman's world, and you're lucky to live in it."

On Wednesday night, Sister Fruit met a group of fans as she drove away from Fashion Week, and she patiently took photos with everyone, without the slightest display of big names.

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(Selfie with fans)

But before she finally got in the car, a fan in the crowd asked her very bluntly:

"Isn't your new album about female empowerment? So why did you work with Dr. Luke? ”

Sister Guo, who was very patient just now, got into the car as if she hadn't heard it at this time.

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(Sister Fruit avoids the question)

Why does Sister Fruit avoid this question?


Dr. Luke is one of the producers of Sister Fruit's regular collaboration, "I Kissed a Girl" in '08, "Teenage Dream" in '10, and "Roar" in '13.

她最新的这首《Woman's World》也一样是Dr.Luke操刀。

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(In 2010, Sister Fruit and Dr. Luke took the stage to receive the award together)

But here's the problem: Dr. Luke has been mired in sexual harassment, abuse, and workplace control scandals for years, and it was only in June last year that the lawsuit was completed.

Such a person to write a feminist song....... Of course, it is inevitable that it will encounter controversy.

And to talk about this Dr. Luke, I have to mention another female singer, Kesha.

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?


Kesha is an artist under Dr. Luke's company, and signed a contract with Dr. Luke when she debuted at the age of 18, which was in 2005, but she will have to wait until four years later for her to really survive, because "Tik Tok" exploded that year.

It is estimated that most people have heard this song, at that time she was still called Ke$ha, and she was called Qian Po/Qian Niu in China.

After that, Kesha's acting career finally entered the regular stage, but the good times did not last long, and rumors such as "Dr. Luke controlled Kesha, resulting in her having no creative rights" began to ferment.

By September 2013, Kesha's fans had filed a petition demanding that Dr. Luke release her and leave his company, as Dr. Luke had hindered Kesha's growth, and had finally collected over 10,000 signatures.

In December of the same year, Kesha's documentary "My Crazy Beautiful Life" was released on MTV, which revealed Kesha's situation in the company even further.

It is said that she wrote more than 70 songs for the album "Warrior", but most of them were rejected by Dr. Luke, so it is clear whether she has creative freedom or not.

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

("My Crazy Beautiful Life" poster)

At this time, the director of "My Crazy Beautiful Life" and Kesha's mother also joined the war, hoping that Dr. Luke could release him, etc., in short, it is a common scene for singers to break with the company.

By October 2014, however, the nature of the matter had changed:

Kesha herself formally took Dr. Luke to court, accusing him of sexually assaulting, harassing, abusive, sexual, and mentally abusing her during the ten years they worked together.

He also claimed that Dr. Luke had been drugging her and had sexual contact with her regardless of whether she consented or not, and that his abuse had caused her eating disorder.

Kesha asked for nothing more than the court to terminate her contract with Dr. Luke.

In response, Dr. Luke firmly denied all of Kesha's accusations and immediately filed a countersuit, accusing Kesha of defamation and fabricating rumors of abuse with his mother in order to get out of the company.

How far did this matter go?

Fans later launched the "Liberate Kesha" campaign online, and many celebrities also joined the battle group to support Kesha, including Adele,

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(Adele speaks up for Kesha at the BRIT Awards)


Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(Mildew donated 250,000 dollars to Kesha)

Lady Gaga、

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(Gaga speaks up for Kesha on Twitter at the time, praising her for being brave)

Sister A,

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(Sister A said concisely and concisely that she stood with Kesha, but the original tweet was gone)

Kesha even dragged Sister Fruit and Gaga directly into the water at one point.

She once texted Gaga that Dr. Luke not only raped her, but also raped Sister Fruit, but Sister Fruit did not stand up, causing Gaga to feel that Sister Fruit was not righteous for a while, and the relationship between the two parties was cold for several years.

It wasn't until 2018 that Gaga directly tweeted @FruitSister, saying that it was all in the past, and Fruitsister followed the retweet, and the two sides were reconciled.

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(The interaction between Gaga and Sister Fruit at that time)

Back to Kesha and Dr. Luke - their lawsuit began in 2014, and it was not until June last year that the two sides reached an out-of-court settlement, which lasted nearly 9 years, which can be called stinky and long, so I won't talk about the process in detail, but only mention a few key results:

1. In April 2016, a Los Angeles judge dismissed all of Kesha's abuse allegations.

Because Kesha has little evidence, although she claims that Dr. Luke's abuse lasted 10 years, she was only able to describe two specific incidents in detail, most recently in 2008, which was unsurprisingly dismissed after the statute of limitations had expired.

Kesha then abandoned the lawsuit in Los Angeles and moved to New York.

2. In February 2020, a New York judge similarly dismissed Kesha's abuse allegations.

The judge ruled that Kesha "falsely portrayed Dr. Luke to Lady Gaga, which in itself is defamatory, and there is no evidence that Dr. Luke raped Katy Perry." ”

In the end, Kesha was ordered to pay about $370,000 to Dr. Luke's company because she had violated her contract with Dr. Luke.

At this point, the abuse case is over, and Dr. Luke's defamation case against Kesha remains.

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?


3. In June 2023, one month before the scheduled trial date, the two reached an out-of-court settlement in the defamation case.

Of course, the exact terms of the settlement are unknown to outsiders, but the two sides have issued their own statements, and Kesha's statement is:

"Only God knows what happened that night. Like I've always said, I can't remember what happened that night, but I just want to close this chapter of my life and move on to the next. I hope that all parties involved are well. ”

Anyway, this is what Dr. Luke meant to her, but she can't remember it, and she's tired, so let's turn the page.

On the other hand, Dr. Luke insists that he hasn't done anything:

"While I'm grateful for Kesha to admit that she can't remember what happened that night in 2005, I'm pretty sure nothing happened."

"I've never drugged her, I've never attacked her, and I'm not going to do that to anyone else. For the sake of my family, I have been trying to clear my name for almost 10 years, and now, it is time to put these behind me and move on with my life. I wish Kesha all the best. ”

It was a reconciliation, but the words of the two sides were still interspersed with guns and sticks, and the confrontation did not stop.

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(Kesha VS Dr.Luke)

As for the truth, did Dr. Luke do anything to Kesha....... Who knows.

It's been dragging on for ten years, and no one cares about it for a long time.

What is certain, however, is that Kesha is still resentful of Dr. Luke.

Just hours after Dr. Luke's comeback and the launch of Woman's World with Sister Fruit, Kesha tweeted:


Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(Kesha original quote)

There is no doubt that Kesha is targeting the two of them.

Netizens were also very excited, saying:

"Pop stars are back in the days when they were pushing the yin and yang weird... Yay."

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

“《Woman's World》... But it's so personal... Okay, that's a good haha. ”

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

"Oh my God, there are melons to eat"

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

"Is this in the Yin Yang Fruit Sister?"

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(All from Twitter netizens)

In the process of fermenting this matter, Sister Fruit went to Paris Fashion Week and wore that eye-catching long dress, which triggered the scene at the beginning of the article.

Now the attitude towards Sister Fruit on the Internet is mixed, and there is a group of people who support Sister Fruit:

Some people say that Dr. Luke has collaborated with so many singers, so why bother just holding on to Sister Fruit?

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

There are also people who simply say that Sister Fruit, the queen, put an end to the lying spirit Kesha...

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

Some people said that the media repeatedly reported negative news about Sister Fruit, but it all became free publicity, which made her worth soar, and she didn't care about her business, etc...

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(All from Twitter netizens)

But in fact, public opinion on the Internet does not seem to be so biased towards Sister Fruit, judging from the number of comments, it seems that there are more people who do not support her.

The main arguments of the opposition are:

Sister Fruit posted a song about female empowerment, and the producer was Dr. Luke... What does this mean?

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

“女性赋权专辑,Dr.Luke制作... 给我看笑了”

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

"As a big-name star, she should be ashamed of herself. Kim (Kim Petras, another female singer) works with him, and I can understand because the little singer needs a hot song. But Sister Fruit's size is no longer needed. Too bad, really. ”

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(All from Twitter netizens)

At the end of the day, the problem lies with Dr. Luke's reputation - whether or not he actually did anything to Kesha, his reputation has already stinked.

Sister Fruit dared to continue to cooperate with him, which can only be said to be quite righteous, but it was expected to cause controversy.

To add insult to injury, Kesha still had no intention of stopping the fight, and on Thursday, Kesha suddenly appeared in a gas station in Los Angeles in her car, but instead of going to refuel, she went to take pictures -

Notice the words on her vest, "lol", which is undoubtedly aimed at Sister Fruit and the others.

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(Kesha taking a photo at a gas station)

It's kind of funny, but in the end, Kesha was asked to leave by the gas station manager because she was in a traffic jam after filming for a long time.

But looking at what she means, it seems that she has already entered a combat state.......

Looking at Sister Fruit on the other side, she is still updating her beautiful photos in various ways, acting as if she didn't see Kesha's expression at all.

And the rhythm she is facing now is not only this one - recently she wore Balenciaga clothes again, causing netizens to rush into the comment area to persuade her to break off relations with Balenciaga (Balenciaga has had several scandals before).......

Sister Fruit released a feminist album, but the producer sexually assaulted Mrs. Qian? Qian Po is directly yin and yang, and she wants to tear it apart?

(Sister Fruit wears Balenciaga)

And so far, Sister Fruit herself still hasn't responded, and I don't know if she will end up tearing up Kesha.

The war has been ignited, it depends on whether Sister Fruit will fill the firewood........

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