
The price of blood for the Russian army is a wake-up call for China, and once the war begins, three iron laws must be kept in mind

author:October track

The first battle is a decisive battle, and the first battle will determine the outcome of the war, and this is the tone we have set for the battle of reunification. The great man once said that you cannot fight a war without preparation and certainty, and a battle with only preparation but no certainty. However, the Russia-Ukraine conflict has been fought for more than two years, and the "blitzkrieg" in Putin's heart has become today's war of attrition. Although it is said that the Russian army currently controls a large area of territory, including the four prefectures in eastern Ukraine, it has also paid a huge price in terms of personnel and finance. At the same time, Ukraine has still not been defeated, and the United States and Western countries continue to assist, and there is a high probability that NATO will enter the war. It can be said that Russia has sounded the alarm for the mainland at the price of blood: once a war breaks out, keep in mind the three iron laws.

The price of blood for the Russian army is a wake-up call for China, and once the war begins, three iron laws must be kept in mind

First of all, we have learned a lesson from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict: "if you are not prepared, you will not fight", and the Russian army is the best example. Before launching the special military operation in 2022, Russia has ample time to prepare and gather heavy forces to fight a decisive battle. But judging from the course of the war, the Russian army is obviously ill-prepared. Especially in the first phase of the campaign, Putin originally hoped that the Russian paratroopers would make a surprise attack on Antonov Airport, and then use the airborne operation to surprise Kyiv. However, the whole operation was unexpected, with the destruction of the airport, the reinforcements could not arrive, and the Russian airborne troops were encircled, and at this time we found out that the Russian command actually did not have a preparatory plan, but temporarily decided to carry out a strong offensive in northern Ukraine, which led to the complete disruption of the offensive rhythm in advance.

After that, the heavy army group of the Russian army advanced in the north for a long time, and once the troops were under the city of Kyiv. At this time, Putin has hundreds of thousands of troops in his hands, first-class firepower configuration, and high morale, so he can take Kyiv in one go. However, as the Ukrainian army gradually built a defensive line, the Russian army on the front line was afraid and did not even carry out a large-scale siege operation. According to the analysis of Western think tanks, this is likely to be caused by the weak logistics system of the Russian army, due to the lack of sufficient ammunition and materials on the front line, and the lack of a perfect siege plan, which led to the Russian army missing the best offensive node, and finally had to withdraw in a hurry.

The price of blood for the Russian army is a wake-up call for China, and once the war begins, three iron laws must be kept in mind

The Russian army has made fatal mistakes again and again, seeing that Ukraine has begun to fully mobilize and Western aid has continued to arrive, and the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield has suddenly become a "bad war". The weak Ukrainian army failed to counterattack effectively and began to shrink the defensive line, while the Russian army, which continued to increase its troops, did not have a systematic plan, but chose the direction of attack as it pleased. Although it is said that the Russian army has taken a large part of the territory of the four regions of eastern Ukraine, it has also carried a heavy burden on its own back. On the premise of not thoroughly digesting the four states, the Russian army has to continue to face the counteroffensive and harassment of the Ukrainian army, so it has entered a situation of taking one step at a time, dragging and fighting at the same time.

Especially since the beginning of this year, although the Russian army has experienced the great victory in Avdiyivka, all the way forward, and the Ukrainian army has collapsed, Putin and the Russian military top brass have obviously seriously underestimated NATO's energy. With the information and intelligence support provided by NATO, as well as the help of high-precision weapons, the Ukrainian army began to frequently launch long-range strikes on the rear of the Russian army. The Black Sea Fleet of the Russian army, as well as a large number of military bases and radar stations, were destroyed by the Ukrainian army.

The price of blood for the Russian army is a wake-up call for China, and once the war begins, three iron laws must be kept in mind

Just from the perspective of war, the Russia-Ukraine conflict has also given us a lot of warnings and reflections. For example, how old and new weapons complement each other, the constraints of nuclear deterrence, the role of economic sanctions in warfare, etc. At present, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has turned into a war of attrition and a tug of war, and both Putin and Zelensky are physically and mentally exhausted. Zelensky pinned his hopes on the support of international public opinion and NATO, and took great pains to convene the so-called "peace summit", and Putin also used the media to announce the conditions for peace talks between Russia and Ukraine: first, the Ukrainian army will completely withdraw from the four eastern regions of Ukraine; Second, Ukraine has pledged not to join NATO. It is clear that Western countries will never let this "proxy" war stop, and both Putin and Zelensky still need to continue to hold on. As far as we are concerned, the great cause of reunification is imperative, and once a war for reunification breaks out, we must all the more bear in mind Russia's experience and experience, advance it layer by layer in accordance with our established plan and rhythm, and ultimately ensure that the motherland completes its reunification.

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