
The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled", and the bank: There is not so much money in the account

author:Small and considerable

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Deng, a woman from Pingli County, Shaanxi Province, said that her deceased husband had a deposit of more than 130,000 yuan in the Agricultural Bank of China before his death, but after repeated inquiries, it was found that the deposit had disappeared and the account had been cancelled. In response to this matter, the staff of the bank involved said that it was caused by their own work mistakes, and there was not so much money in the account.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled", and the bank: There is not so much money in the account

This incident reflects some loopholes in the current deposit management, and also triggers people's thinking about asset management and rights protection. In 2018, Deng's husband unfortunately passed away, and Deng later discovered that her husband had an account with more than 130,000 yuan in the Agricultural Bank of China before his death.

From November 2020 to December 2021, Deng went to the Agricultural Bank of China several times to inquire and withdraw without success. In December 2021, the bank also issued an inquiry voucher showing that there were more than 130,000 yuan in the account. However, in February 2022, when Deng went to the bank again, he was told that the account had been cancelled and the deposit was missing.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled", and the bank: There is not so much money in the account

Under multiple questioning, the staff of the bank involved said that they had filled in the wrong amount in the account at work, but in fact there was not so much money in the account. The statement was difficult for Deng to accept, and the deposit inquiry voucher she provided showed that the account obviously had 130,000 yuan. At present, Deng intends to seek justice through legal channels.

The results of account information inquiry in different branches are inconsistent, which shows that the account information management within the bank is chaotic, and there are problems in checking and unifying. The bank issued a false deposit inquiry voucher, indicating that there were loopholes in the inquiry receipt system and could not guarantee the authenticity of the verification information. The malicious cancellation of accounts and the disappearance of funds indicate that the daily supervision of accounts is not effective and there is a lack of effective risk early warning mechanisms.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled", and the bank: There is not so much money in the account

It is difficult to effectively guarantee the security of account funds, and the rights and interests of users are not fully maintained. Deng said that she went to the bank many times with the relevant inquiry vouchers to inquire and withdraw deposits, but was rejected for various reasons. The bank staff's evasive attitude and handling methods aroused Deng's strong dissatisfaction.

In the case of fruitless questioning, Deng decided to defend his legitimate rights and interests through legal channels. She said that she only needs one statement, hoping to recover the inheritance left by her deceased husband and protect her legitimate interests. In response to this matter, the staff of the bank involved said that there was not so much money in the account, and it was a mistake to fill in the amount in his work, which was a work error.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled", and the bank: There is not so much money in the account

However, the bank refused to disclose the actual amount of money in the specific account on the grounds of confidentiality. The response failed to dispel doubts. Some analysts believe that if it is just a work error, then there should be no discrepancies in the account information of different outlets. Banks need to explain the problem further and not pass the buck too much.

Experts said that this incident reflects that there are still many shortcomings in the management and supervision of bank accounts in the mainland, and it is necessary to strengthen process supervision and improve various systems to better protect the asset safety of depositors.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled", and the bank: There is not so much money in the account

Implement a real-name system for banks to avoid account abuse; Establish an inter-bank reconciliation mechanism to unify account information; Strict deposit inquiry receipt system to ensure the authenticity of the inquiry; Strengthen the monitoring of abnormal accounts to prevent the loss of funds; Improve the dispute resolution mechanism and protect the rights and interests of depositors.

The regulatory authorities should formulate detailed account management rules and strengthen supervision; Depositors should properly keep the account information, and keep multiple copies of key information; Relevant departments should establish and improve mechanisms for the protection of depositors' rights and interests, and improve dispute resolution channels.

The woman said that "the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled", and the bank: There is not so much money in the account

The incident reflects the dilemma in deposit management and protection of rights and interests, and all parties need to work together to improve it in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of depositors. It is hoped that the relevant departments can take active action to promote the improvement of the deposit management system as soon as possible, so as to prevent the recurrence of such incidents.

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